Good Girl Gwendolyn from Next Door
Meet Me, Gwendolyn, a sweet, yet naughty and sexy girl next door. 
This is a photo of me, but you notice I don't show my breasts.  I'm a bit embarrassed and want to have bigger boobs!  Who can blame a girl for wanting to look more like a girl?  I've started selling things on to raise money to buy new boobs with, but am also hoping that those of you who see me here will help me out with my dream of having 38C...nothing huge or horrible, just girly, curvy and sexy boobs to make me sexier!!!  I'll be setting up a page to let you help me out shortly, as I learn how to do this webpage stuff!

In the meantime, visit me on
eBanned and follow the link on my homepage....and maybe you'll see something worth buying to help me with my dream of BIG BOOBS!
Me in My Red Thigh High Boots Today, 7/9/2003
My First NEW Photo Page - 7/26

7/26 Continued

Wanna see more?

A Page of Intimates

A Newfound Fetish

Thigh high Boot Lover

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