Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

Five Year Feud

Rekindling an Old Feud: Double X Demands a Title Shot
August 16, 2005

Mr. Perez's music plays as he makes his way down to the ring with a black canvas bag under his arm and a smile on his face. He enters the ring and gets on the mic. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the privilege to be here tonight for this monumental occasion. Tonight is the first G.W.A. new event in nearly 5 years and It is my honor to be working here and to be doing what I am about to do, so, without any further adieu, please put your hands together for The last Ghetto Wrestling Association Champion, Mr. Hardcore Paul Olivieri!"
Paul's music hits and he makes his way out onto the stage, fireworks go off and confetti fall from the rafters as he makes his way down to the ring to a mixed reaction. He steps into the ring and Mr. Perez hands him the mic and after a pose down he speaks. "Thank you, thank you all very much especially you Luis, may I call you Luis?" Perez nods and Paul continues "Thank you Luis, now as you all know I've been through alot and want to thank you all for...absolutely nothing!" the crowd boos "That's right!, absolutely nothing!, While I busted my ass for you people all you did was cheer for Ace and Double X and even last week people had the audacity to cheer for Corporate Stiff while in my presence!" Paul taunts the crowd and Mr. Perez takes the mic from him before a full scale riot breaks out. "Paul, may I call you Paul?" Perez asks and Paul nods "Good, now while these people, who obviously don't know talent when they see it, where cheering for Corporate Stiff, I was keeping a close eye on both competitors and decided that my idea from the beginning was right on the money" Perez pulls the bag out from under his arm and pulls out the G.W.A. Title with the name enscripted on the front: Mr. Hardcore.
"So, without any further interruption, I present to you the last and now current Ghetto Wrestling Association Champion.. Mr. Hardcore!" The crowd goes absolutely nuts with boos as Mr. Perez hands the title to Mr. Hardcore who holds it high and taunts the crowd again. Then Double X's music hits and he walks out onto the stage. "This is Bullshit." He says and by the way they react I think the crowd agrees. "You're giving him the belt back? why? Cause he held it last? well I'm sorry Luis..." Double X says but Paul interrupts "Mr. Perez" Double X ignores him and continues "...But that's bullshit! He should have to work for that belt just like every other guy in that locker room has to!"
"Jealous?" Paul asks to which Double X replies "Of you? ha!" They banter back and forth for a while the crowd eats it up until Mr. Perez finally gets a mic of his own and breaks them up. "Alright listen, My decision stands, but if you want to prove yourself then next week you have a match and if you win that match you'll get a title shot against Mr. Hardcore for the G.W.A. title at the 1st Free Per View of the season the end of this month"
Double X nods with approval and then asks "Not that it matters but who am I going to have to face to get this shot next week?" Paul leans in and says something to Luis who smiles and gets on the mic and says "Your opponent next week is Mr. Hardcore Paul Olivieri" Double X smirks and says "You're on!" then drops the mic, gives Mr. Hardcore the finger, calls to the crowd and then walks off as the crowd cheers and the show closes.

Mr. Hardcore/Double X Preview
August 23, 2005

Backstage we see fromer G.W.A. Diva "Troublemaker" Jen Robinson holding a microphone. "Hi all, Jen here and tonight Double X has a chance at going for the G.W.A. championship at the next Free Per View if that is, IF he can beat the man standing next to me tonight." the camera pulls back and there holding the G.W.A. title is none other then Mr. Hardcore Paul Olivieri. The crowd boos. "I like the way you state that Jen, you said IF he can beat me tonight, which we all know he can't." Paul smiles and then takes the mic from Jen "You've been excused Jen" he says and waves her away. "Matt, you and I have had our battles before but none will be as satisfying then to pin you one, two, three, tonight. Especially since Mr. Perez granted my request and when, not if but WHEN I beat you tonight I'll have the ability to choose who I think is actually worthy of facing me for this right here..." raises the title into the camera's view ".. at the Free Per View. And it certainly wont be you, I think I have the perfect person in mind, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Tonight I will get the revenge I deserve against you, for all the humiliation you put me through and for the unforgivable. You better pray I win tonight Matt, cause Mr. Perez gave me another option. If you win, which is highly unlikely I get to choose the stipulation at the the Free Per View. And I can guarentee tonight will look like a walk in the park if that happens!" Mr. Hardcore then mock tosses the mic at Jen, who goes for it and then he drops it on the floor in front of her, smirks and walks off.

Double X Speaks before his Match against Mr. Hardcore
August 23, 2005

Once again the camera comes up on Jen Robinson who is standing next to "Double X" Matt Raimo.  "Tonight we heard from the current Heavyweight Champion "Mr. Hardcore" Paul Olivieri on his match tonight, but we have yet to hear from his opponent 'Double X', Matt,  how do you feel about tonight's match, you know it's been several years since you have held the title, granted the GWA has been closed for..." Double X stops Jen mid sentence.
"Yeah, it has been a while since I've seen GWA gold...and I won't bother mentioning how long those doors have been closed.  But I want you to remember something 'Mr. Hardcore', the only reason you held that title for so long -is- because those doors were closed for that long.  Oh, and I'm not worried about who has your back...whether it was the Misfits, the Lillards or now, that lil' ass kisser Mr. Perez, it doesn't can bring them, bring them all to the ring, rest assured that I -will- win tonight and then I -will- win at the Free Per View.  Now, while it seems the odds are stacked against me, I'm not worried at all.  Mr. Hardcore, you're the one that should be worried, worried that I take that title away from you, again...and worried that the last thing you hear after you have been X'ed out is the one...two...three..."

The camera cuts to Jen Robinson again, "And that was the challenger 'Double X' who is set to fight 'Mr. Hardcore' next."

Mr. Hardcore's Declaration
August 30, 2005

An Irate Mr. Hardcore makes his way down to the ring. Grabbing a mic from ringside he steps into the center of the ring and lays the G.W.A. title on the floor in front of him now facing the ramp. "I tried to be nice, but you had to go an make this personal..." He begins. "..You had to go and bring things into the light, I had you... I had you done, you were finished, you should've stayed down, but no, this is about more then the title isn't it? don't lie Matt! this is personal. Everything I've ever had you've tried to take from me. The spotlight, The leader of a faction, my girlfriend, the title. It's all the same to you, just another thing to rape me of... well heh, come this thursday, at the free per view, it ends. You, Me, Last Man Standing!" Mr. Hardcore then drops the mic, grabs his title and storms off to the back.

Mr. Hardcore's Crusade
September 6, 2005
The screen shows a close up of the G.W.A. Title and pans back to Mr. Hardcore, black eye and bandange on his head holding it. "Eight. EIGHT Principals and the mighty fall!" He says. "Double X, Matt, you took me to the edge and I pushed you off!" Grinning he lowers the title and stares at the screen. "At Back To School, you woke something up in me, you reminded me of who I am, and what I like... and that's pain. I like pain, the more I recieve the more I like to give, and last night, I gave! Matt, after the match, when you were carried t the back, I walked! while you were taken to get stitches, I sat in the locker room and washed your blood from my hands! I like what I did to you..." the grin leaves and his eye twitches a little. "You and me have a storied past... but it's not just you and me, that would be too simple. The fact of the matter is I know why M.O.D. broke up, it's cause I broke them up! That's right, I told Candy not to come back, I scared Mad Man into retirement!! They knew if they came back that this day would come, that I, Mr. Hardcore would single handedly destroy them. You, didn't know better, you had to play hero, had to be mr. something to prove and face me again. Well mr. hero, the world doesn't need another one of you and I showed them and you that last week! But I'm not done, no, not so long as M.O.D. still has a pulse, so next week I'm going to continue my masterpiece and take down another M.O.D. member.... Next week, I'm taking on Delilah." the grin returns and is accompanied by a laugh this time as the camera shows a close up of his face and fades to black.

The Crusade Continues
September 15, 2005
"Tonight I put another nail in the coffin of M.O.D. Tonight I..." Mr. Hardcore's talking to Jen Robinson when his cell phone rings. "Hello? yeah, sure, no problem... ok, bye" Paul hangs up and turns back to a disturbed Jen who's slowly trying to inch away "Where was I? oh yeah, Tonight I put down a kitty that's long worn out it's welcome." then he makes Jen flinch and laughs dropping the mic as he walks away.

A Slight Detour
September 22, 2005
Mr. Hardcore makes his way to the ring with a smile as long as the Grand Concourse. "Last week, I did what I said I was going to do.. I put down a sick little kitty. And now I only have one more piece of the puzzle left..." Just then The Norseman's music hits and out walks Dan Scheie onto the stage. "Paul, what the hell is wrong with you?!?" He declares as he stops on the ramp. Mr. Hardcore looks at the ramp and cocks an eyebrow "Who the hell are you?... Wait, it doesn't matter, you're not M.O.D. so you don't matter to me, now if you don't mind I was talking..." Dan, visibly upset cuts off Mr. Hardcore "I DO MIND!, Delilah is my girlfriend and granted traffic kept me from being in the arena when you assaulted her but I'm here tonight and I know she's watching at home and I plan to make you pay for what you did!". Mr. Hardcore walks to the ropes and leans on them "Danny is it? Well Danny-boy, I'd love to play with you but I have more pressing matters at hand, so go find someone else to harass, I'm sure Homeless John's not busy.." Dan starts walking down to the ring when Mr. Hardcore grabs a chair and slides back into the ring "Come on, you don't know what you're doing kid, I guess I can take a week off of my project to show you I'm not someone to F**K with!, besides, without your little girlfriend helping you by being in your corner, how're you going to win any matches?" Just then Double X's Music hits and he steps out onto the stage which just send's Mr. Hardcore over the edge. Double X walks down and stands next to Norseman and takes the mic. "Paul, I'm gonna be in his corner." This obviously upsets Mr. Hardcore who tries not to show it.

One Last Time
September 29, 2005
Close up shot of the G.W.A. title and the camera pulls back to reveal Mr. Hardcore. "You thought that by coming back you could upset me and make me lose to a nobody like Norseman?" Paul begins. "Well Matt, I just spoke to Mr. Perez and he allowed my request for the Free Per View and it'll be you and me, One. Last. Time. You hear me? One. Last. Time." Paul walked closer to the camera and grabbed the camera man, pulling him close. "You know what that means? This means this is the time to put up or shut up, because if you lose, so long as I have this title you will NEVER get another shot at it, get it?" Paul pulls the title into shot and pushes it into the camera lense. "Put your money where your mouth is and finally end this, there's no M.O.D. there's no Misfits, no Cheryln, no excuses. Just you, Me and a Steel Cage." Paul then pushes the camera man and he falls backwards and the last shot you see is Mr. Hardcore standing over the camera and then walking away.

Double X Speaks Out About Cages and Other Things
September 30, 2005
The scene opens up outside of a door with the words “Double X” on it and Jen Robinson standing by with her microphone.  “I’m outside the dressing room of Double X in an attempt to get a few words from him about his Cage Match tonight against Mr. Hardcore for...”
Just then the door opens up and out comes Double X, bottle of water in hand and a rather blank look on his face.. Jen sticks the mic in his face and starts to fire off the questions.
“Double X, so far there has been one Title match and it didn’t change hands, do you feel that the Tag  match is setting the mood for the rest of the event, at least as far as belts being exchanged?”
Double X slowly shakes his head, “No, Jen, I don’t.  Honestly, I don’t follow trends too closely.  Next question.”
Jen nods and continues, “You face Mr. Hardcore Paul Oliveri in a cage tonight for the G.W.A. Heavyweight Championship, now it’s been a long time since either one of you have been inside a steel cage, do you feel that either one of you is at a disadvantage going into?”
Double X blinks at Jen and then speaks, “Well, that is true, it has been years since me and Paul have seen the inside of a cage but I think we’ll do fine.  Next question please.”
Jen nods again and continues, “Now, in Mr. Hardcore’s last interview he said that this was going to be the last chance you had at the Heavyweight Title, he said that so long as he was champ you would never have another title shot again.  That statement must really put the pressure on you.  How does it feel to know that if you make one wrong move tonight or touch the ground a second after he does you will never see that belt again?”
Double X just blinks wide-eyed at Jen, “Well, thank you?  Jen, let me just say this...that is not an issue right now, I know what has to get done tonight and I know just how to do it.  I was the G.W.A. champ before and I’m going out there and I’m doing it all over again.  And as far as never seeing another Heavyweight shot as long as he’s champ?  It’s not even an option.”  Double X nods and smiles and then slips back into his dressing room and shuts the door.
“Well, there you have it, some final words from the challenger in tonight’s main event.  We’re going to have to wait and see how Double X plans on getting the job done or if Mr. Hardcore can hold on one more time to keep Double X far from that belt.”

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