How to Copy & Paste

Left click & hold on word (s) and drag your mouse over them until it high lights (blue).
Now that the word (s) are high lighted 
Right click your mouse and now Left click on Copy
Now  you are ready to paste what you just copied.

Go to a area where you can type, such as E-mail or note pad and now
Right click your mouse & you should see Paste,
ow Left click on Paste.
That should have pasted what you just copied.

Best place to practice is in email.
Go like you are going to email someone and just
type a bunch of letters & use them to practice your
C opy & P aste.

If you are wanting to copy something big,
like "lobby" or "table" chat.
Left click on the area you want to copie and then Right Click &  Select All.      
This will copy it all. Practice this in a room & in lobby.
And then take it to e-mail or note pad & paste it.

Copy Zone's , Table Shots etc.

If you want to copy a Zone Message type a letter in the text area (once you get the Zone from someone) and then High Light it,
then Press Alt + Print Screen at same time, then open up
WordPad, once you have opened Word Pad, all you do is Right click your mouse and Click on Paste.
The Zone should now be pasted there.

To take a screen shot of a table you are playing at, do the above steps at the table, type something in text area, Press ALT+Print Screen and then paste it to WordPad.

Below you will see a Box that looks something like the Zone's we use at MSN, this is a Message from someone and the steps made to Copy it.
Message - Sat Jul 14, 6:34 PM
                                       From:        89889_0                           Add  Friend
Hello what are you into today?
Type in your response here:
Get a "Zone" message and then type something in:
Message Sent:
Back to SK Site
After you have done the above steps:

Alt and Print Screen
(button's on your keyboard)

Open "
Word Pad" and Right Click
and click on

You now should see the Zone Message inside your Word Pad, now save it.
Keyboard Shortcuts
High light the text:
Message - Sat Jul 14, 6:34 PM
                                       From:        89889_0                           Add  Friend
Hello what are you into today?
Type in your response here:
Message Sent:
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