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It is believed that each of us is born with nine animals who bring teachings and messages for greater understanding and insights for our benefit throughout our lifetime. Two of those animals are permanent and never leave us.  These are our primary totems or Power Animals. We usually know these animals by instinct because we are especially attracted to them throughout our lives.

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One of my Power Animals is most definitely the "Wolf".


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"The Wolf"

by Julia White

Feared and hated by men the world over, the mighty wolf has been
plagued by all forms of evil stories, myths and legends. Hunted, trapped
and killed to the point of extinction, many of these majestic animals are
gone forever — their breeds and blood lines never to be seen again.

In spite of the many horror stories of wolves hunting, tracking and killing
humans, no such event has ever been confirmed. Their eerie and lonely
howl, which can make the blood run cold, is merely their form of
communication. Each howl, with its tone, depth, length and frequency
carries a different message to the pack, or to the partner who is out of
sight. They're merely "talking". If you carry wolf medicine, here are some
characteristics that sound familiar to you:

You are fiercely loyal — to friends, family, ideals and principles. There is
no compromise for you.

You are very territorial.  You protect all that is yours and your family's at any expense.  You are fearless in your protection, but not reckless.  You plan your strategy carefully, and wait for the opportune moment for most powerful effect.

You have a strong family structure.  There is no doubt who the elders, patriarchs and parents are, or about their roles in the family structure.  Disobedience, selfishness and unruly behavior is not tolerated as there are strong boundaries for the young.   They are taught well and carefully so that they may assume leadership roles in their own family structures.

You have an unrelenting sense of adventure.  You love to explore new things, to stretch out for new horizons.  You have a thirst for knowledge and for learning new things.  You are eager to share these things, which makes you a natural teacher.   Your adventures may take you away from home and family, but it is important that you have this base of security to return to.

You seek knowledge, new ideas and new adventures in your life. You like
sharing what you learn and teaching others.

As with the wolf, you have a keener sense of smell and hearing than the average person. Strong, unpleasant odors can actually make you sick to your stomach and loud or piercing noise is distracting and can "put you on edge". You love the smell of flowers, rain, etc. and the
soft voices of nature -- the sound of a creek running, birds singing.

You have an unrelenting need to be alone.  You are so busy being the protector, the provider, the teacher, and the trailblazer, that it's very easy for you to become exhausted and burned out.
  In order to re-charge your spirit, and keep your balance,
it is critical that you have time to be alone with your thoughts and your own sense of self.  This is
one side of your nature that must not be overlooked.  Even if you lock yourself in the bathroom for 15 minutes a day, the time alone must be honored if you are to have value to those you care for.

Wolf is power.  Wolf is honor.  Wolf is integrity, guardianship, loyalty and spirit.


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To View Another Beautiful Snowglobe - Click Here.


See my other animal totem, The Whale Totem.

 What is your Power Animal? 

Visit these links to discover the inner you through animal totems:

Bearded Wolf ~Animal Totems

Life Paths ~Animal Totems

Spiritual Network ~ Animal Totems

Earth Healing ~Animal and Bird Totems

Familiars and Totem Animals


~Wolfish Links~

Sisterhood of the Wolf

Ring of the Wolf

The Spirit of the Wolf

Wolf Dreams

Greywolf's Hyperlinks Page

Friend of the Wolf

Wolf Den Design

Tribute and Memorial To Wolf #10


Click next to see my other animal totem, the whale, or click on the white wolf to find your way home.

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Back to www.justshepherds.com.


Background Set Courtesy of Northeast Kingdom Creations.  
Snowglobes Courtesy of Mimi's Snowglobes and
AngelStar's Dream Castle.

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