Dear Quinn,
I didn't believed what I've heard this morning of december when faith read me the article. I just.. stoppped my steps. I couldn't believe it. All the pictures I had of you passed on my head. Since this day, I've never been able again to look at "Hero". Well, yes, cause you know, the first time I saw it, I almost cried, especially for the kissing. And believe me! I never cry !!!! :)) So... When I knew that was for real... Looking at "Hero" was a kind of acceptation for me. An acceptation of your death.

But anyway ! I wrote a story with Faith and... as it was when I learned you passed away, I dedicated you this book. I don't know if I'll publish it one day, but you'll always be on the dedication. And even on my "Once More With Feeling" website I dedicated you this website cause you deserved it. You're a part of it. You're the reason why I've wrote til the end my book and why I finished this website.

I looked at "Hero" this afternoon. I took my courage... But the end was hard... I was only looking at you :)) And as every time I watched this episode I thought : "God, will anybody kiss me like that, once ?"

Gaia - France
15 May 2003
In Loving Memory...
By Visiting this page you've Lit a candle for Glenn
Glenn Quinn passed away on December 3, 2002. He was 32 years old. I am sure that this is a great shock to everyone and you may feel the need to express your sorrow or memories so I made this page for you to do so. If you have something to say, email me with the word "Memorial" in the subject heading or if you want to talk directly to other GQ fans, then try the message boards. Glenn Quinn will be forever remembered in our hearts.
Candle Courtesy of
Sevenoaks Arts
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I would just like to say that I was really upset when I heard that the famous "Mark Healy" died. I can't believe that Glenn Quinn is gone, but I will always remember him no matter what

[email protected]
30 June 2003

When i first heard about Glenn dieing it was a shock for me. In fact i didn't think it was him that died. My dad called me one day after Angel and told me that someone on the show died. Well i guess the radio people where wrong because we didn't hear anything about it on the news or anything so i didn't know who it was that died. Then when i was in my computer class i was going though some of the websites on angel and i found in there Glenn Quinn died. I almost cried, it's totally ruined my day. I wish so badly that didn't happen to him. It was confusing for me because we never read it in the news paper so really i didn't find out until like 6 weeks ago. I pray that God watch over him

[email protected]
15 June 2003

My name is Christinne I write you from spain. I don't know if it's too late to write you but I've known today that Glenn Quinn was death. I had seen glenn in some movies and in roseanne but I didn't pay some much atteion. But two months ago the tv series Angel has started in my country, and this was the really time i discovered gleen quinn. This night the episode has been "Hero" and the glenn's role has death in the most dramtical and beautiful way. So for this reason I got to some websites of the actors and then, a few minutes ago I discovered his death. I don't know why I'm teelling you all that but I have to talk with somebody and here nobody would understand me. I have 19 years old.Sorry for my english.

See you soon. Christinne
01 July 2003
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