Giggle Butt's Page

Hey..hey...sssuppp? hehe..well here is my page...yeah I actually decided to update it...its been a while since I have updated it..and a lot has happened since just sit back...relax..and enjoy the page...oh and don't forget to sign the guestbook..because I kinda deleted it when I was updating hehe...thanks a bunch!




The Family

The Buddies

Wacky Times

Messages to my closest friends

The Class of 2002

Inspiration (qoutes and stuff)

Basketball Team

Just in case your here and there are some pages to check out



Here are a few qoutes from my fav. movies of all time..Basketball Diaries...

"I just wanna be pure."

" a long heatwave through my body, any ache any pain completly flushed out..."

"Your nose is running, your stomache cramps, your legs feel as if they played 6 straight basketball games on top of each other...yet the voice is still there.."Just one more time, then we'll stop.""








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