The Goan Musical Society

in association with the

Wandsworth Arts Festival 1999


A Goan Cultural Afternoon

Sunday, 7th November 1999, 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Lola Jones Hall, Tooting Leisure Center, 42 Greaves Place, London SW17 0NE

Traditional Goan manddes, folk songs, dekhni and Portuguese songs and dances.

A Goan Cultural Afternoon

The Goan Musical Society (GMS) organised its second show called
‘A Goan Cultural Afternoon’ as its contribution towards the Wandsworth
Arts Festival that runs from the 6th to the 28th of November 1999.
Like the previous year, the Show had a full house with an attendance
of 300 people including participants and was once again, one of the major
attractions of the whole Festival that encompasses multi-cultural events of
different types and art forms.

The Show opened with Rene Barreto, the GMS Chairman and the GMS
executive committee welcoming the chief guest for the day,
The Mayor of Wandsworth, Cllr. Chief Mrs. Lola Ayonrinde JP.
Other guests were Mr and Mrs Andy D’Souza, Air India Finance Manager,
Mr and Mrs Elliot Bocarro, Air India Sales Manager,
Mr Ivor Fry, Wandsworth Arts Festival organizing committee
and Mrs Nina Pinto, HAPC editor.

Rene Barretto, GMS Chairman welcomes Cllr. Chief Ayonrinde JP, Mayor of Wandsworth

The GMS Ensemble, official cultural group of the GMS started the programme
with a scintillating performance of 3 Goan pieces, which were a mando and 2 folk
songs incorporating dance by members of the GMS dance troupe. This was well
received by the audience. The Young Performers Time followed which included
a young pianist (Minette Paes), a string quartet playing Goan manddes and
dulpods (Rebecca, Mark, Lloyd and Dylan) and an abstract dance (Joan Pires).

The GMS Ensemble performing a Goan folk song 'Santan Mauxi'

During the interval, the Mayor, guests and audience took the opportunity to
view the photographic exhibition by renowned young Goan photographer Gavin
Fernandes who specializes in fashion photography and whose work has
been published in major national magazines and newspapers.

Gavin Fernandes, young Goan fashion photographer explaining his work

The Mayor presented appreciation gifts to all young performers soon after the
interval. The GMS Ensemble, again accompanied by the dance troupe, then
performed both a Dekhni and a Malhão, a Portuguese dance that left people
spellbound. This was followed by a brilliant instrumental duet performed by
Tony Fernandes - violin and João Paulo Cota – guitar, which included Goan
and Latin American tunes. The Friends of the Goan Musical Society then
presented some Portuguese songs and instrumentals. The show ended
with Konkani songs performed by the talented Francis Po (synth) and
Mathias Sequeira (vocals/gumott) which enticed the audience onto
the dance floor.

Finally, Anita Rebello, GMS General Secretary gave a vote of thanks.
She also requested the audience to take up the free GMS membership
and invited new talent to join in the GMS Ensemble.
The Show ended with Mr. Andy D'Souza presenting the raffle prizes.

The whole event was professionally executed and competently compered by
Tony Luis.

Enjoy the Goan way ! Do not miss these Programmes. This website is yours ! Visit this website for future Programme dates !

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