Ghetto Wrestling Association
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Interboro Battle

Bobby Idol Introduces the Interboro Belt
August 16, 2005

The camera is zoomed in on championship gold around the waist a new wrestler.  The belt reads “Interborough Championship”; the plaque under it reads “Bobby Idol”.  Once it zooms out there stands new comer Bobby Idol in the center of the ring with a mic.  “Some of you guys may or may not know who I am, my name is Bobby Idol and what I’m wearing around my waist is the Interborough Championship.  You guys may recognize me from NYUW fame.”  The crowd pops a bit.
“There is an old saying, when one door closes another one opens.  So, when the NYUW closed it’s doors, the GWA re-opened its doors...and welcomed me in, along with the title I won while in the NYUW.  While my run in the NYUW was fun and competitive as hell, I know that my time here in the GWA will just as exciting.  I just wanted to come out and thank my good friend Double X for recommending me to the GWA as well as introduce myself to all you diehard GWA fans.  And just one last thing about this title...”
Just then Luis Perez’s music hits and he comes out with a mic.  “Yes, about that title you’ve got there.  While your friend Double X did help to get you in the door and you did win that belt over a year ago in some federation that doesn’t exist anymore, it all doesn’t matter now because you are in a new playground with new rules.  As the liaison to The Management I must carry out their orders as they see fit and they see it fit to have that shiny new title put up for grabs in a tournament set to start later on tonight. Idol is visibly distressed now and the crowd retorts with a chorus of boos.  Perez continues on the mic, “So, if you would be so kind as to hand the title over to me we can get on with this tournament.”  There is some banter back and forth with Idol finally giving up the title with relatively no argument.  Perez adds this final note, “Since you have been so cooperative with us we’ll allow you to enter the tournament next week, but as for tonight you would get yourself ready because you have a match against "The Savior" Chris DeRose.  Have a good night."

Idol/Savior 3
September 6, 2005
The Savior stands in the ring wearing the Interboro championship. "I set out to do something and I did it!" he announces as some crowd cheers while others boo. "I went into this tournament knowing that this would happen and now that I am the new G.W.A. Inter-Boro champion, I vow to save all of you from boring, mediocre matches, like those Bobby Idol would've subjected you to if his reign lasted any longer." Now the crowd really gets on him and boos louder and starts chanting, calling him an unfavorable word. "Yeah, he is!" More heat from the crowd. "As for tonight, the rematch, the buzz is going around the locker room, you hear it in the crowd, you hear it everywhere.. Idol/Savior 3. Well the hell with that, I proved I deserved in the tournament when I first beat him and at Back To School I proved I deserved to be the Interboro Champ and lead this company down the path of salvation which is why I have an Insurance policy for tonights match. I spoke to Mr. Perez and well, I don't think tonight will be a problem." Smiling he drops the mic, rubs the title and walks out of the ring and to the back.

The Thorn in Idol's Side
September 15, 2005
Luis Perez is sitting at his desk looking over papers when the door burst in and Bobby Idol comes into the room.  “That’s it! I’ve had it up to her with that guy!, Mr. Perez I! I demand a match with him!”
Mr. Perez stands up and attempts to calm down the aggravated Idol, “Don’t worry Bobby I’ll see what I can do for you.”
Bobby shakes his head, “No, there is no trying...there is only doing! I want DeRose!”
Mr. Perez gets visibly upset and then he sighs, “Fine, you got it...later on tonight, Bobby Idol will be facing the Thorn in his side, DeRose.”
Idol smiles widely and nods approvingly and then walks off.  Luis slowly returns to his desk smiling wider than Idol and picks up his phone.
“Yeah, you ready for tonight?...Good, he played right into it.  See you later on.”

An Idol's Legacy is Born
September 22, 2005
The scene opens up on the locker room with The Legacy David Diaz lacing up his boots when Bobby Idol walks in and stops next to him.
“Dave, I just wanted to start out by saying ‘great job on kicking the crap out of The Savior last week’, you did something I have yet to be able to do so you instantly get mad respect from me,” Idol extends his hand.
Dave looks at it and gives him a firm hand shake and nods a bit.
“However, tonight is not going to be easy and I think you know why.”
Dave nods, “Yeah, because regardless of tonight’s match, we face each other next week for the number one contendership spot for the Intereboro Title at the next Free-Per-View.”
Bobby nods slowly, “Right, so it looks like we have more than just that Title in common, we’ve both been screwed Mr. Perez in common as well.  I just want you to know that I’m not even thinking about that title tonight, tonight it’s about slapping those DeRose brothers around a bit and letting them know who’s boss around here.”
Dave laughs a bit and stands up, “That’s cool by me, tonight let’s keep it friendly between you and me, but when they raise our hands in victory tonight just after that bell rings...all bets are off.”  David extends his hand to which Idol looks for just a moment and then shakes it firmly.
“Bet.” says Bobby as the shot fades.

DeRose Style
September 22, 2005
In the locker room we see Chris DeRose with a bandage on his head taping up his wrists as Matt DeRose walks in and puts his bag in his locker and starts getting his attire out. "Hey" Chris starts "Where were you last week? I thought I could depend on you? that's why I pushed for them to rehire YOU as a priority." Matt closes the locker and looks at Chris "Hey man, calm down, this is supposed to be fun, that's why I came back man, you're taking this too seriously..". Chris stands up and smiles "Too seriously? Do you remember my last run here? I was a laughing stock and you weren't much better if memory recalls" Chris continues "I just thought I could depend on you is all, I was undefeated until last week's plan went awry". Matt puts his hand on Chris's shoulder "Well if you were paying attention I kinda got my ass handed to me by the guy who's ass you've been kicking these past few weeks and we have to face tonight, I think you pissed him off." Chris sighs "Look, don't worry abut it, tonight we're gonna go out there and even though, it is technically your fault my undefeated streak ended, tonight we're gonna hurt both of those idiots" Chris slaps Matt's chest "Are you ready?!" Matt pulls on his gloves and says "Oh yeah, let's do this DeRose style." and they walk out of the locker room.

A New Legacy Begins Tonight
September 30, 2005
The bell tolls the three count and Legacy’s arm is raised in victory.  The Interboro Title is hand to David who stares at it for a few moments as the crowd cheers him on.  He stands up goes from turnbuckle to turnbuckle showing the title off then takes up a microphone.
“Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at your new Interboro champ and let me tell you it feels great to be him.  But from this point on I’m starting a new chapter in G.W.A. history.  And no, it’s going to be anything like an ‘era’ or a ‘golden age’ in G.W.A. wrestling, just know that a new Legacy is born tonight and things may not be the same around here.”
He slips out of the ring and walks to the security barricade and hugs his Dad and gives his Mom and kiss on the cheek who were sitting ringside and then walks off into the back with the newly acquired title above his head the whole time.

The Champs Have a Showdown
October 13, 2005
The shot opens up with Legacy putting his gym bag down on a bench in a locker room and then placing the Intereboro Title on top of the bag, the crowd is heard cheering for him.  He sits down and rolls his shoulders and just then Double X walks into the locker room, his G.W.A.  Title over his shoulder.
“Legs, congratulations again man.” Double X starts as he offers a hand for shaking.  Legacy looks up and smiled then stands.  He takes his hand and shakes it, “You too man, that cage was no joke...especially being in there with Mr. Hardcore, I mean...I don’t know him as long as you have but he seems like one hard mother.”
Double X laughs and nods, “Yeah, he’s a serious competitor, maybe one of the best around here...but that isn’t why I came in here.  I don’t know if you know this or not but Mr. Perez has scheduled us to face off tonight in the main event in a non-title match.  He says it’s going to bring in huge ratings and I believe him, but I just wanted to make sure of one thing before we go out there tonight.”
“What’s that?”  Legacy asked looking a little concerned now.
“No matter what happens out there, no matter who wins or loses, we’re still friends...that this is all in the name of competition and no one will have their feelings hurt.”  Double X states.
Legacy nods, “Absolutely man, you know you’re my brother from another mother.  It’s all good.”
They shake hands again, “Speaking of which is your mom here?” Double X asks with a wide grin on his face.
“You sick freak!”  Legacy retorts laughing.

A Tarnished Idol
November 3, 2005
The camera reveals a back alley somewhere and then pans down on Bobby Idol who is standing solemnly amongst trash cans and litter.  He is looking down and slowly shaking his head.  “Congratulations, Howdy...congratulations on winning the Interboro Title at Hardcore Halloween.  I’m very proud of you, really, I am.  And I mean that...from one long time friend to another.  IT was awesome to watch you win the title from Legacy,” Idol’s smile now drops from his face and is replaced by a more strict and aggressive face, “from my couch, at home!”
Bobby grits his teeth now, “Why was I at home you ask?  Because of you!  Legacy laid me out and you some how cheated to keep me down for the three count to eliminate me from that Battle Royale.  You cheated and you know it!”
Idol’s voice comes down a very decibels as he speaks now, the camera slowly closing in on him as he continues, “I thought you were my friend?  I though all the time we used to hang out together and chill held some weight, but I guess it doesn’t.  Some friend you are.  But I see that now, I see what kind of friend you really are.  You are greedy and selfish and will stop at nothing, even if it means screwing over your best friend, do win.  Fine.  Two can play this game, don’t think I will forget this.”

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