

Section 9
Setting up a Studio
Information Index 


Books on setting up a studio

Studio Space
Equipment Needed
How it can be set up
Behind the scenes

Tips and tricks for setting up a studio
Organisations that can help you build your studio

No books at present.


Studio Space

Equipment Needed

Capture software
Capture software is available from several sources and at various price ranges. Adobe Premiere has a single frame capture as one of it's many features. This is however not just a capture program but a fully functional editing program and the price reflects this. Other frame capture programs are available and provide good results with a reasonable camera. These are also more moderatly priced including anansi which is a free program for PC users.

A list of Capture programs is available here.

Computers are probably the biggest expence but if you are reading this then you probably already have one. What I will say though is if it is old and doesn't have alot of free memory it might be worth upgrading or buying a new computer. You can visit our computer shop now to check out the latest models or you can find the best prices buy searching using the box below.

Capture Device
Capture devices can range from webcams, digital cameras or camcorders. Webcams have the advantage of being cheap and are probably a good option for starting out. However unless you are on a tight budget you would be better investing in a reasonable digital camera or camcorder that is able to connect to you computer and is compatable with the capture program that you choose to use. Buy the best camera you can afford and one that has a good optical zoom, manual functions, etc A range of webcams, digital cameras, and camcorders are available from the
shop or alternativly you can use Kelkoo to search for the model you want at the best prices on the net. Search using the box below

the set
as detailed in section 4

as detailed in
section 10

Stop watch
This is useful for timing the length of movements, and getting a shot to look as natural as possible. This and many other accessories are available from the shop.

This is an essential piece of equipment either a tripod or rig if you have the budget is needed to keep the camera steady and in the same place, as unwanted movements of the camera could ruin the entire animation or certainly that shot. To buy a tripod check out whats available in the


How it can be set up

Behind the scenes


Tips and Tricks for setting up a studio

Organisations that can help you build your studio

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Books on Lighting A Set
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Section 10
Lighting the Set

No books at Present.
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