
Height: 60 meters

Length: 100 meters

Weight: 15-20,000 tons

Powers: Sharp teeth, Tusk, horns, spikey tail, burrowing, pretty hardcore fighter!

History/Origin: A relative of the Ankylosaur. Angilas when he first made an appearance was classified as "Killer of the Living". A dinosaur who pretty much had the same origin as
Gigantis. Famous for being not only Gigantis' first enemy, but also his friend friend. When the two prehistoric carnivores met, all of Osaka was reduced to a hellish wasteland. But in the climax of their war, Gigantis' atomic flames reduced Angilas' body to a burning corpse of death.

But in the years to come, it appeared there was another Angilas. Instead of showing aggression to Gigantis, they instead formed an alliance. On separate occasions, the two were seen side by side fighting off space monsters. When facing Gigan's claws, MechaGodzilla's incredible strength or Ghidrah's diabolical power, Angilas stuck by Gigantis' side in his time of need. In 1999, Angilas aided Gigantis and the other earth monsters to destroy Ghidrah once and for all, after breaking the mind control of alien invaders who turned the armored-dinosaur on his own world.

Power: 3/5

A tendency to never back down from any opponent, no matter how strong and powerful they may be. With an arsenal of sharp teeth and claws, Angilas is efficient with what is needed to slay any unsuspecting kaiju who lets their guard down. His entire back is covered with an organic shell, which protrudes hundreds of sharp spikes. A great defense to guard his back from foes sneaking up behind him. When wanting to sink his teeth into an opponent right away, Angilas can leap over 100-meters to do this. Angilas' greatest strength is also his greatest weakness: never backs down from anyone. Despite standing up to Ghidrah and MechaGodzilla, the armored-saurian nearly lost his life. Possessing no type of projectile, Angilas is left with only his physical attributes. While they are effective in their own merrit, with just average attacks by his side, Angilas earns an average rating. But his courage alone dwarfs any other kaiju.

Height: 90 meters

Weight: 60,000 tons

Powers: Anguirus is capable of curling up into a spiky ball and dislodging himself towards its targets. Anguirus also has an extraordinarily leaping ability. The armored, spiky carapace on his back defends him. Anguirus' jaws, claws, and spiky cranium are likely weapons used in physical brawls, as a last resort.

History: A famous kaiju known around the world, many children were surprised to see a real life Anguirus appearing on their TV screens. While they were mesmerized to see the awesome creature raze Shanghai to the ground, it was even more amazing to witness the arrival of the alien race, Xilians. The Xilians succeeded in stopping Anguirus' rampage. But there was a far greater agenda. After a select few learned of the Xilians' true motives, the Xilians attacked without any compromise. Anguirus returned to Shanghai, where the armored-saurian helped destroy an EDF hovering ship. But its services were later needed to help fellow kaiju brethren, Rodan and King Caesar, to engage an even greater threat: Godzilla. Anguirus was warped to the base of Mt. Fuji, where all three kaiju engaged the nuclear tyrant. At first, it appeared as if Godzilla had met his match. Anguirus repeatedly attempted to ravage Godzilla's sternum, succeeding only once in making a direct hit. Eventually, Anguirus was drilled into the side of a mountain, knocked out. Its allies were unable to stop Godzilla and were forced to watch the King of the Monsters gloat, before departing. It is unknown of what happened to Anguirus, but it is likely that the courageous kaiju experienced freedom after the control of the Xilians faded.

Fighting Power: ****

Anguirus easily shrugged off missiles designed to combat kaiju. While the kaiju sought cover when the zero cannon were deployed, it gave the perfect chance to analyze Anguirus' amazing agility to avoid attacks. Against a quicker foe, Anguirus would likely be unable to curl up into his spiky ball for protection, but the odds of Anguirus facing a foe that fast are slim. Anguirus' most potent move is also the one he deploys often. Anguirus would curl up into a spiky ball and bounce into its targets. This not only is deadly, but also an excellent offensive and defensive combination. Its effectiveness is seen when it annihilated an EDF battleship and gave Godzilla something to remember him by. After striking Godzilla, Godzilla didn't retaliate immediately. In fact, it looked as if Godzilla was trying to breathe and search for his enemies at the same time. Overall, Anguirus would make just about any opponent work to achieve victory. If the opponent possesses strong enough attacks, incredible speed, and a cunning mind, they'd likely overcome Anguirus. Those things and more are needed to put this armored-kaiju down for the count.
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