No Oscar? No Watch!

Welcome to another issue on counselor's corner. I realize that I am writing this atleast a week later than I should have, but better late than never. As the title says, I am going to talk about the Oscars. I may step on some of you Hollywood buff's toes with this one so let me say I'm sorry ahead of time. I feel that this needs to be said and since I have heard no one bring it up in conversation, I guess I will say it. Why is it that Hollywood did not recognize the movie that brought in the most money all year long? Why is it that the movie that broke all box office records this year not get a nomination for Best Picture? Why didn't Hollywood recognize the movie that was shown in several countries around the world, and changed the lives of so many people? Well, I will tell you why. The movie was,"The Passion of the Christ", and the movie was about Jesus, that's why. In and of itself, believer or not, The Passion deserved a nomination for best picture. If nothing else, it was the best movie of the year. Regardless of the fact that the majority of Hollywood did not see the movie based on their beliefs is beside the point. This movie was ground breaking. Mel Gibson showed guts and great faith by even making the movie, then when it did so well, I believe there should have been an oscar in it's future. I am well aware that Hollywood would not acknowledge this movie no matter what any of us would say, but I for one think it's wrong. How many more times will the secular world shut Jesus out and us as Christians sit back and take it? It is beyond me why they did this and we as a people let it slide. That is why I did not watch the Oscars this time around. My wife is a big movie fan and she did not watch the awards either. Why should we lend attention to a show that will not acknowledge that a movie, about a religious figure, could have been indeed the Movie of the Year? It is a slanted view and it is not right. The good news in all of this is simple. Jesus still saves, Christians still believe, and He is still running the show, oscar or no oscar. It is true that He never got an award while He was here on Earth with us. But I know that He receives His award each time one of us gives our heart to Him. So really does the oscar matter? I don't think it does, but at the same time, I want you to see what the secular world really does to us as Christians and we need to say enough is enough!! Let's begin to stand up for what we believe in. Thank you for listening.

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