My Buddies

Hey hey! Well my buddies...I must say I have a lot of good friends out there and thanks for everything you guys are the best....lets see Lindsey well you quacker upper you I don't think I kno one person who's made me laugh like you did esp. in math and how can we forget about our pink hair? Hey P1 hehe...Laura thanks for everything, through the good and bad times..and never forget the good times.....Kerrilee #14 all the way and how about our lil plan to play basketball hand in hand hehe and don't worry I will scream at you whenever you reach in again(bball).....Natacha who would forget about our laughs in CRMI and don't ever switch to MI...Caroline planning is never good esp. something "illegal" hehe...Joy thanks for rolling at Randy's and good luck playing the base because someday we will have a band!...Crystal good luck with your man and I won't embarass you...Laura Comeau I love Creed about as much as you love the Red Hot Chili Peppers except you got to see them play and I didn't get to see Creed play...Sarah Chicoine if ever you need to laugh or get away come hang out with us for a bit ok because you kno that laughter is the best medicine.....Sarah Syvret we have had a lot of laughs how could I forget those moments in the locker row.....Nena K. I could take you...Amanda B. your the craziest nut alive...Erin thanks for all the talks on the bus and remember the great laughs we had..Julie Syvret "Sweet Marie"....and as for anyone I ever missed I am sorry..but if you can remember any inside jokes or anything I have had with you then lemme kno ok..thanks ...there is more about my closest friends at messages to my friends


Qoute: "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." -Dave Tyson Gentry

There are many people
that we meet in our lives
but only a very few
will make a lasting impression
on our minds and hearts
It is these people that we will
think of often
and who will always remain
important to us
as true friends


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