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Template Page 9  The Adventurous Life of Bill

�I�m so glad you decided to stay and sit here with me� rambled Claire. �It would have been yet another lonely weekend in my flat and I�m in a celebrity mood today��

�Don�t you mean celebratory mood?� asked Bill, instinctively correcting her grammar and immediately realizing he should of let it slide.

�Celebratory�? No celebrity�� giggled Claire. �I just received news that your local radio station has agreed to play my demo on air. Angela at the office suggested that I send it in after I mentioned that I was an amateur singer. Isn't that just wonderful...?�

Bill wanted to point out that the station routinely did this, but insightfully bit his tongue in time...

'I'll have to listen out for that track then, won't I?�

�Ooh!� continued Claire �sitting here like this reminds me of the times when I used to booze it up with my old friend Debbie � In my younger days of course� she quickly added, signaling the waitress to bring yet another round of drinks.

Bill felt the generation gap stretch that much wider.

�I was supposed to go home for the weekend, but my car wouldn�t start this morning, so I had to make an appointment with the mechanic for tomorrow� explained Claire as Bill took the last gulp from his beer mug. �I had to take a cab to work today, you know...�

�Oh�� responded Bill sympathetically, �it�s probably a small fault. I could check it out for you if you�d like� he generously offered before realizing what he was saying.

�Oh� could you�� pounced Claire. �If it�s not too much trouble��

�Well�� he backpedaled.

What should Bill do?

1: Help Claire with her car so that she go on her trip?

2: Head home to Joanne and the kids?

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