Having a Bad Day?

How many of us have had a bad day? Everyone has had something happen to them in the course of their busy lives where one day just sticks out and you just have to say, well that was a bad day. Maybe your cat scratched your leg and tore that new pair of pants when you tried to run out the door, running late to work, you left your keys in the house and as you realize that the door slams shut. Have to break into your house, get your keys and then the car won't start. Stressed out yet? Good then I won't go any further. I was having a bad day myself this past week. My phone got disconnected, I had a negative balance in the bank account, I had $3 in my wallet, and a quarter of a tank of gas. My wife was home sick with a severe sinus infection. I walked out of the house and left my lunch sitting on the counter in the kitchen, only to realize this half way to work. I got to work and was yelled at for being late when I was actually early. Had a long rough day at work, came home and had to fix dinner after working a twelve hour shift, because my wife was sick and couldn't do much more than sleep all day. I had to run and borrow money from my mother-in-law to get a prescription for my wife's medicine. It wasn't enough, so I had to go back and get more money to pay for the medicine. I finally got to sit down about 9:30 or so that night. I had been up since 5:30am and had five hours of sleep the night before. My day pretty much sucked.

As I sat down to watch a little TV, I decided to pick up a Bible and read a little. Those of you who know me well enough know that this doesn't happen much. I was reading from Ecclesiastes chapter 2. I can't explain why I picked up the Bible in the first place, much less why I was reading this chapter. This is the chapter about vanity. Ecclesiastes 2:17 says "Therefore I hated life because the work that was done under the sun was distressing to me, for all is vanity and grasping for the wind." I thought you know, that's right. No matter what I do at work, at school, at church, if it is for my own glory, it is meaningless. Vanity is one of my biggest problems. I love to tell people what I have done, when what I need to be telling people is what God has done through me. Without God, we are grasping for the wind. Will we catch it? No. Will we be able to call it our own? No. With God on our side, we can grasp for Him, and call Him our own, and we can share Him with others so they may call Him their own as well.

I put the Bible down, and watched a little more TV. You may think I'm crazy, but then the funniest thing happened. I felt like a hand was on my shoulder. I heard, "You want a bad day? I was betrayed by one of my best friends, tried for something I didn't do, beaten for crimes I did not commit, and then to beat all that I got killed. But you know what? I did it for you, and I would do it again." Some how my day didn't seem so bad after all. No one has had a day like that. Jesus did though, and the miracle of it all is that he would go through it all again for all of us. We must never forget that. So now when someone asks how I am doing, and it's not a good day, I say, "well I can't complain," because now, I can't. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

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