1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003-2005 - GordeonBleu X! Press Archives - Exit

*I've lost some of the announcements for 2001. Oops.

(BUM BUM BUM BUM!) BRAND NEW YEAR, NEW DECADE, NEW CENTURY, NEW MILLENIUM, EVERYBODY! It's the 21st century and the 2nd millenium after the arbitrarily set year of zero, AD or CE, although the people of that time were too busy killing each other and trying to satisfy their hunger to give a shit what year it was. You didn't see that profanity. Welcome the revolutionary technology we have now that it's 2001! Flying cars. Robots doing our chores. Power plants generating power from crystals. Hotels in orbit around the earth. Colonies on Mars. Join the celebration. Ha. Right.
10/10 - I've finally decided to commence three simultaneous projects on my homepage. Chimerical will be an interactive idea and philosophy center, iMAGiNE will become the new poetry section, and the riddles and brain teasers section will become The Brainstorm.

9/26 - Tommy's homepage is undergoing lots of reconstruction. I've already lost track of which address is working and which are dead. Supposedly, there's a new one at solmercantile.freeservers.com, but I'm having problems accessing the page for review. Still, it may just be exclusively problematic to me, so try visiting it.

9/19 - Well, the tragic incident has been ringing in the news for over a week now. No updates will be made at this site for now. I've finally put up a link to Chimerical, one of my other sites, neglected like all the "other sites" I've ever attempted. They usually just disappear when I lose interest or become a section of GordeonBleu.

8/5 - Check out the new CSS Tutorial at the HTML Workshop.

8/2 - I'm SIXTEEN! Yay! I don't feel thrilled though. Hmm. Oh well. I'd just like to say Happy Birthday to Tommy, who should be somewhere in Spain, I think. Anyway, StoryCorner is in the process of being redesigned. Pages will be replaced. The main page is done already. iMAGiNE will become my latest ambitious writing club. StoryCorner's for me, iMAGiNE's for everyone else. Anyone may submit works, and unless there's a very obvious reason for me to reject it, your work will most likely be accepted. Of course, I'd have to finish creating iMAGiNE first. Also, I'm going to start creating a tutorial, not an archive, of cascading style sheets, a.k.a. style sheets. I'll explain the wonders of CSS as soon as I'm done with StoryCorner and iMAGiNE. Hold on, people. (Oh, and I need somebody to write an article for iMAGiNE. Browse the site for details.)

7/28 - Please tell me what you think about the new proposed designs of DreamWorld and StoryCorner.

7/27 - Almost by birthday. There's a new section in the navigation bar on the left. I'll let you figure out what it is. =)

7/18 - My ISP is having connection problems. I'll get back to all of you as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, take a look at Dreamworld and tell me if I should replace the current Dreamland design with Dreamworld's.

7/17 - Hey, I might post new polls to see if the general audience of GordeonBleu is finding the disabled right-click thing annoying. Tell me your opinion. I'll try to fix that web form.

7/16 - Reminders to myself: Upload the new Dreamworld page, Fix the Web Form, Find a good place to learn CSS other than HTMLGoodies.com, Place a link to the three-week-old snow cone section, Upload the new bulletin archives, Change the link colors of my guestbook, Continue the stAts Consortium section (maybe take some from InfoPlease.com), Abandon "Chimerical" site and possibly the iMAGiNE section, Work on the Riddles section, Maybe create a SimCity 2000 section, Update my credits section.

7/15 - I've cleaned up the bulletin board again, but this time I've decided to save the old posts just in case I may ever want or need them again in the future. I'm still having delays with everything. New webpages and updates have been made weeks before on the hard drive, but I haven't bothered to upload them online. I'll get to that...someday... I just also want to say thanks to all my faithful visitors who keep coming back for stuff about me. I'm so loved. =)

* I might have lost a post or two between these two dates above and below.

6/23 - We're still off schedule, everyone. I'm working on a story at the moment, and I have a new snow cone section. Click HERE to see it. Also, pretty soon I'm going to place a new link to solmerchant.freeservers.com, which I should've done a long time ago. And thanks to Tommy, I've made an attempt to find the URL of my old Chimerical literary/ideas/dreams site. I found it. I'll post it here in case I forget. chimerically.tripod.com. Well, I've got work to do, e-mails to respond to, a CD to get back from someone... Bye.

6/15 - Okay, today is the scheduled day for the clearing of all the content on this announcement board, but there will be delays. Sorry. I'm working on two new sections right now - stats and imagine - at a very slow pace. Hang in there.

5/25 - The polls are being ignored even as I speak. I don't think I'll make changes to it anytime soon. Final exams are in the way. Also, there's a new random stats page and a quiz page being worked on, but there will be delays, I assure you. And my SimCity 3000 section has a new look. The front page hasn't gone through that many changes, but all the subpages have. Take a look if you're interested.

5/12 - Wow, approaching the halfway point of 2001 already. I guess I'll have to clear this board in about a month. Nothing new is happening on this homepage at the moment. All delays continue. Expect that. I'm currently working with Tommy with a new business venture, well, I'm just helping him out, but anyway, check it out. I see great potential in this site. It's an online market of used goods by Aramcons. Click here.

5/2 - I just realized that I have not yet provided the downloadable fonts for the links on the left. I'm sorry about that. There will be delay until the weekend. On a separate note, the Dagger of Amon Ra section design has been refined a bit. The content hasn't changed. And as for the polls, which are way behind schedule with updates, I'll try to make updates during the weekend, if time is available that is.

4/28 - SimTower and SimFarm's pages are up now. They're not completely finished yet as far as content though. Neither are Red Alert 2 or Age of Empire II's pages.

4/25 - The old black contact web-form page has been replaced with StoryCorner's blue contact page design. Since nobody uses the StoryCorner contact page, I've used it for the main one.

4/24 - I'm back from vacation, still wondering how I'm able to cope with my interrupted biological clock. Anyway, some work is being done on the Red Alert 2 and The Age of Empires II sections. The main pages are up already. SimTower and SimFarm won't be worked on anytime soon. Expect delays.

4/1 - It's April Fool's Day. Whee. Anyway, I'm finally beginning what I've always thought of doing - adding more computer game sections to my homepage. (The links are still dead.) After all, all these years, I've played so many games, and only sharing information about SimCity might imply that I'm a psychotic SimCity addict who does nothing more than sit before, or behind, a computer monitor playing this game like it's some sort of shrine or oracle I must pay my worship to.

3/30 - The font requirements list has finally returned. Soon, you will be able to download the fonts used by this homepage if you do not have them already.

3/16 - I've made the HTML Workshop webpages prettier. The content hasn't changed at all.

3/11 - I live! There's been one addition to the links section, and the HTML Workshop may go under reconstruction for the first time in a very long time. Who knows. The riddles section is still under construction, and its completion has been delayed for another three months. Oh, and the polls section won't be updated like it should have been a long time ago because of the lack of enough votes.

1/26 - I've just realized that NOBODY has noticed that the yellow text above this navy colored announcement board is actually LINKS!!! LINKS!!! Yes, you can even bookmark my site with that link!!! Try it out. Jeez.

1/24 - The first set of photos have been added to the newly designed photo gallery, now located in the About Me section as opposed to a stand-alone page. Enjoy. If your browser has any problems with the design of the About Me section, please tell me. I'm extremely meticulous about every minute detail, but I still tend to make typos here and there.

1/23 - There's a totally new design for the About Me page. I'm beginning to move back to incorporating Javascript in my webpages because I'm beginning to suspect that my webpages aren't captivating anyone's attention anymore. So, regardless of how slow your Internet connection may be or how incompatible your browser is, I'm going to head in a more complex direction. Screw you! Screw all of you! MWA HA HA HA HA! Anyway...

1/22 - I'm now using FTP Explorer to upload files into my GeoCities File Manager. Yay! Also, I'm now regretting that I did not keep my half year of announcements. I should've archived them like Bri did. Oh well... And on another note, Tommy has begun to add products to his website. Check it out: Lamsa.

1/21 - There's a new link on the left. I call this new homepage "Chimerical". It's still new and without content, so don't expect too much. Right now, it's a guinea pig for something like what StoryCorner was supposed to head towards when it branched off into its own site, which it never did. Also, the SimCity 3000 section may go under heavy remodeling, maybe, just MAYBE. And one last announcement, Brianna has moved towards a more, what she calls, sophisticated, style for her homepage. She has a tendency to wipe out entire portions of her site and start all over again. The last time that happened was the summer of 1999 when her black homepage of Pokemon and Sailormoon turned into a colorful splash of color mixing, which I liked. But change is good. After all, my homepage turned from swirly purple to black to blue.

1/13 - Happy Birthday, Karen! My little sister is 14! Isn't that sweet? I'd also like to announce that my friend Tommy in Michigan has finally found a purpose for his homepage. He's going to use it for Middle East antiques commerce. Very capitalist of him. I admire that. His site is here: www.geocities.com/el_aleman_venezolano.

1/12 - StoryCorner has a new story in town. It's a short one but drop by if you have time. It's my first attempt at horror. Oh, and StoryCorner has returned to its classic color scheme of 1998. No more sky blue schemes in that area. Also, I need more math riddles or just riddles (good ones, please) for my riddles section. I have riddles at home, but I don't have access to them now.

1/01 - BRAND NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY! It's the 21st century! Welcome the revolutionary technology we have! Flying cars. Robots doing our chores. Power plants generating power from crystals. Hotels in orbit around the earth. Colonies on Mars.

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Gordon Mei
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