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Template Page 22  The Adventurous Life of Bill

Bill stumbled into the lounge, leaning heavily against the back of the sofa for support.

�I have to apologize to the kids for not taking them out for ice-cream�' he slurred � �I must say I'm sorry� you know��

�The kids are already asleep� sighed Joanne, gently guiding the uncooperative Bill towards the bedroom. �Come now� I�ll help you get changed for bed� You can speak to the kids tomorrow��

The following morning Joanne approached Bill�s side of the bed bright and early with a hot mug of black coffee.

�Wake up Bill�� barked Joanne. �We have to go and do our Saturday morning grocery shopping� and we have to go by mother�s as well��

Bill forced himself to sit upright on the bed.

The weepy eyes of the two young children standing in the doorway left Bill feeling guilty � as guilty as a criminal on the run. Forced into this corner, he started to feel the pressure.

�Oops... I've done it again� he agonized.

With a strong case of the guiltees setting in, Bill was tempted to make a quick getaway. Once on the run, it's best to keep running�� he figured. �Wasn't that the way the bad guys always did it in the movies�?�

He contemplated abdicating his responsibilities and sneaking out to the local pub for a quick drink � he was sure the household needed milk, or some other vital household item, from the local store.

�Arthur�s sure to be hanging out there this time of the morning� he figured, with the prospect of the pub growing that more appealing.

�This darn hangover ain�t helping one bit�� he mumbled.

Bill�s head was still spinning uncontrollably. And the pain�? If he snuck out� Maybe the pain will end�

What should Bill do?

1: Sneak out of the house to the local pub for a quick drink to get his head straight?

2: Face the consequences of the previous night and endure what is sure to be a long day?

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