Thompson, Mac
Engineer Officer - 528th Engr Detachment (Utility)
44th Engineer Group (Construction)
Camp Friendship '64-65
Click me to send this soldier an email! U.S. Aid Dept. Logo Retired, USAID
Bangkok, Thailand

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O-Club "Battle Stations!"

Mac Thompson, Army Corps of Engineers
  201 File -
2nd Lt "Mac" Thompson   31 Oct '64 at "Songphaibool"

2LT Mac Thompson @ 528th Engr Det - Camp Friendship - Korat '64-65
-- June '63, Graduated from Oregon State University,
      Major'd in Forest Engineering

9th Logistics Command -- Feb '64 - Feb '65, US Army, 2nd Lieutenant,
      528th Engineer Detachment (Utility),
      Camp Friendship, Korat, Thailand

-- Feb '65 - Nov '65, U.S. Army,
      Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah

-- Sept '66 - June '68, Int'l Voluntary Services/Laos:
Civilian/IVS Worker Mac Thompson at L/S 203     - Sept '66 - Jan '67, Hong Sa,
L/S 62
    - Feb - June '67, Nam Bac,
L/S 203 - click on pic to right ->>>
    - July - Dec '67, Xieng Lom,
L/S 69A
    - Spring '68, Moung Met,
L/S 158
    - Some time at LP, Ban Houei Sai, Moung Munge - L/S 93

U.S. Aid Dept. Logo -- Aug - Dec '68, USAID/Vientiane, Laos
    Refugee Relief Branch

-- Jan - Feb '69, USAID/LP

-- March - June '69, USAID/Sam Thong,
    working mostly the northern area,
    L/S 50 over to L/S 32 and north to the L/S 184

-- July - Aug '69 back in Washington, D.C. processing as regular USAID

-- Sept '69 - June '70, USAID/Ban Houei Sai

-- June '70 - June '75, USAID/Vientiane, Laos still with the Refugee Program. Amongst other duties, I had the USAID side of the C-46 rice drop program, materials, pallets, bags, 40kg rice, scheduling, etc, interesting and fun job. Still traveled upcountry for trouble spots, such as the annual siege at L/S 32.

-- July '75, Bangkok TDY

-- Aug '75 - May '76, TDY at Udorn RTAFB starting up the Indochinese Refugee Program, along with John Tucker and Jerry Daniels.   We were all detailed to the State Department for this program.

-- June - Oct '76, TDY Bangkok, same job

' -- Nov '76 - July '77, USAID/Washington, D.C. -- not a fun job

-- Aug - Dec '77, TDY to Kuala Lumphur and Bangkok, back to the Refugee Program

-- Jan - June '78, back to USAID/Washington, D.C. -- still not fun

-- July '78 - Aug '83, back to Bangkok, PCS'd to the Refugee Program again, more fun, interesting, and in the end, a hell of a lot more satisfying

-- Sept '83 - March '87, back to USAID/Washington, D.C. -- still not fun

-- April '87 - June '89, USAID/Khartoum, even more not fun, except that several people had previously been in Laos so that made it interesting

-- June - Sept '89, USAID/Cairo, didn't like it here either

-- Oct '89 - Dec '91, jumped ship from USAID/Cairo and went back to Bangkok with the UNHCR Refugee Program, the Anti-Piracy Program

-- Jan '92, retired from USAID

-- 1994-96, spent 22 months in Russia (Moscow, not Idaho) on USAID contracts

-- still retired here in Bangkok area, NE of the Airport, some 60 km from downtown,
I'm at UTM Coordinates PR 9853.

Some of my photos -

Thai Wedding Photo Thai Wedding Photo
Thai Wedding Photo The Thai Wedding pictures are 3 January '65

    Mongkol Charliewan "Charlie," our 528th head Thai hauncho got married to Wipapan Chareonkarn "Jo," who was one of the telephone switchboard operators at Camp Friendship.

-- Pic (above):   Lt. Dick McNary, ?, me, MSgt Smith

-- Pic (click) on above; right:   Ms. Wanachan, Major Pipkins (what's his first name?), Vera, Moy, me, "Little Vichian"   Major Pipkens replaced TDY Major Rodney Murrah, who replaced LTC Peter Cika, who was there when I arrived.

-- Pic (click) to the right:   22 August '64, probably an engagement party.   Back of photo says "Sgt Alday," but doesn't say which one is him.   Me, the good looking guy, w/o the stripes.

Sign of "the Bird," standard g.i. "hello"
Camp Friendship, B.O.Q. hootch
w/C.O. 1Lt Floyd McGurk
CE (Corps of Engineer) Officer at Camp Friendship in Korat, Thailand

Sky Diving into 9th Log Hqs Parade Grounds, Camp USARTHAI, Korat - Moi   SFC Jack Steere???
Latest army-issue footware - 1964 strap-over jungle boots (Latest craze!)
And, last - but, not least - my (trusty) wheels - 150 cc Honda M/C !!!
Christmas Day Rock'n Roll Party - Korat'64

Hard at work ("hardly" workin ..)   Camp Friendship - Korat
"Commander Mac" - designing the next Disneyland ...
Mac (lookin busy) at work ...
528th Engr Det (Utility)   Feb '64-65
Mac (lookin busy) at work ...

Mac Thompson and his boss, Sunee!
Mac and his boss ...   she may be small, but he ain't stupid !

And, here's Sunee & I down Oz way in April '98, went to a wedding of an old buddy
from my Vientiane days...   (Click on pic for larger version.)
Sydney Harbor Tourist Cruise - April '98
Sydney Harbor Tourist Cruise - April '98 (Sunee & moi)

Cambodian Temple???   (Sunee - Tourist Director..)

P-38 Story   "The Greatest Army invention .. ever"
From: MacAlan Thompson <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>;  Visit -
    <[email protected]>; 
    <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:06 AM
Subject: Good Wife Guide

> From the Pattaya Mail newspaper of last week.
> Les, could Mayuree translate this to Thai?  I'd like to post in the kitchen 
> for Sunee to read, if she's a mind to, between bashing me on the head with 
> a frying pin.
> Mac
> Ladies ... An Actual Extract from a 1960s Home Economics Textboo, probably 
> from the UK.
> The Good Wife Guide
> Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious 
> meal ready on time for his return from work. This is a way of letting him 
> know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about his 
> needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good 
> meal (especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed.
> Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he 
> arrives.
> Touch-up your make-up, put ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has 
> just been with a lot of weary people. Be a little gay and a little more 
> interesting for him.
> His boring,day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.
> Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the 
> house just before your husband arrives. Gather up school books, toys, 
> papers, etc. and then run a dustcloth, over the tables. During the colder 
> months of the year you should prepare and light a fire, for him to unwind 
> by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order and it 
> will give you a lift too. After all, catering for his comfort will provide 
> you with immense personal satisfaction.
> Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival eliminate all noise of the 
> washer, dryer or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet.
> Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your 
> desire tomplease him. Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things 
> to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk 
> first, remember his topics of
> conversation are more important than yours.
> Make the evening his. Never complain if he comes home late, or goes out to 
> dinner or other places of entertainment without you. Instead, try to 
> understand his world of strain and pressure and his very real need to be at 
> home and relax.
> Try to make sure your home is a place of peace, order and tranquillity 
> where your husband can renew himself in body and spirit. Don't greet him 
> with complaints and problems.
> Don't complain if he's home late for dinner, or even stays out all night. 
> Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through that day. 
> Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or have him 
> lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange 
> the pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and 
> pleasant voice. Don't ask him questions about his actions or question his 
> judgement or integrity. Remember, he is the master of the house and as such 
> will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness.
> Once he has had a chance to have his evening meal, clear the dishes and 
> wash up promptly.
> If your husband should offer to help, decline his offer as he may feel 
> obliged to repeat
> this offer and after a long working day he does not need the extra work.
> Encourage your husband to pursue his hobbies and interests and be 
> supportive without
> seeming to encroach. If you have any little hobbies yourself, try not to 
> bore him speaking of these, as women's interests are often rather trivial 
> compared to men's.
> At the end of the evening tidy the home ready for the morning and again 
> think ahead to his breakfast needs. Your husband's breakfast is vital if he 
> is to face the outside world in a positive fashion.
> Once you have both retired to the bedroom, prepare yourself for bed as 
> promptly as
> possible. Whilst feminine hygiene is of the utmost importance, your tired 
> husband does not want to queue for the bathroom as he would have to do for 
> his train. But remember to look your best when going to bed. Try to achieve 
> a look that is welcoming without being obvious. If you need to apply face 
> cream or hair rollers, wait until he is asleep as this can be shocking to a 
> man as a last thing at night.
> When it comes to the possibility of intimate relationship with your husband 
> it is
> important to remember your marriage vows and in particular your commitment 
> to obey him. If he feels that he needs to sleep immediately, then so be it. 
> In all things be lead by your husband's wishes, do not pressure him in any 
> way to stimulate intimacy.
> Should your husband suggest congress, then accede humbly all the while 
> being mindful than a man's satisfaction is more important than woman's. 
> When he reaches his moment of fulfillment, a small moan from yourself is 
> encouraging to him and quite sufficient to indicate any enjoyment that you 
> may have had. Should your husband suggest any of the more unusual 
> practices, be obedient and obedient and uncomplaining but register any 
> reluctance by
> remaining silent.
> It is likely that your husband will then fall promptly asleep, so adjust 
> your clothing,
> freshen up and apply your night time face and hair products. You may then 
> set the alarm so that you can arise shortly before him in the morning. This 
> will enable you to have his morning cup of tea ready when he awakes.

Well, let's see, have had the following birthdays in Thailand, Laos & other:

        Thai    Lao     U.S.    Sudan   Egypt   Russia
>1964    23
>1965                    24
>1966                    25
>1967            26
>1968            27
>1969            28
>1970            29
>1971            30
>1972            31
>1973            32
>1974            33
>1975            34
>1976            35
>1977                    36
>1978                    37
>1979    38
>1980    39
>1981    40
>1982    41
>1983    42
                        U.S.    Sudan   Egypt   Russia
>1984                    43
>1985                    44
>1986                    45
>1987                            46
>1988                            47
>1989                                    48
>1990    49
>1991                    50   (Went back to Portland and Bremerton for this one..)
>1992    51
>1993    52
>1994                                            53
>1995                                            54
>1996    55
>1997    56
>1998    57
>1999    58
>2000    59
>2001    -1  (In about 4 weeks, but I ain't gonna say how young I've become.)

Mac - life of an expatriate with (very) few regrets ...  16 May 01
Christmas Day Rock'n Roll Party - Korat '64
Christmas Day Rock'n Roll Party - Korat'64

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