poetry. don't take it too seriously.

a time before

"all natural flavor" - aka not a sex poem

an afternoon endless


airplane ride

before sunrise

celestial whores

goodbye my friend

happy new year, good riddance

her face

i never said i was a terminator

in memoriam pt. 1 - the headstones

in memoriam pt. 2 - days in the crypt

in this quiet spot

inevitable "life" poem

is it mine?

jay dunn failed that day (a found poem)


kansas listener


lines written at sunset, january 21st, '06

ninteen year old i saw in ceramics studio

ode to a butterfly

our next stop is sixty-trillion


sick of happiness

spring poem


thanksgiving poem

the break

the downfall of the nephites

the hostage

the sunday plan

upon entering a grocery store

vegetable (a found poem)

unexpected death of a friend

all poetry copyright 2008
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