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to our purrfectly wonderful kitty pages.


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I never was a cat person and I never planned on being a cat person.  But you know, those little furry felines have a way of growing on you whether you like it or NOT!  Now, I cannot imagine not having the soft, stealthy step of a cat in my home and a furball to hog the bed.

~ Purrfectly Delighted ~

Purrfectly delighted
To sit back in this chair
Look out from the front porch
Watch birds fly in the air

Truly this is wonderful
A great life you can see
Always feel so comfortable
Just purring endlessly

Cozy way to spend the day
All I have is time
Taking in the special sights
This chair my royal shrine

Lazy days of comfort
Posing for the guests
Anxiously I wait to hear
The stream of compliments.

~ Francine Pucillo ~

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I like little kitty,
Her coat is so warm;
And if I don't hurt her,
She'll do me no harm.

So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But kitty and I very gently will play.

~Jane Taylor~


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Click on "Next"
to meet Our Cats.

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Back to my dog site:  Babycass's Den

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Thank you Nutmeg for the background set
and Graphics By Grandma George for some of the graphics!

� 1999-2004 Babycass ~ All Rights Reserved
Photos and content may not be used without permission from website owner or affiliated party.


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