

Section 2
Types of Animation
Information Index 


Books on Types of Animation
2.1. 2D Drawn
2.2. 3D Model
2.3. Computer

The Animation Book The Animators Survival Kit


2D Drawn
This type of animation is a traditional form of animation that was used in many early cartoons. Using the technique of creating keyframes and tweening the individual frames between the key frames to produce the movement. The process is very time consuming as every frame has to be calculated and drawn. This was normally done on cels (transparant sheets) and placed over a background. Sequences and scenes would be reused wherever possible to minamise the workload. This type of animation still exsists but has been transfered to computers which do alot of the tweening and other functions speeding up the process but giving similar results.

3D Model
This type of animation is still a traditional method but employs a different approach. The characters move about a 3 Dimentional stage and there exsistance is within a physical space, their movements however are similar to 2D animation with a starting position and end position. However the tweening has to be considered in a 3D space. This type of animation is more like puppetry except the models move between the frames as opposed to puppetry which happens in real time.

For a longer analysis on this subject and for useful books to read please check here.

This is the most recent development of animation and looks to be the future of the industry on a mass scale. While traditional techniques may still exsist the majority of animations from both 2D and 3D backgrounds are made within the computers virtual reality. This has made the animation process much quicker to execuite. However it has also blurred the barriers between animation and general film production and special effects play a larger role in many modern films.

Computers can also be used to advantage in the other two types. You can use animation caputre programs (a list of which is available in the links section of this site) to help you make your stop motion animation. Although the results will not be of the same standard as film it still gives a good substitute and can be good for learning with because you can erase frames add frames etc. Please check the capturing the animation section for more details on this subject.

For more disscussion on this subject and for useful books to read please check here.

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Creating A Story

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