"My Buddy Boy"

Well, he is not much of a baby anymore...but he is still "Mommy's baby".  �

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God granted us another lovely child.  Our "buddy boy" is Brett.  He's a handsome fellow who has no fear, which scares his Mommy!   Mom just loves to snuggle with him especially after he has tired her out all day, and Dad is very proud.  Brooke continues to adore her baby brother even though he proves to fulfill the terrible "little brother" stereotype.

Brett is growing like a weed....I mean Redwood!!!  He is into everything!  He is a BUSY boy!  In fact, I call him "Monster Boy" quite often.   He is a real hands on kind of guy... and all boy (when his sister is not dressing him up!).

:: Update ::

Brett's newest loves are his 25 gallon tropical fish aquarium and twenty something Jenny (who was a bridesmaid at his aunt's wedding).

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Food:   Macaroni and Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Donuts, Sprite and Fruit! Toys:  Plastic Dinosaurs and Animals, Monster Trucks and Bulldozers like Daddy's, Razor Scooter and Razor Big Wheel, Pokemon and Legos TV Shows and Movies:  Pokemon, Dinosaur, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sponge Bob, Rugrats, Rocket Power Animal:   Elephants, Rhinos, Fish, Crocodiles And Anything Reptile

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"Unfinished Tasks"

So many tasks await this day;
The ironing must be done,
The dusty hutch shows finger streaks
Made by my little son;
The beds all need clean linens,
The closets are a sight,
And there's a brand-new recipe
To mix up for tonight;
But then a plea, "Read this to me"
And the beds go unattended,
Then shortly, "Let's play hide-and-seek"
And blue jeans stay unmended;
And the, "Come see the fuzzy worm,
Hurry, Mother, hurry!"
I look at my unfinished tasks,
Then I tell myself, don't worry.
I may not finish them today
And supper might be late,
But fuzzy worms and growing boys
Don't have time to wait!

~Kay Andrew~


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Please see more of Brett as he grows
by Clicking On NEXT below.

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Thank you MS Web Wonders for the background set and a special thanks for the carousel elephant from Shirley's Girls.

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