Mr. Hardcore

Real Name: Paul Olivieri
Date of Birth: December 20, 1980
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Height & Weight: 5'8", 145 lbs
Tag Partner: Rudland
Current Stable: Roman Greco
Current Affiliation:
Anti-Social Society
Current Feuds:
Roach and El Golpe Moral
Current Allies:
Rudland, Corporate Stiff
Previous Gimmicks:
Previous Affiliations: Bronx Misfits
Theme Music: "Urban Discipline" by Biohazard
Finishing Move: The Principle (Pedigree)
Favorite Saying: "It's the principle that matters..."

Mr. Hardcore

Wrestler Description
Within the past five years, the life of Mr. Hardcore had taken a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns. It all started shortly after the G.W.A. closed its doors in 2001. Paul decided that he needed to find himself so he traveled the world and found himself in pit fights in Thailand and in kick boxing and street fighting tournaments throughout Asia.  He was also in wrestling matches in Europe where, after a blown spot, he was rushed to the hospital.  Paul came face to face with the man who told him he was invincible. Upon wakening Paul tried chased the mad German doctor out of the room when he was grabbed by orderlies. It seems the good doctor had suffered a nervous breakdown and everything he told Paul five years ago was a lie: he was not, in fact, Hardcore.
Infuriated, Paul slipped into a deep depression until he finally realized that he was able to do all of the moves he had learned in the past five years, so why should finding he wasn't hardcore now change anything? That is when the letter from the G.W.A. front office came in and offered him his spot back on the roster and his title back around his waist.  Mr. Hardcore made the call and returned to action to prove to everyone and especially himself that he is better than everyone.

Scouting Report
Strength:  4 Submission:  4.5
Endurance:  5 Technique:  4.5
Speed:  3
Style: Brawler


Six Man Tag Team: Rudland & Mr. Hardcore Defeat The Savior & The Solution and Bri-2-K & Hardware (11/30/05)
Tag Team: The Norseman & Howdy Defeat Mr. Hardcore & Rudland (11/24/05)
Singles: Pinned by Howdy (11/17/05)
Mr. Hardcore & Rudland Defeat El Golpe Mortal & Roach (10/31/05)
Six Man Tag Team: Mr. Hardcore, Rudland, & "Corporate Stiff" Defeat El Golpe Mortal, Roach & The Oz (10/27/05)
3 on 1: Mr. Hardcore, Rudland, & Corporate Stiff Defeat The Oz (10/20/05)
Tag Team: Mr. Hardcore & Rudland Defeat Roach & El Golpe Mortal (10/13/05)
Cage Match: Defeated by Double X (9/30/05)
Six Man Elimination Tornado Tag: Mr. Hardcore, Kiki, & Mikey Rowboat def. Double X, Bri-2-K, & Hardware (9/29/05)
Singles: Pins The Norseman (9/22/05)
Singles: Pins Delilah (9/15/05)
Mr. Hardcore Wins Last Man Standing Match (8/31/05)
Singles: Pinned by Double X (8/23/05)
Singles: Pins Corporate Stiff (8/9/05)
A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place (11/24/05)
The Norseman Edits Rudland (11/17/05)
Trouble in Paradise (11/17/05)
A Change of Plans and a Little Trouble (11/17/05)
Viewer Discretion Is Advised (11/3/05)
Rated R (10/31/05)
Soothe the Beast (10/27/05)
Corporate Scam (10/27/05)
Return to Oz (10/27/05)
Two is Better Than One (10/13/05)
The Champs Have a Showdown (10/13/05)
Wreaking Havoc (10/13/05)
"And I Know..." (10/6/05)
Double X Goes Gay? (10/6/05)
Five Year Feud (8/16/05-9/30/05)

Title Shots, Stables, Past Feuds, Notes, etc.
Title Reign Tag Team Champion (w/Rudland) from 11/30/05-Present
Title Reign
GWA Champion from 8/9/05-9/30/05
Title Defense
GWA Title Defense vs. Double X (Loses Belt): 9/30/05
Past Feud
Feud with Mr. Hardcore: 8/16/05-9/30/05
Title Defense
GWA Title Defense vs. Double X (Retains Belt): 8/31/05
Stable Change
Product of Roman Greco: 8/9/05

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