Lighting The Fire

I left a recent UMYF meeting completely inspired, thus the name of this article. We are preparing for UMYF Sunday on May 30th. In this rough planning meeting, it occurred to me just how spiritual and strong our group really is. Rather than giving them a script and expecting them to follow it, we told them, this is your day and your rules. Some of the ideas that came up were very inspiring indeed. I won't get in to details, because I want everyone to come and see our UMYF shine. I left with a feeling that maybe, as crazy as it sounds, they get it. Teenagers in general get a bad rap. They are thought of as mindless, lazy, couch potatoes,etc.etc. Some of them yes, fit this profile, but, if you want my opinion (as if you weren't going to get it) teenagers are as smart and as gifted as any adult, some even more so. They are simply looking to believe in something, they want to be inspired. I ask you, what better way to inspire anyone than to give them our Lord Jesus Christ? Jesus wants all of us to come to Him. Young, old, black, white, Christian, Jew, He loves us all, and wants us to love Him. He died for ALL of us. Even that teenage son of yours that collects dust on the couch dressed in all black, watching MTV until he looks like he is actually growing roots. So my next question is, have you told Him that Jesus loves Him? Why not? You have no idea what His plan is for your sons or daughters. You may have given birth to the next Billy Graham, but you will never know it unless you tell him every day that you love him or her, and that Jesus loves them even more! That is how we help God change the lives of teenagers. With the love of Jesus, you get the passion of inspired men and women. With the love of Jesus, you can get that son trimmed up and in youth group professing his faith. With the love of Jesus, you can have your son or daughter make their dreams come true. Anything is possible with God, all you have to do is tell someone, and you have started a fire that will burn within them for the creator and Lord of All.

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