'Shippy Love

Jessica's Star Trek Fansite


April 8-9, 2006. While babysitting my nephew, I used two templates from http://www.oswd.org/ to redesign the website. I will add some stories currently at The Logical Choice to the fanfic page, and update the Thanks section and some links.

March 10-14, 2006. Redesigned the website.

January 20, 2006. Looks like I haven't been recording my updates. I've added Bounty Rewrite to the fanfic section.

April 20. Added A/T'P Photo Collage to fanart. Will be adding Bound Avatars later today.

April 8. I've been lax in putting what I've updated recently here. I've been working on the A/T'P Moments List. The last update was 3/28 Detained - Shockwave. I added lots of new avatars to the avatar page. Twilight being the most recent addition. Check the avatars opening page to see a list of other recent updates. I added a fic called The Beach which is rated MA for adult content.

February 20. I've added a lot of avatars to the ENT avatars page lately. Sorry for not noting it here. I added a few links to the ENT links page.

January 15. Added several wallpapers to the fanart page.

January 2, 2005. Happy New Year! Added a new banner to the top of each page. Moved links from the side of the page to the top of the page. Changed link colors to complement the new banner. I'm making banner links for people to use to link to me. When those are finished I will post them and place a link on pages to those.

December. Added Therapy 5, A/T'P wallpaper Written in the Stars.

November 30. Second Chances posted in ENT fanfiction.

November 29. Man. I haven't been putting what I've updated in this section. There are two new Linda Park Wallpapers, two fic: Merging and Therapy 4, and I'm probably forgetting something.

October 19. Added Storm Front avatars in Enterprise section.

October 15. I've been feeling sick this morning. I hope it's only allergies. So, I decided to do a major overhall. I checked old links, XHTML markup, and added new links to author links, ENT links, VOY Links.

New section, ENT fanart links.

October 14. Added 2 Jolene Blalock Wallpaper to the fanart page.

October 12. Storm Front screen captures added to ENT captures page.

October 4. Uploaded Therapy 3 to the fanfiction page.

September 27. Anomaly Screen Captures added in Enterprise section.

September 15. I added a Twilight screencapture gallery and avatars to the Enterprise page.

July 14. I added a few links to the Thanks page.

July 8. Added Zero Hour screen captures to the captures page

June 11. I did a lot of code crunching today. Most of the changes I made won't be noticed by the user. I moved all the banner on the Enterprise page to the banners sub-folder. I weeded through my Fanlistings codes, updated links and codes. And deleted ones that aren't needed.

I added a small News section to my Enterprise page. I don't know if I'll keep it around yet. June 5. Eulogy Wallpaper posted in Fan art section.

May 11 & 13. Posted Therapy 2 (A/T'P) in fanfic section Posted E2 and Impulse screen capture in A/T'P captures section

May 6. Posted a new fiddle in the fanart section called After the Mission. Could Archer/T'Pol get together after their mission on Enterprise is over?

May 2. Added an Archer/T'Pol Screen Captures page under Enterprise section. Damage is up. I will add more pictures after I finish my finals Monday.

April 19. Added Scott Bakula Wallpaper to Fanart page. Added Therapy to the fanfiction page. Updated a few links on Enterprise Links page.

March 29 & 30. Added three fanfics to my new fan fiction page

March 17. Added two works to the fanart page. Jolene Blalock by The Sea. And an A/TP fiddle.

February 1. Finally finished the redesign of this website. New links have been added to the Favorite Authors section. A wallpaper added to the Fan Art section. Links checked. Several pages that don't reflect me anymore taken away. Banner redesigned, and I kind of like it this time.

November 17. I've been hard at work on schoolwork. What made me think a programming class would be a fun way to fill in a few hours? I've been learning more about web accessibility and hope to apply some of it to this site and at work. I changed my red NEW things (at least the ones I caught) here to a gold color and indented and bolded them.

October 17. Updated Connor Trinneer fanlisting and Trip fanlisting links. Increased padding on all webpages to 20px. Increased content box size to 85%. My dad is helping me out with my computer woes by cannibalizing my old computer to make me a Pentium 4. Thanks dad! I will finally be able to get online at home again, and HOPEFULLY have a strong enough computer to use the video/screen capture device I bought way back when. Plus, I might have less problem with slowness and freezing up.

October 6. After a month of learning CSS, and learning more CSS, I have made my first stylesheets without tables to change layout. I made my first banner as well, eventhough it is kinda sad. I've changed links on the Enterprise, Fan Authors, Fanlistings, and ST:Voy Links. I had to make a new e-mail image, and am shortly going to make other new images where black jaggies need to go.

August 29. Finished revalidating all the pages with the W3 XHTML checker at the bottom of every page. I found some pages had more problems that I hadn't fixed during the HTML to XHTML page conversion. The Why J/C Page is now More Than My Captain: An Appreciation of the J/C Subtext. (i.e. a long episode by episode look at the J/C relationship.). I am planning something similar for C/T. Added a code for the Archer/T'Pol fanlisting!

August 25. I finally finished converting all of my pages to XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS. I love CSS. It gives you so much more power over the way the webpages look, and it is so easy! I have also been dabbling with Photoshop and Painshop Pro. The only thing I have put online, though is the e-mail button I made. I am currently back in school at night. I am working on my B.A. in History/Museum Studies, so I can be just like Laura Croft *just kidding*. Being back in school has sparked my creative side again, so I am practically glued to my graphics editor, screwing around with Super Blade Pro, etc. I have update links & added a few on the Fav. Authors, ST. Links, and Enterprise Annex.

July 18. Finished checking, fixing, and adding links on the Star Trek Voyager Links page, Enterprise Annex, Favorite Authors, and Non-Trek. I have recently discovered the joys of CSS at the webmonkey website. I plan to use what I've learned to make layout changing a breeze. Until then, plain old HTML will be here.

June 16. Added some pictures taken from my screen capture card before my computer decided to be evil and not open the capturing program "because another device is using the card". Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't work. Go figure. What I want with my birthday money in October is a new computer kit. Two year-old Pentiums and their motherboards suck!

May 22. I changed a few URLs for the Connor Trinneer and Trip fanlistings. About every week or so I have to update a link for fanlisting. I am currently reading The Dark Matters Trilogy by Christie Golden and enjoying some good fanfiction on fanfiction.net. I plan to do a huge update of links starting today after work. Well, I had to do some early memorial day remembrance, so I changed text colors after getting done with that. I am also learning HTML 4.0 with the help of Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 24 Hours by Dick Oliver and Molly Holzschlag. If it is any good, I will put a review in my upcoming library page.

May 6. I edited several pages offline: Top Ten Lists, Reasons Why Janeway Rocks 1 and 2, and Why J/C? I also made a new starfield background (yes, I made it with Paintshop Pro's noise tool.) to replace the one I had from elsewhere. I am currently fiddling around with a graphics enhanced design for the website, but have found it to be a more time consuming process than I first thought. Lots of love to all the true webgurus and designers out there. There are so many decisions that go into it.

April 22. I edited several pages offline and uploaded the new versions. My Bio Page is now shorter and to the point. I also spell-checked in by copying and pasting the text into Word, and seeing what it wanted to change. I also uploaded the new 45 Things I learned from Star Trek: Voyager. I have taken of the quizzes and fibromyalgia pages. What I have to say about fibromyalgia is contained in my bio page. I have been working on *gasp* graphics and text in Photoshop. I plan to put them on the website when I change the rest of the color scheme/layout.

April 17. Well, Real Life happens, and it happened in abundance this last weekend. My parents decided to come over and do a lot of improvements to my house. I now have air conditioning, but all of the webpage improvements I had planned our now being done during the week. I moved a few things around on the Star Trek Links page, it is now in ABC order. The Fan Art page now has thumbnails that link to the larger drawing, making the page load faster. I am currently working on reworking my bio (making it shorter), and my fibromyalgia page (taking material that would have gone on a seperate fibro web page and putting it there). I also am planning to add graphics I have been fiddling with in Adobe Photoshop.

April 1. Happy April Fool's Day everyone! If you haven't seen the jokes on the front page, interview and news section of Star Trek Official Website you are missing out! It might have been the coffee, but it had me laughing this morning. I have put a large page of fibromyalgia links under my bio and non-Trek section. March 30. I have changed a few things on the Chakotay Tribute. There's a new balance between scenery and character appreciation there. I also listed my favorite Chakotay epsiodes there. I also changed a few tiny things on my bio pages. I will probably changing more there later. I was going to make a Fibromyalgia website with a diary, but I found it to be too emotional for me right now. I will be instead, evaluating and revising here.

March 24. I have been having Internet problems at home. My home computer is rejecting any new programs or hardware I put in, eventhough I install the Windows Me drivers for them. The computer is also not restarting properly. I have figured out the problem isn't a virus, it is Windows Me. So I have been having "fun" trying to get it to work right. I will be spending most of my off work time in the next few days uninstalling Windows Me and installing Windows 98. Thus, not giving me much time to read fanfic or update my website.

March 19. I took my J/C and Voyager pages and put them back on the index page and off the J/C and Voyager page. There aren't too many pages since I got rid of some back on the 16th. I changed all of the links at the bottom of each page to reflect that change.

March 18. The background file I got had animated blinking stars that were big. I found when trying to read and update my bio, that it was rather annoying. I searched the Internet and found a simple background at Kira's Icon Library. I changed all of my pages to this background. I also updated the bio and changed the updates page to include acknowledgements.

March 16. Took a few pages offline. Seven Episode Ideas (my Endgame Seven angst made that page). Things Janeway and Chakotay Do When They're Bored 1 and 2. (Boredom made this and it had stayed the same for awhile.) What is Janeway Thinking/Saying (a small page of captioned pics.) What I Thought About Resolutions (another small page, the gist of which is on my Fav J/C page.). I love captioning pics, but I love altering images more. Since I am not working on family pictures right now and have a new computer, I will be working on adding some other types of things to this website.
Added a new background and changed wording and layout of a few pages.

March 5. Added a few new links to the Favorite Authors page. Updated some other links.

March 3. Added new links to the Enterprise Annex.

February 27. Added a few links to the Enterprise and Star Trek Links pages.

February 14. Added Gamine (If you haven't read that trilogy you are missing out, part two, especially, is written wonderfully!) to author page recently, and Liz Van Zandt. Also, a few quizes to the internet quiz page under Bio and Non-Trek. Enjoying living out in the country again, but not the noise of neighbors!

February 12. Xena and Hercules fanlisting moved, so I updated it. Also, Mark Dacascos (Crow: Stairway to Heaven) is in the new movie Cradle 2 the Grave fighting Jet Li! I added a link to the official website on my other sci-fi and characters page. P.S. If you like horror, period films, and/or action/martial arts rent or buy the VHS or DVD of Brotherhood of the Wolf. It kicks butt.

February 5. Currently moving (slowly) to a new house, so updates might be slow. Good news is, the cash flow will increase, and my first big purchase will be a screen capture hook up for the new computer. Anyway, added more fanlistings for the things I luv to the codes page Under bio and non-trek.

February 4. Added a trivia award to the quizzes page (found under Bio and Non-Trek). Added an alternant link to Suz Voy, since her website is not around right now. I've also added lots of new favorite authors to said page recently. My Janeway drawing didn't turn out like I wanted it to, so I have been practicing drawing the feminine face. I will do another Janeway as soon as I am confident that I can do a competant job on it.

January 24. Added new linkage to the bottom of each page. Changed link color from an "engineering yellow" type color to command red BB0000. Kept science blue text color because the other color I tried looked awful.

January 22. Visit my fanfiction codes to see the Star Trek character I adopted, Chakotay!

January 20. Joined a few more fanlistings. Added a few more favorite authors. Checked and added links to the Enterprise Annex.

January 14. Checked all links on the main page, fixed some, and left some to check later to see if their servers are back up. Added a few links to the favorite authors pages. And will shortly check all my Enterprise Annex links. I'm planning to redesign the site with a new layout that with get rid of most of the blue text and original artwork. It will take some time, though. Love, peace, happiness!

January 7 & 8, 2003! Added two authors to my Favorite Authors. Added a link to Ult-Enterprise on the Enterprise Annex page. Added some links to the Other Sci-Fi Shows page

December 13. Stopped into add a few links to Astronomy and Aerospace websites, these links are on the Bio and Non-Trek Website and the Enterprise Annex page. Misstress Sara Simple Math Contest Website is no more, so I took all the links I could find to it off of my website.

December 6. The website is providing a good distraction from real life things and lack of work due to finals week being next week. I added links to Tommy of Escondido's Alien Font page where applies, an Enterprise homepage button :) , new pictures by my different Voy links sections. Some more favorite author links, and some more Enterprise links.

December 4. I am frustrated with the Enterprise Homepage button I've been working on. Work is SLOW today, so I think I may be able to get into PSP and fiddle with it. I am also currently working on a Janeway drawing, holidays and pain willing, it will be done before the new year. :) I added some links on the favorite author, bio and non trek, Enterprise, and Voyager Index pages. I also had fun with spacing adjustment.

November 20. A slightly new look for the J/C index page. I replaced all the combadges except for one with other images. All of my images come from either the Secret Life of Janeway and Chakotay or Linda's Voyager Picture Gallery. I took a selection of the pocket watch out of another image. All images I had to make smaller and do some cropping to make them fit in a 50 px high space. I will be doing the same for the Enterprise page before next week. Except, since no one out there is giving away images to other website, I will create some original images, and get away with some other where I can. P.S. scanned one of my dad's nebula photos in today so I can use it to create my Enterprise Homepage button. Will get that on the 'net with the above mentioned pics, soon.

November 18. Took some more internet quizzes. Click the Bio and Non-Trek page then go to the Quizzes page.

November 10-14. I took me a while, but I made a "My Other Favorite Sci-Fi Shows and Links Page. This helps me get those links in one space, so I don't loose them, and share my love for those shows with the world. I am currently working on a Enterprise home button and getting back into drawing. I have been in considerable pain (with my Fibromyalgia) for awhile, so that is why I haven't been drawing.

October 20 - November 9. I did some spell checking. I also put ALT tags on all of the banners for other websites, so all of the people who search with the picture setting off can see the name of the site the banner links to. I put in more favorite author links. Updated some broken links on the Enterprise and J/C - Voyager index pages. I PLAN to make seperate buttons for the Voyager and Enterprise pages to replace the "homepage" button. *Just letting anyone who reads this that I am aware of that problem.* I added more links in the Voyager Links section, too. Lately, I have been hooked on joining the fanlistings at thefanlistings.net. I joined the Angry Warrior fanlisting recently. I love the characters Janeway and Chakotay, but I also like the other characters, too. One of my recent top ten lists is about why I like Voyager, and there is also one for Enterprise.

October 18. Took off some of the NEW in front of some of the links. Added the Logic Dictates link under the Other Pairings section of the index page.

October 8 & 9. Added more links in the Favorite Authors section. Added a JetC Links section to index page. Also added more links to the J/C Links section. I actually got to the Enterprise page today, and added a few links, and a new fanlistings button for Trip/Hoshi shippers. :)

September 8 - 10. I added a few fanlisting codes to my Enterprise and Index pages. I just love thefanlistings.net. If I was a kewl webdesigner I would make a Janeway/Chakotay relationship one, but I am a novice HTMLer. I would also love to see a Chakotay and also a Robert Beltran one. Anyway, I also went through all of my links and corrected some broken ones. I am waiting to see if Janet's sight is okay.

September 3. Added another top ten list to the Top Ten List page. This one is the Top Ten Things I Thought While Watching Natural Law.

August 21. Sized down some of my big picture files. Now the pages load up faster. Yippee!

August 18 - 19. Added Why I Don't Like C/7 to the Fav J/C Photo and Why J/C page. If you like C/7, good for you, but I have my reasons for don't likethat pairing. Proofreaded some pages. Agggh, my spelling can be horrible! Added two more reasons to the Why Chakotay Rocks: Officer page. Also, I am working on the My Bio page.

August 12. Added a few more links to my Fav Authors page.

August 8. Added a link to part of the original Resolutions script to my J/C photo and Why J/C? page.

August 5. I took another quiz. See the Internet Quiz page. :)

August 1 & 2. Added a link to a promo clip with part of the scene cut out of Hunters to the Fav J/C and Why J/C page. I will be looking for a 5 x 2 usb motherboard adapter this weekend (note: it worked!), so I can purchase an analog screen capture device. Added more Chakotay (sigh) and Robert (drool) links to my index page.

July 30. Found tons of links to general Voyager and actor pages. Also added more links to the Enterprise page and changed the layout a little. Reorganized the index page spliting the More J/C and Voyager in Voyager and Actor/Character sections. Also tweeked the top of the page.

July 29. I did a bad, bad thing. My friend likes Enterprise Slash (Male/Male pairings), so I added a link to trekslash.com in her honor. It doesn't offend or bother me by adding this, but I know not everyone will feel that way. If you don't like it, you don't have to look at it. Also I went through all the pages and put more spacing and spell checked on pages. NOTE: I took off that site off later, since the people running it where taking a long time to update it.

July 21 & 22. Add an Enterprise page. Basically all links. Added links to actor's and actress's websites and character appreciation sites on the index page. Went nuts taking off a lot of those NEW! s in front of links.

July 19. TGIF! I added a few pictures to the following pages Seven's episodes, Chakotay tribute, and Reasons Why Janeway Rocks. Enjoy!

July 17. I took off my rants and raves page. It is the only page I will take off. I love all the others. I kept the Resolutions comments page and put in on the J/C photos page. I added the J team website to my More J/C and Voyager links.

July 15. Yes, it is highly unlikely that I will ever stay away from this website for more than a week. :) Other pairings has been added to the index page. General Trek fanfiction on the index page also has more offerings. Favorite authors page has about 10 more authors. What is Janeway Saying/Thinking has 1 new picture. Seven episode addition has 2 new pictures (look above the last few ones.)

July 8. Took off old background for pages and replaced with black. Faster loading and no annoying blinking stars.

July 5. Updated index page intro and took off some of the NEW! s from last month, so there is not to much red on the index page. Adding more top ten lists as I think them up today.

July 3. Updated photo page.

June 28. Added Top Ten Reasons Not to Date an Ex-Borg. and Top Ten Signs Your Ex-Borg is Malfunctioning. to the to Top Ten Lists area.

June 27. Added link to Ralkana's website on Favorite Authors page. Added banner to hopeless romantic website. Spell checked a little.

June 25. Last night, I borrowed the parent's scanner for awhile. I scanned three of my drawings. First I had them posted as BMPs, and they were huge! An hour later, I fixed that by converting them to JPGs. I started drawing way back in my DS9 days. About six months ago I started up again, I was drawing Mark Dacascos from the Crow series. I didn't do very good. Since he looked a little like my ex, my anger came out in drawings of him giving him a harsh look. I did the drawing of Chakotay in one day, and absolutely loved every minute of it. My next drawing: Janeway.

June 20. Should have known I would find other good author links to add to the list. Also, I am adding more top ten lists as I type them out today. Two more links on the index page: Star Trek Voyager Quotations and Tribute to Janeway/Chakotay. (Contains episodic evidence)

June 19. Updating the website is addictive as Chakotay's dimples or reading fanfiction. I added a few websites: Totally Kate, ORB, and the Janeway/Chakotay NC-17 Collection. Don't kill me for the last one, it's not my fault some of the koffeeklub writes such good naughty fic. They got me started. Honest!

June 17. I provide the reasons why I like J/C on the J/C photo page, and the reasons why I drool over Chakotay on the Chakotay tribute page.

June 13. Surprise, Surprise! Back so soon to add a link to the J/C Story Library under J/C links.
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