I am your Master of Ceremonies. Don't call me Webmistress. It's silly.

I go under a few alias's here in the wasteland of the Web. I kinda started with s.mien on this site, but it never really came off, mostly cause no one knows what the hell it means. Glamcandy was more successful. In fact, tons of people have ripped the damn name off. My real name is Deborah, it often seems unattached to me in some metaphysical sense. Names are weird.

This page contains just a few drops of insight. I'll reveal everything if properly propositioned.

Past and Present

**I was born in 1973. And if you don't know the significance of that, you'd better learn.

** I've been in Los Angeles for almost 7 years, scary.

** I am a screenwriter, and got my MFA from American Film Institute . Still waiting for the cream to rise.

** I'm looking for a day job and an agent. If you are prepared to offer employment or representation, you are wise and just, and will be rewarded in this life and the next.

** I'm blissfully married, and still have a few months left on the whole "newlywed" thing. Huzzah!

** I paint bad pop art. My most recent paintings are based on tabloid "confessions" of famous Hollywood wives. Some also have backpage tabloid ads, and the big ones feature giant cakes, and an altered intro to the confession, like "And I baked him a coconut mountain cake with divinity icing!"


** My favorite book (at least today) is Berlin Stories.

** My favorite film (at least today) is Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf

** My favorite artist is Duchamp, and I have a tattoo and a pretty-much abandoned Yahoo club to prove it, where people get into heated rows over intellectualism v. emotionalism, whether the artist or the audience has more influence over the validation of art, and whether Journey has the right to tour without Steve Perry.

** My favorite song is (at least today) is Andy's Chest, by Lou Reed. I hope Andy finds a nice boyfriend in the afterlife.

** My favorite product (at least today) is Urban Decay's black glitter pocket rocket.

** My favorite magazine (at least today) is Nylon.

** My favorite website (at least today) is Slate, makes me look like I know what's going on in the world.

** I will defend the genuis of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel until the day I die.

** My favorite celebrity, living or dead (at least today) is Orson Welles.

** My favorite food is macaroni and cheese.

** My favorite color is sparkly.


** I am fundementally inspired by db - ironically the single cultural constant in my life since age 13. And it's not just the consistantly resurfacing idiom of glam that threads through his enormous range, but whatever the whole of him has compressed into - the core of thinking excitability. In a world of overstatment, if there was a more intense, more affective, more encompassing word than genius, it would be for David Bowie. (the site is not dedicated to him because he is and always was more than that he was and always will be glam, and wants to be in a different place now so he is.)

** I dedicate this site to Todd Haynes, because we love him, and he loves It, and he loves all those who love It.
((It's recently come to my attention that people may have interpreted "It" as A.Y.P.T, implying Todd Haynes is a big fan. I'm sure he would be if he had a clue as to our existance. By "It", I mean "Glam". See, you try to be poetic...))

- Glamcandy

P.S. I know a lot about a lot more than this.

posture***paradigm***parvenu ***image***connections***glamcandy
GLAMdivine*** music***fashion***recommended***derivation***

* *a.y.p.t* *

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