This is the section for misc. (miscellaneous-I hope I spelled it right) stuff.
There's some tips on pages, Internet, browsers, HTML, lots of fun crap.
Also various news bits that might be interesting.

OK here we go!

9/3/00, 10:30 AM~

Well, I've worked my ass off all morning, and I got an incredibly large amount of work done. I made 2 new sections, Link Me! and The Intro Section, plus moved all the stuff still on Goplay here. And changed the font. But ya know, a webmaster's work is never done. Now I get to start the big overhaul update. The tasks at hand are 1) Of course, the big re-design. Not only to provide a new look and easier navigation, to conform to new XHTML standards, 2) make an attempt at organizing everything into subdirectories. Since all the files will be changing and moving, I'll have to close for a while. It may be a long while, since I intend to do a lot of work, and pass 9th grade at the same time.

So, what can you all look forward to in Girl Trunks' DBZ Page v.3.0? Well, for one, I've decided to change the official font from Courier New to Continuum, which you can see in most of the graphics.

9/3/00, 4:30 AM~

Kuso kuso kuso kuso kuso kuso kuso!!! Not to remind everyone, but summer is over!!! Waah! Moan groan. And it could not have ended at a worse time for the site. Just when I really got my ass in gear and REALLY started working!! Oh, why could I not start in June??? Oh well, it's not like I can go back, no use complaining. I have 3 days left before school, and I'm gonna commit myself to a putting up a few new sections. But the biggest thing on my mind right now is planning for a HUGE update, where I will 1) completely redesign every page, mostly the index, for perfection and easier navigation, and 2) move all files still lurking on stray servers to the main directory on Geocities. And I tell ya, this site needs this bad. Of course, this is gonna take tons of planning, and then will take forever to execute. AND I'll be in school. So this is just a prophecy for much later. I'll still be adding stuff in between now and then, but not as much as I had originally hoped. But never fear, this site will be reborn for the 3rd time! All it'll take is some sleepless nights and skipping homework. Both are the norm for me anyway ^______^


Shit. Excuse my language all, but SHIT!!!!!! I'm stuck in some retarded summer camp for 3 weeks. My birthday is tomorrow! and I can't even spend it with my friends. Waaaaaaah! =(! At least they have the net up here. But their AIM is speddy and so are their comps. I guess they all won't have very happy b-days (see above). I really need some human companionship here. The email which I am actually checking right now is [email protected], and I would appreciate it if ya would talk to me. I'll be 14 tomorrow at 5:49. Go me. I'm sure you all care.


I figured I needed an update. Haven't had the time, but now it's summer and I literally have nothing but time. A new section or 2 should be up. 2 sections have also been deleted - forums (because I don't have time to update it monthly or keep track of submissions, especially not when school re-opens) and the Anti Dic & Funimation section, cause I just give up. TV dubs are just comdemned to suck. I -know- this after seeing some of the new DBZ episodes on video (arigato Mike-san!!). *sigh* Even in to so-called "uncut" videos, there are countless things you'll notice are missing.

But hey, I did get to see Trunks!!!!!! ^________________^ Visitor: KAKOII!!! Do tell, Girl Trunks-chan, what did you think?? Girl Trunks: Well, of course it was awesome seeing him lay the smack down on Freezer's candy ass. His's good, except that he sounds 25 and not 17. But hey, it's not near as dorky as say, Klilyn's new voice. They torture the guy!

Oh, and another issue. In that Garlic jr. thing, WHY OH WHY did they name Klilyn's girlfriend Marin? That's his daughter's name! What are they gonna name -her- now? Those dubbers oughta lay off smoking crack.

*ahem* well back to the update. I'd managed to make 2 really crappy DBZ desktop themes. I don't even know if they work. But I promised you them. Unfortunately, Geocities is giving me a problem uploading them. So once again, I am moving. Not the whole site though. I'll be moving all the sections still on Goplay, and the new sections, including one on Desktop themes/Winamp skins/Hotbar skins to some webspace on It's gonna take some work, but I have nothing else to do, so it should not take long.

And, as a final note, we have some summer b-days!!!!! *wheels out the cake* now, lessee...first, happy 15th to Tom on July 16th!! *Sakura, Becky, Jackie, and Kris jump out with presents* Becky: Now Grandpa is even older! *gives him a present in shiny paper* Jeckie: Here, I got you a present too! *Jackie gives Tom a large heavy box* Sakura: Here! I got you a bigger present! *gives him larger box* Kris: Well, I got an even bigger present!! Mwahahahaha! *gives him humongous box* Tom: Whoa! I got lotsa stuff! But man is it heavy! Whooooooaaaaaa!! *crashes to the floor under the weight of the presents* Hehehehehe! I think that's how it would have gone down IF YOU HAD INVITED US OVER!!!!! hehe j/k happy b-day anyhoo.
ok 2nd b-day, happy ?th to Tom's favorite younger brother, Danny on August 1st!! Yata!!!! *peeps come running up* All: Happy B-day!!! Danny: *blushes* awww, I'm flaatered!! *smiles* Sakura: Hey! Me & Atama-san got you a big shiny box with stuff in it! *Conor walks up with a large heavy box, dropping it and making a large sound* Atama: Jeez! that thing is heavy. You better be nice to me for a very long time for this!! Danny: 0Oo...boooooooooooooooooooox...hmm, how do i open this thing...I know! *smacks the box, and it pops open, and out comes piles of stuff!!* Danny: Yaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! *falls over in pile*
And last, happy 14th to Girl Trunks on August 7th!! Sakura: Yata! *sings* Sakura's 14....Sakura's 14.... (in case ya didn't know, Sakura is mah name) *Sakura grabs people and dances with them!!! Kris: Yay! Happy happy donut dance!! Everyone do the donut dance!!! *Becky grabs Jackie and they dance* Pan: Is taht how the donut dance goes? Cool! *grabs Mr. Jim and dances with him*
And so they all had very happy b-days!!!

That's all 4 now. More soon.

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