Counselor's Corner

Easter is Here Again!

Hello readers, sorry it's been so long, but welcome to a new installment of Counselor's Corner. It is a funny thing that I went from Christmas to Easter without writing a new article, and here, on Easter Sunday I come to the keyboard. Christmas and Easter are both major Christian holidays. Christmas and Easter both have secular figures that try and overshadow the true meaning of the holiday. Both represent God making all things new. One is the birth of Christ, and the other is the resurrection of Christ. In each, God is presented in a new light. Both holidays pack the churches on Sunday. Finally, both are a blessing, and yet another lesson in God's grace and love for us.

Here is the major difference. Even though we pack the church full on Easter Sunday, we seem to celebrate longer and with more vigor at Christmas time. The secular world agrees, most retail chains are closed at Christmas, but not at Easter. You can't go to buy your weekly groceries on Christmas, but you can on Easter Sunday. It shouldn't be a major suprise that the secular world promotes Christmas over Easter, you don't buy your child extravagant gifts for Easter. The retail world doesn't make the money off of Easter like they do at Christmas.

Why is that? I mean think about it Christians. Why don't we buy big gifts for our kids at Easter? Why is it that kids get chocolate eggs and not that X-Box or that 360 game system they want? Is it that Santa Claus is more popular, and can carry more toys than the Easter Bunny? Jesus Christ gave you the most important and extravagant gift He could at Easter, not Christmas. He was born into the world at Christmas, but He saved the world at Easter. God gave you the gift of salvation this Easter, what bigger gift is there? We give out presents at Christmas because the wise men gave Jesus presents. At Easter, God gives us they greatest gift of all, and we give candy eggs? Chocolate bars? Chocolate bunnies?

Now parents, I am not saying that you need to spend your life's savings twice a year, but I am saying that maybe we should make Easter a little higher on our holiday list. Jesus came to us, showed us the way, died for us, and we need to give Him more than what we do. Easter is a major holiday for all, we ought to treat it the same way we do a holiday like Christmas. Keep it holy, spend time with family and give gifts of love. Thank you for reading, and have a Happy Easter!!!

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