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Welcome to the Hotspots page
This page will provide you with information regarding the location of some of the hottest sites ans sounds that have graced the North Wales area, this section will be updated eveny week to ensure all the major events etc are captured for the website viewers and so this apges keeps them informed, this page will provide info concerning the best historical sites, shopping etc

Conwy castle is a great place to learn all about history, how the english war mongered within wales, how tand why the great castles were errected, and why ws sych a small and natural country fortified to the teeth.


Conwy Falls is situated in a ’Site of Special Scientific Interest’, just near Betws-y-Coed. The area offers spectacular waterfalls and scenic woodland walks. Look out for otters, crested newts, ducklings and dippers. After experiencing the peace of the waterfalls and the woodlands, you can come back to the real world refreshed, relaxed and ready for a cuppa in the café!



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News would be updated on a weekly basic if the site was developed further to ensure the content is up to date and aqurate
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