My Family

This lil page here is a just a few tidbits of info my family...there are 4 of, marquita, mom and dad...I am the youngest and yeah I am spoiled..but ah well c'est la vie!

The oldest is my mom, weird huh? Usually it would be the other way around where my Dad would be the oldest but not this family, mom is 45 years old and from Barachois, she was born and raised there and now she works at the sanitourium as a registered nurse! mom and I are close...I would say we argue a lot, but I mean what are parents for, they think one thing, and the kid thinks the other...I think what my mom has handed me down her quick temper and thats why we have such a hard time of getting along...but hey I mean "Its all good...", because we end up laughing at it after

Then there is my Dad, who is 40 years old, and the smallest in my family....usually most kids are scared of there dad cuz u kno well he can kick your ass, but not my dad, hes a good old small guy...hes only maybe 5'5 and weighs maybe 160lbs. He has worked for a long time, all over the place, mostly sticking in sales, right now he works for Humpty Dumpty, yes the chip company!....What did I get from my dad? My ability to laugh at mostly every situation that comes by!

Last, there is my sister, Marquita. Her and I have grown up together, shes 17 (2years older than me) I have never lived without her around..even if its over the phone. She has graduated from high school as part of the class of 2000, and now she goes to Cegep, where she is leaving this year, to I think Ontario. Marquita well she has taught me a lot throught out the years and she has always been there..thanks marquita..your the best! ....I hope you get everything in life your aiming for, because you deserve the best, and I must say, congrats on the whole Joey thing! Good luck Marquita, never forget about me, I will always be there, even if its a phone call away. Or like you say, when we get old, our husbands will be outside, our kids playing and me and you talking while cooking supper!

Oh yeah and I forgot two lil additiona to my family my dog Cuddles...he is about 9 years old and he is a mixed dog..we have had him since he was 2 months buying him at the Chandler Pet Store...I can't believe that we have had for this long..many of times he was about to die (putting him asleep) but he swiped those..heheh he loves to eat dry food and not so much play catch..actually he kinda can't..well hes a lil dumb and doesn't kno where the ball is and I have to go looking for it after! hehehe..and than there is my cat Lucky, who is a stray we picked up in Grande-Rivere, he is the weirdest cat ever, he doesn't want to go outside, and he loves to be cuddled and brushed. I don't kno, he is a very unique cat..hehee



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