Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

November 30th
from Holy Cross in Worcester, MA
Match Type
Match Notes
Homeless John vs. Double X
Hell in a Cell
New GWA Champion; Finishers: Homeless John (2); Double X (1)
Mr. Hardcore & Rudland vs. Bri-2-K & Hardware vs. The Savior & The Solution
Six Man Tag Team Ladder
Rudland climbs ladder
New Tag Team Champions
Mr. Rabies vs. Howdy
Howdy retains belt; Finisher: Howdy
Jimmy Violence vs. The Oz Singles Ladder
The Oz climbs ladder
New NYHC Champion;
The Oz knocks out Jimmy Violence with finisher and climbs ladder
Corporate Stiff vs. Aramis of Doom
Quick match
Legacy vs. Homeless John vs. Roach vs. The Norseman vs. Bobby Idol vs. El Golpe Mortal
Six Man Elimination

The Beginning of the End?
Rules Are Made to Be... Altered?

The Beginning of the End?
November 30, 2005
We see a car pull up in the parking lot and out steps Mr. Hardcore walking around to the trunk and opening it grabbing his bags. "Hey, can we talk?" The camera pans and you see Joe Rudland standing there. Paul just sighs and grabs his backs, closes the trnk and walks towards the locker room. "Wait, wait, Paul, it wasn't my fault, Dude, Let me make it upto you" Joe says and Paul finally stops. "How? how in the hell can you make it upto me? You stood there and let me get pinned, what the hell's wrong with you?" Mr. Hardcore snaps. Joe thinks and says "Ok, Come with me and they walk towards Mr. Perez's office.

Rules Are Made to Be... Altered?
November 30, 2005
"Ladies and Gentleman, The Ghetto Wrestling Association would like to welcome you to our latest Free Per View, Crusade live from College of the Holy Cross in Worcester Mass." Mr. Perez says and the crowd cheers "Tonight The Interboro Title will be on the line when Howdy defends it against his old friend and long time rival Mr. Rabies" The crowd has a mixed reaction as luis continues "Also at this event we will finally see who Double X defends his title against when we see and Eight Man Elimination match as the opening event. The winner of that match will face Double X in the main event for the G.W.A. title." The crowd cheers louder. "Now I'm sure you're all wondering who's involved in this Battle Royal well I'll tell you. The man who Double X defeated in what most marks call a fluke The Norseman: Danny Scheie!" The crowd pops again. "The former original G.W.A. Interboro Champion Bobby Idol, Former Interboro Champion Legacy, Homeless John & Team Havoc members, Roach & El Golpe Mortal!" The crowd goes nuts now.
"Also set on the card is The DeRose Bros. defending their newly won titles against V.D. Bri-2-K & Hardware!" Luis no sooner says when Rudland's music hits and he walks out with a clipboard in his hand standing beside Mr. Perez. Joe asks Luis for the mic, when Luis says no, Joe takes it from him. "Ladies and Gentlemen there's been a slight change to that last match, see, it will not be V.D. facing the DeRose brothers. It will be myself and Mr. Hardcore." The crowd has a mixed reaction and Mr. Perez yanks the mic from Rudland's hand. "No, It will be V.D. vs. the DeRoses for the titles, where the hell do you come off changing matches?" Luis demands to know. "Where? well see this? this is from The Management themselves, when I agreed to come back and Mark didn't I had to defend the Tag Titles alone and to make it fair they gave me a rematch clause, WHEN I found a tag team partner I would get a rematch for the titles whenever I chose, no, questions, asked." Joe says and smiles. Mr. Perez looks over the contract and sighs "Well, Joe, it seems you have a legitamate rematch clause here. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but it will not be V.D. vs. The DeRose Bros." The crowd boos and Luis continues "It will be Rudland & Mr. Hardcore vs. The DeRose Brothers... Vesus V.D. in a triple threat ladder match!" The crowd absolutely goes insane for this and Joe's jaw drops. "Whoa, whoa, Luis, what the hell? I had the contract!!! I get a rematch not V.D.!" Joe screams and Mr.Perez points at a line on the contract as Joe reads it his face contorts in anger and he raises his fist again, shaking and Luis just smiles, signs the contract and hands it back to Joe and Leaves as his music plays.

Archived Results

Nov. 30, 2005 (FPV)
November 24, 2005
November 17, 2005
November 10, 2005
November 3, 2005
October 31, 2005 (FPV)
October 2005
September 2005 August 2005

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