Cook, Jackie L.
Company Clerk - HHC 9th Logistics
9th Log - Don Muang - Windsor Hotel
Camp USARTHAI, Korat and Bangkok
Street Map Click me to send this soldier an email! Mailing P.O. Box 64
315 Gookin Street
Greenway, AR   72430
HOME PHONE: (870) 529-3323
PalTalk Screen Name: Leonc_2001
Photo of my Thai wife, Noi & myself   (1965 Portrait)
Visit - Jack's Corner !   "Going to APO SF 96233"

Photo Legend:
Standing next to spirit house at home, behind 9th Log Comd in 1964.   Buildings in the background are residential structures ...  

Jack Cook
  Private Jackie Cook, USN 201 File -
   NAME:  Jackie Leon Cook       

    DOB:  14 Oct 46     

    POB:  Lake City, Arkansas

   BASD:  28 Apr 64   

Retired:  1 Jun 84    

Highest Rank attained:  MSG E8

Retired as SFC E7 (didn't want to

stay two more years because of 

family crisis).

  Here is a more recent photo of 

Jack, "vintage Jack" .. like good

wine, as he approaches 

  'double nickel' Click here.  

Is that an Elvis fan, 

  I see??? - Franco

From: "Jack Cook" <[email protected]>
Subject:  Where's the First Shirt?
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 00:38:57 -0600

  From September, 1964 to March, 1965, I was assigned as the Admin Clerk to the 

Adjutant, HQ, 9th Logistics Command (B) at Camp USARTHAI, Korat, Thailand.  I 

recognized many of the structures in the aerial shot of Camp USARTHAI.  I visited

the Enlisted Club pictured and also the outdoor and remodeled theater, before it was 

situated in an enclosed structure.  Often, I would sneak into the chapel, as pictured 

behind the helicopters, to play boogie woogie on the church organ (after hours of 

course).  In the aerial photograph of Camp USARTHAI, the mess hall is the big "H" 

shaped building (in the middle left side).  Directly to the right of the messhall 

is a long building with a shiny roof on the lower portion.  That building was the 

PX and Johnny Gems.  Beneath the PX is a tennis court.  Directly to the left of 

the tennis court is a long building.  Going left on that same walkway, the next 

building was the Orderly Room for HHC, 9th Log Comd (B).  I received my first 

promotion to PFC E3 in that building.  Two weeks later, I was trimming the 

grass alongside that walkway as punishment.  I know that walkway very well.

    During that time, HQ Co, 44th Engr Bn (C) was located at Camp Friendship.  

I was Company Clerk, Supply Clerk, Mail Clerk and basic Gopher for HQ Co, 

44th Engr Bn from March, 1965 to October, 1965.  When you entered Camp 

Friendship on the bus from Korat (the back gate that went into Korat Royal 

Thai Air Force Base).  The engineers had a very big complex on the left hand 

side about 1/8 mile from the back gate.  Approximately 1/4 mile further into 

the base on the main road, HQ Co, 44th Engr Bn had two short rows of hootches, 

the First Sergeant's BEQ, parking lot and Supply Room.  The Supply Room ran 

lengthwise along the road with the entrance on the inside towards the parking 

lot and hootches.

    While I was Company Clerk, we set up some transient beds for the truck 

drivers running supplies for the 809th Engr Bn located up near NKP.  We also 

had a detachment of 28 men from the 538th Engr Bn.  The majority of our 

assigned personnel performed duties at the Facilty Engineer complex.

    I departed Thailand in October 1965 for assignment to Okinawa.  I 

returned to Thailand in September, 1966 assigned to USASTRATCOM Fac-BKK.  

In March, 1967, HQ, 29th Signal Group was expanding and opened a Long Lines 

Battalion in Korat.  I transferred from Bangkok to Korat in March, 1967.  

At that time, HQ, 44th Engr Group was located at Camp USARTHAI (the old 

9th Logistics Command compound).  I lived with my wife just down the road 

from that compound.

My passport picture around 1972-74 ...

I transferred to HQ, USARSUPTHAI in August, 1967 to take charge of the Officer Records Branch of HQ, USARSUPTHAI, Personnel shop. Then from March to September, 1968, I was in charge of the Forward Processing Detachment in Bangkok. My team and I met the planes at Don Muang Airport; took charge of all assigned personnel and put them in the hotel overnight. After processing they were sent to there original assignments or directed to new assignments as changed. From September, 1968 until August, 1972, I did my part as a Recruiter in Michigan, a Warrant Office Flight Candidate (bad eyes) and personnel work in Texas and Vietnam. I returned to Thailand and HQ, USARSUPTHAI in Bangkok in August, 1972 as the Assistant Manager of the Windsor Hotel. In May, 1974, I transfered to JUSMAG/MACTHAI as Admin NCO for the ACofS, J1. Jack Cook's Thai ID Card for Thai Supreme Command Forward Hqs In November, 1974, I worked as a translator with the Foreign Area Specialist directly for the Chief, MACTHAI (Gen H. C. Aderholt). We were located and performed liaison between Gen Aderholt and Gen Kriangsak Chomanan (Commander of the Royal Thai Army) at HQ, Supreme Command Forward in Bangkok. Was deeply involved in negotiations with the US Embassy, MACTHAI, and Thai government during the retrieval of Military Assistance assets when Cambodia and Vietnam fell. I left Thailand, for the last time, in November, 1975... My dream is to one day be able to return "home" again... Click here for E-7 Promotion Photo at ACofS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jack Cook" <[email protected]> Subject: Duty Roster Page Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 23:53:06 -0600 Frank, YES! .... Please enter a page for me. I will provide any additional info you may need. Just let me know. I will look at the pictures you sent and take some notes for you as to what and who was where as I can recall. 1964 was a very long time ago. I was just a kid. I was 17 yrs old when I arrived in Korat the first time. I think that I slept in my bed at the hootch less than a dozen times during my first tour. Also, the Lucky Seven was not the original occupant of the site where the Sri Patana Hotel is today. To get to the Lucky Seven you had to turn left after you crossed over the railroad tracks where the three roads joined into one. At the juncture where the three roads met to form one was located a Ice Plant. We called this area the Ice Plant intersection. From the Ice Plant, turn left. After about 1/8 mile, the road did a slow curve to the right, up ahead on the left was a train depot with a old engine statued in front (this old engine was best known for having wrecked and killing dozen of individuals). Just before reaching the train depot, there was an opening between the buildings along the road on the right hand side. The Lucky Seven was located in a compound at this entrance. Further down the road past the train depot on the right hand side was a Wat. It was at this Wat that I received a blessing, bath and buddhist symbols to take with me on my tour to Vietnam. If anyone is interested, the story of "YaaMo" (the statue in the center of town) is also interesting. Personally, I walked under the bridge that held "YaaMo's" house three times (and three times I returned to Thailand). That's another story ........... thanks, JACK Salute to all..

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