
Our church will be having Homecoming on September 12th. We will be celebrating 45 years this year. I have been in my church my whole life and it is hard to believe one that my church is 15 years older than me, and two that I was around for the last 30 years of it. Forty five years ago, 112 people started a church where the tennis courts at Northgate Park are now. They later moved to Leon Street where we currently meet today. I could go into the vast history of Glendale Heights United Methodist Church, but I don't feel I could give you all the great stories and family history, besides, I don't really want to type that long! I would rather tell my readers what homecoming means to me. Homecoming is a chance for current members of the church to meet past members that have been invited to come back and relive the memories. It is a chance to see old faces and new. It's a chance to check and see just how much hair we've lost when we look at old pictures. It is also a chance to get together for fellowship and to do what us church folks do best... EAT! Alot has happened to old Gelendale Heights in 45 years, from our original charter member role of 112, only 13 are active members still. Most of this is due to old age and death. We have had families come and families go. Since we are methodist, we have had preachers come and go, some faster than others. We have been remodeled several times, adding a new sanctuary, and other ammenities along the years. One thing has not changed in 45 years. We still serve the Lord as diligently as we can. We may not always agree with each other, we may not always see eye to eye on anything, but we all have that love for Jesus in common, and that is what keeps us together. So when September 12 rolls around, if you are a member, or were a member, I want to see you all there. Let's remember old times and celebrate the opportunity to worship here at Glendale Heights for another 45 years! Thanks for listening.

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