Old Dreamworld Logo

Dreamworld began as a place where I could write about some of the few dreams I could remember, mostly the ones with a fictional plot. They may not all be funny or scary, but because I'm always on the move, my best shot at remembering is by collecting them here, where I can view them from anywhere in the world. If you want to read these, be my guest. I don't mind at all. If you're not interested and want a quick exit, click here to jump to the bottom of the page.

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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25

wait, there's more: :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 ::

1. The oldest dream I remember was when I was in the first grade or the second grade. Anyway, I was in my house when I suddenly heard something in the kitchen. And there was a skeleton there. I was confused and then this skeleton came to life and saw me. I was nearly paralyzed in trepidation. I ran all over the house as fast I could scouring for an escape. To my surprise, all the exits were inaccessible because all the doors and windows were locked. He chased my until I was exhausted. And right before the moment he was about to kill me, I awoke.

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2. I think this dream was when I was in the sixth grade and this dream didn't really have a plot. Basically, I was in my house doing whatever when I hear some noise. I listen again and the next thing I know, the floor is beginning to tremble. At first I thought it was an earthquake being in California and all. However it was not. Cracks began to appear on the hardwood floor and suddenly all these stems with leaves began to climb out of the cracks. The plants grew at amazing speeds and this reminded me so much of the movie "Jumanji." It pretty scary because the plants began to grow in such ways that they blocked the exits. I was trapped. I didn't know what to do. And then suddenly my mom saved me by waking me up.

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3. I can't remember when this was. I think either the fourth grade or fifth grade. Anyway, there's almost no plot or details to this one. I saw a swarm of lady bugs so dense that it was like a thick sea of red. The ladybugs began covering my feet like a blanket, covering more and more of me. I couldn't see my legs because of the sheer number of ladybugs. They moved quickly and made high-pitched insect sounds. More and more came moving up and enshrouding my legs and up and up and up... This was freaky but I don't remember the rest, fortunately for me.

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4. This dream actually had a plot but I can't remember it too well. I remember the basic plot and a lot of the images I saw in it. It a rainy, dark October night and I needed a place to stay for the night. I saw this large building which looked very enormous, tall, and kind of like a castle. I wasn't sure because it was dark, so I assumed that it was a hotel of some sort. Anyway, I entered and there was the lobby where you could see the floors above with circular walkways. It's difficult to explain, but this detail isn't important. Well, I couldn't get a room. Why? I can't remember. But I was able to stay in rooms here and there. After a few days and nights, I was getting curious why I hadn't seen anybody in this hotel since my arrival. Seeing a room that looked like a lab, I entered in bewildered at the thought of a lab being in a hotel. This was a lab all right but there were some odd-looking objects that reminded me of witchcraft. Ooh. Creepy. I saw this other room that seemed to be a place where folders and folders of information were stored. I walked in and the door behind me suddenly shut on me. Nothing happened afterwards so I thought that may have been the wind. I looked at the files and I discovered...that I was in a castle of an evil witch and innocent people in the rooms who also thought it was a hotel were put under her spell. It was a good thing that her hotel was full and closed. I decided to save those people. (Yes, I aimed to be heroic.) I wouldn't have the guts to in real life. Well, I'll just keep the rest brief. Basically, I walked up to the door to what was supposedly the place where the witch was. When I opened the door, I saw a long hall with many doors. I opened one, pitch dark. Next door. Abyss in the dark night. I almost fell over! Next door. A city of lava. Trusting my instinct, I entered. I can't remember what happened but I know I was victorious after many struggles. So I was the hero.

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5. This dream took place in April 2000 when I was on vacation, oversleeping everyday. :) It was pretty strange. It was the year 2000. I remember being in a classroom with many subjects including "social ?????." Again, I couldn't remember much. There was a textbook called "The Leo Guidebook to Social ?????" with a black cover and stars all over. After school, something strange happened. A flash or something. Anyway, next thing I knew I was in the year 2XXX. I can't remember the year. But it was several years or a couple decades after 2000. The textbook had changed to "The Gemini Guidebook to Social ?????" and the place that showed the previous owners of the book was blank except for two entries. April 1992 for the earliest student user and April 2XXX for the latest student, me. This was a weird dream. I tried writing a story about it but ended up sounding like the plot of "The Matrix," so I stopped writing the story.

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6. This dream also occurred in April 2000 when I was on vacation. I was with this nice man and he decided to go to the swimming pool in the recreational area. He convinced lots of people to go swimming. Then he dove into the water and turned into his real self - a piranha. He began to attack everyone in the pool and there was panic and chaos. Everybody was eventually eaten. Then I fled. How courageous of me!

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7. This dream was one of those dreams where people you see everyday are involved and the dream seems like a normal day. I think this was in the 7th grade - 1997 or 1998. Anyway, I found a toy that I haven't seen in an extremely long time, and I wanted it back badly. Just then, my sister comes in, takes it, and destroys it. I grew furious. Then I awoke. I ran over to my sister's bedroom door, burst into the room, and began to scream at her in anger. She just woke up bewildered and said "Huh?" Then I realized that it was just a dream. Oops!

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8. This is probably one of the most vaguely remembered dreams out of all my not-too-abstract dreams. I recall being brought to Neptune or Uranus. The planet was green, so it must have been Uranus, but there weren't any rings around the planet. There was also a goddess there, or was it an enchantress? She was wearing a long white dress, something like an evening gown. She was very tall, very thin, and very blonde. These details aren't too important to the overall plot, but I'm only recalling what I remember. I think there was a unicorn, white of course, that had some powers. Anyway, the planet had many strange lakes and plant life, kind of like a fantasy world. This is where my mind goes blank. The plot could have went two ways. One is the one I do not remember. The other could be that I was stuck on the planet for a very long time, and because the planet took so long for each revolution around the sun, my body aged at that same speed making each year seem very, very long. But this ending might have been another dream.

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9. August 18, 2000. This was one of those more vague dreams. There was a person, a lady actually, but I wasn't sure if she was an extraterrestrial glowing white or just a girl in white. But this figure was humanoid. That's for sure. Her name was something like Adria or something close to Adrian. I don't really remember. And then there was a part where I was following her down a subway hall with lots of people walking all over the place. Then I'm suddenly with her at a snack bar or just a bar, and she asks me if I'd like a drink. For some reason, I think I chose pink lemonade. After I finished my drink, she told me to follow her. And at the end, I was interrupted my two adults and lost her. Weird.

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10. January 14, 2001. I was in a tiny apartment room on the bottom floor. It was more like a bedroom and nothing else. Suddenly there was a knocking on the door. I opened the door, only to see the manager begin saying, "Mornin'. My parents wanted me to make sure that you were awake.", as he casually pointed a rifle at my head. We talked for a bit and then he left and I don't remember much of the part afterwards except that somehow a girl with either a handgun or a rifle, (I don't remember which.), was running after me ready to fire at me. I saw my friend, the manager, with a knife, or was it an envelope opener? Anyway, I began rolling on the ground moving left and right down the sidewalk to dodge bullets when finally I turned over by a bush for protection. I heard a scream. Looking up, I saw the manager chasing the psycho girl with the gun down the sidewalk with an envelope opener, or was it a knife? Strange. It ended with the manager returning while I saw HIS rifle on the sidewalk, which the girl had dropped. Again, strange.

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11. February 4, 2001. All I remember of the beginning is my being chased by a man, or a male the same age as I was. I was a secret agent, and he seemed to be the henchman of a villain that showed up later in the dream. He chased me through a caves with all those stalagmites and stalactites, and with all those different paths and dead ends. Somehow, I had finally gotten out of the cave and gotten into a chase in a five-story luxury hotel. He had finally cornered me in a hallway on one of the high floors, like the fourth floor, and he was searching the hallway slowly, room by room, now with another man dressed in a black or dark blue uniform behind him. It might've been a hotel security guard, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding a way out of this hallway without getting shot at. Yes, the henchman had a handgun. After making a quick peak around the corner from the end, I saw a point in the hallway where the hallway split into the top of a "T", I quickly scurried into a room with an open door just when the henchman was looking behind himself. I looked left and right in panic, looking for a place to escape in time. The footsteps grew louder. I ran to the window and began to open it. It was about thirty feet down, which would be a fatal fall. I swung myself around held on to one of those golden window frames around the outside of the windows. To my left, there was an emergency ladder. I could now hear footsteps moving into the hotel room that I had just left. I moved quickly down the ladder and ran. But the dream wasn't done yet. I remember suddenly having my team of agents with me in a special four-wheel drive of some sort. It had many features. We drove up and down the highways by a coast, searching for the location of our villain's building because we knew that he was in this immediate area. But we didn't know which building it was. But the highway rails were too high and blocked our view, so one of us suggested that we take that roller coaster track in the nearby, recently abandoned theme park. So we took ourselves to the beginning of the roller coaster track, turned the thing on, and got into the roller coaster. To get a better view, we had to ascend to the highest point of the track, so we sped along on the rollercoaster tracks. When we were at the peak, there was a rectangular, red symbol with yellow pictures and text on it on a skyscraper about half a mile away on the coast side of the highway with an off ramp connecting the highway to the entrance of the building. The entrance of the building had two booths with a couple guards with rifles moving around. One of us suddenly recalled remembered seeing this symbol before, and soon searching in our database in the vehicle that it was the symbol seen on earlier secret military complexes of this villain elsewhere. When we drove up to the building, sure enough, it was that symbol of our villain. We drove onto the offramp and stopped when the guards signaled us to stop. I can't remember if we got in through forcefully or furtively, but we passed through and made in pretty far into the complex, now using a golf cart kind of vehicle. Just as we were getting off, we were caught, evidently, because there was an ambush. But being badly outnumbered, I, being the leader, had to watch in agony as all of my fellow agents were soon tranquilized with those little black guns in "Goldfinger", and after killing the agent second in command, a good friend of mine, I was then put to sleep too. I don't remember what happened after this, but we were later invited to a dinner with our villain at the long table with a couple of his men and his lady. I'm not sure if they were married or not, but I was actually sitting at the end of a long side of the table with his mistress on my left and the villain at the head of the table to my right. The room was only lighted with a couple candlelights and the bright light of the full moon above through the enormous, round glass ceiling. It was more like a glass dome. The stars twinkling in the night sky could be seen among the moon. Behind me stood a large glass window with a beautiful black frame, much like that of the dome. To ridicule us, the villain gave us splendid food, but no eating utensils, or sometimes just the wrong ones for the dish. And when we were just finally getting a reasonable amount of the delicious food into our mouths, he would call the waiters to take away the dishes and bring in the next dishes. He laughed and began talking to people on the other long side of the table. Meanwhile, I glanced at the lady on my left. She was quiet, not saying a word. She looked so innocent, so gentle. I glanced up at the stars. In the midst of all the excitement in my career, I hadn't stopped to take a look at the stars in a very long time. They were indeed beautiful. But I didn't know the constellations. I asked the girl about the names of the constellations, and she began pointing out constellations like Sirius and Orion's Belt, and we talked about how beautiful the night sky was. We were beginning to like each other, with the villain totally unaware of this. I'm not sure what happened after this, or would have happened after this, because I woke up. Maybe she turns against the villain and secretly helps me, and I get my revenge on the villain. Maybe we all end up dying. Who knows? I should've gone back to sleep and found out how it ends.

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12. April 30, 2001. I don't really remember much of this, but I remember that there was a girl who, in this dream, I liked. We did many fun things together, but because of my lack of memory with this dream, I have no details to offer. I remember that we grew very close in this relationship, and then there was a war. It was unexpected. I had just spent the evening with this friend, and as I was riding along a narrow, straight road between the steep hills on my right and the harbor on my left, I suddenly saw this dark shadow dropping from the sky down towards the metropolis downtown skyline on the other side of the harbor. Suddenly, I saw five or six nuclear mushroom-shaped blasts, all fiery golden, appearing behind the skyscrapers. From what I remember, the girl that I had become such great friends with died in the first attack of the war. She was in the city, in her apartment or condo, I think. Maybe it was more like romance than friendship. I'll stop there.

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13. May 2, 2001. Someone is trying to kill me, or something. People I know begin to die all mysteriously, but no big deal is made of it. I try to warn others while I go about my day indoors following my daily routine that an assassin is after me, but nobody responds to my cries of agony. Then one day, I see that person, that creature, that...thing..., with its eyes staring straight at me. I know what this soul is thinking. It wants me dead. I can't recall if he/she/it had a gun or not. All I remember was that it tried to kill me and failed. The frightening part was that it seemed so real. No matter where I was or what time of the day it was, I was in a constant state of fear, never knowing when it was safe to sleep or whether the assassin would try to kill me again.

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14. July 5, 2001. I was walking down the marble floors of the dull cafeteria halls where we picked food off long tables onto our plates. The school was one of strict rules and discipline, and the uniforms added to the conservative environment. The school interior was no splash of colors. Brown and white were the colors of just about everything seen. I didn't know how much longer I could stand this. It was the same thing every lunchtime, dinnertime, and any other meal, with the same routine and the same uniforms and the same dull colors of the same building. I don't remember how it all started, but I was running and running out of the buildings, through the asphalt and concrete, and off the campus through the dirty snow, which generally was the color of the sky as well. Looking behind myself confirmed that they were after me. One, two, maybe a dozen. Into the icy water I dived, and an unshaven man suddenly hopped into the water with me and gave me scuba gear. The people chasing me were close. He glanced at them and glanced at me, nodding to me to go underwater. I demanded that I needed a mask, so he promptly gave me his mask. As I slowly submerged below the surface facing him, he glanced one more time behind him at the people were chasing me in a rather sad way. Underwater, I sank fairly rapidly, and I nearly smashed into the bottom. The lake was about ten or fifteen feet deep, and it looked a bit dark, just like on land. But the crystal clear water revealed the many sea critters underwater with me. They were all tiny. Tiny, translucent-blue jellyfish slowly swam upwards. Tiny yellow, blue, and orange corals danced on the lake floor. I didn't feel any chill underwater, amazingly. It was beautiful around me in this tiny lake, but the fact that they were these tiny creatures in every direction made me shiver a little. I glanced at my left and saw a metallic wall abruptly dividing part of the tiny lake from everything else. Some man-made room stood on the other side. I don't really recall how I got in. It might've been through a ventilation shaft or something like a fan. But I was immediately sucked into this dry room with very fine, gray sand flying all around me in a tornado. And I was also weightless and suspended in the air as if I was still underwater. I could hardly breathe. Every breath I took was mostly sand, which was very uncomfortable, needless to say. Suddenly, a red-haired lady in a tight, white labcoat with a clipboard in her hand looked directly at me through the window from outside the chamber. This was some kind of research facility underground. Through an echoing microphone, she told me that this facility was designed for the research of human breathing when there was this much sand in the air, more like air in sand to me. I was barely breathing, feeling like I could choke any coming moment. She glanced down at her clipboard and then left the floor, ascending upstairs. For a fraction of a second, I saw a glimpse of the white labcoat lady making out with a young man somewhere above my floor. They started kissing more and more intensely until they started unbuttoning each other's clothes and then and then... Damn, I suddenly couldn't see them anymore. This part I couldn't see, but somehow I knew that the two were so busy moving backwards and backwards and kissing each other like never before that they accidentally hit a lever and both fell into the chamber I was in. Still, they continued getting all over each other as if they didn't notice they were in a sand-tornado in a research chamber with me already beginning to choke inside it. But I was free! And I left those two lovebirds in the chamber and escaped through a city sewer lid on a sidewalk of a busy area of a major American city, probably not far from a downtown area. It was nighttime out here, and I could see the flashes and streaks of the red tail lights before my eyes. People walked along the sidewalk as if they didn't notice my presence. I vaguely remember a loud, big mother screaming at her even bigger son. And somehow, someone began to make this large son grow and grow like an enormous balloon until he was the size of King Kong. Then he began chasing someone in very large, heavy steps trying to crush this little person with his feet. And as if I had omnivision, I could see this chase with a bird-eye view even though I wasn't anywhere near it. It was the same case for the beginning part of the lovebirds making out. Sudden moments of omnivision. Strange... But back to the chase scene, the little person who was running desperately away from the gigantic man, exhausted from dodging the foot fell over on the street in pain, looking up and being at the mercy of the large man. The giant man stared at the little person below. And then, and then...I awoke. Figures.

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15. June 17, 2002 - I was in an enormous train station. There was grid or matrix, or whatever you call it, of towering columns of marbles holding the ceiling up. There were huge windows that were exactly like stained-glass windows, only that they were a rusty beige color. Suddenly, to my awe, I saw a magnified image of Yoda's head on the glass windows speaking into the air like a news anchorman convicting me of something. His ears wiggled threateningly, and that's about as descriptive as I can get. I sprinted towards the opposite end of the station, and my footsteps on the marble floors echoed. I leaped into the ocean and dove slowly to the bottom of the ocean. It suddenly seemed like a fish tank, and I swam into an underwater shelter made of coral. It was shaped like a tiny anthill with numerous holes for entry and exit. It delighted me that Yoda wasn't able to use his powerful brain waves to search for me underwater. Quite suddenly, I WAS in a fish tank, and to my dismay, Yoda found me by looking through, not glass, but window blinds holding the water in the fish tank. Weird.

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16. June 18, 2002 - I was running from a dark cave that led to an underground world, and hideous creatures with dark green and black leathery skin were chasing close behind me at amazing speeds with their four legs. I was heading towards a city with two identical clusters of skyscrapers, all of which were black. The sky was red, and the yellow lights from the windows added to the evil feeling in the atmosphere. As I approached the city center, I saw a black, muscular creature with hard skin with the texture of a gator. It looked humanoid, however, and it swung the club end of its tail slowly and threateningly. The moment it would swing it, I would duck and several skyscrapers would shatter and crumble behind me.

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17. June 19, 2002 - This dream starts off in Hell. For some reason, I'm in a new member in it, and there are about ten of us in a line facing one direction, much like athletes at the beginning of a race. As I glanced to my left, I saw the rest of the newest members of Hell. This group consisted entirely of men, and we were all shirtless and glistening on the skin with sweat. The air seemed rather hot and steamy and VERY red. Behind us, ten demonic creatures were assigned to each one of us, and they were released. The creatures were black and seemed to be a mix between reptile and human. Their eyes were revealed a desperation of hunger of hunting us down. I didn't get a good look at the eyes, but I thought I saw yellow eyes. All of us men dashed toward the other end of the solid rock plateau or room or whatever it was, and we were all panting in panic. I was close behind the fastest three or four men. But when I turned my head around to see how much distance I had put between the creature and me, they seemed close enough to grab my legs and bring me down. They must have been three feet away. They were not gaining, but if I lost any speed for a second, I knew I would be a goner. As I was thinking this, I lost a tiny bit of speed for a fraction of a second and nearly fell victim to the creature in pursuit of me. But I immediately began pushing my exhausted body faster and faster towards the safe end, though I could not see any safe end. Still, I somehow knew it was there. Everything suddenly blanked out in my memory and vision, and I was in a room. In that room, I could still feel the red, evil atmosphere of Hell. In fact, one side of the room may have been like a cave near the inside of an active volcano - red hot and rocky. I don't remember this part clearly. What I do remember very clearly is that I saw a patio door, a screen door without the screen, a huge sliding glass door, whatever you call it. Outside, I could see the lush, cut grass with light gray paths of either polished stone or cement cutting through the grass in an L rotated ninety degrees clockwise. The path stretched beyond the view through the sliding glass door. There was no direct sunlight on the ground I saw. It seemed like the area I saw outside was shaded, cool, soothing. I wanted to return to the world I had just come from. I didn't like Hell. I feared it. I loathed it. And who could blame me? Who wouldn't? I reached for the sliding door and slid it open. As I dashed through those doors and back towards the living world that I had just come from, all of Hell was alerted, and whichever people or species was in charge of Hell began mobilizing and heading towards me. They were far away though, and I reached Earth. Again, I witnessed a blanking out. Suddenly, I was in the kitchen of a home. The temperature was cool and comfortable, and I felt the refreshing coolness of water running over my hands under the kitchen sink faucet. A person I knew came over to me, and from what I remember it was a woman older than me. I couldn't remember who it was, but I was glad to see someone I knew from my old life. Oddly, nobody I met that day that knew me was surprised at my return from the afterlife. It was like I had never gone, but it only concerned me a little. I went over to the kitchen sink to brush my teeth, but for some reason, I feared the toothpaste. I feared that it may have something in it that might cause my death and bring me back to the Hell that I dreaded so much. Outside on the grassy sloping field in the bright sunshine, I could not enjoy myself. All I could concentrate on was my fear that I might lose my life somehow no matter where I was. And now that I had escaped from Hell once, I feared that the inhabitants of Hell had a punishment much worse waiting for me when my unfortunate turn came around to leave the world. It was then that I realized that even though I was back in the living world and life that I had enjoyed while I had originally lived it, I could only live in fear until my end came again.

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18. June 21, 2002 - I'm witnessing this event in the third person. Because I am in it too, I'm seeing myself in third person, but I did not know which of the characters represented me. I see a cut-away view of an underground tunnel, but it's not deep. Inside the tunnel, the diameter of the narrow space is about four feet. It's a symmetrical curve-shaped tunnel with the two ends leading to the surface. There's a man with a woman that I assume is his wife, but they look cartoony and harmless. The man is holding something the size of a large watermelon. It seemed to be glowing either a white or green, and I immediately realized that that substance was radioactive. Suddenly, there were children entering the tunnel, about two or three of them. The woman, who was on the right-side of the cut-away view of the tunnel, was immediately beside the entrance of the tunnel that the children had entered through. She welcomed them with open arms. They were her children. The mother spoke to the father, but I could not hear any sounds at all in this dream. Still, I could tell from the looks on their faces that the mother was trying to get the father, who was located on the right side of the tunnel, to allow the children to enter further into the tunnel and closer to him. He refused by shrinking into himself and tightening his embracing of the radioactive substance in his arms. He was obsessed with the radioactive object. I could see his hunger for destruction in his eyes, and the mother could see it too. She protectively used her arms to pull back and shield her children from the crazy father on the opposite side of the tunnel. She stared directly at the father with eyes full of terror. The man was about to begin his nuclear destruction of the world, when suddenly I shifted into another dream. The world was different in this dream. I wasn't sure if this dream was related to the first dream in any way, but my memory of this dream is a big hazy. I could not tell if the characters were human or not, but I could feel that I was in the first person now.

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19. July 2, 2002 - There was a man driving along the highway across the United States in an eighteen-wheel truck. Everyday, there would be another woman sitting in the passenger seat with him in the truck. Each of these women irritated him with their rambling of things he couldn't care less about. They were all wearing truck driver uniforms or overalls with plaid shirts. They were also all noticeably obese and very heavy, so when they each started kissing him on the cheek, it would be a violent falling motion that hurt his face every single time. So the man driving the truck began holding up rectangular blocks of pure jade with dragons embossed on each of the short ends. On the long sides, the heavy weight of each of the women's lips would leave deep imprints in the jade surface. One day, as the man was driving under a highway overpass while holding the jade to divert the kissing, he suddenly felt like leaving that entire part of the country. So he did. In the next scene, the man is by himself in his own vehicle. As he glances at his map, I, the omniscient dreamer and narrator, noticed that the geography of the nation and the continent was different on the map. The west coast was now in the north, and the east coast was now in the south. As he drove further and further towards the west coast, he was trying to decide where to go. He looked at Berkeley and Oakland on the map, which were no longer anywhere near the former Pacific Ocean, or any body of water for that matter. He chose to go to Oakland and drove on. The next scene shows a car that had stopped in a desert area, but not with huge amounts of sand. There were yellow rocky walls, like the walls of the Grand Canyon, but think of these walls as forming a U shape. The area enclosed by these rocky walls was about the size of three tennis courts lined up side by side. The ground of the area was not flat. It was rocky and uneven, much like the walls it was surrounded by. The man that was driving this car may not have been the same man that I saw in the truck earlier. I wasn't sure if he was the same person. Nevertheless, this man was not alone in this mini-canyon. There was a large, brown bear with a height of almost twice that of the man. It looked like a Grizzly, but I wasn't sure what it was. This bear was coming out of a car of its own. Whether it had been driving that car or not, I don't know. But what I did know was that this man was no match for the bear. Because the bear was blocking the way between the man and the exit (the side without a wall), the man dashed towards the other side, which had a wall and was, needless to say, a dead end. The man leaped into a crevice and hid there. Quite suddenly, I knew why there was a bear with a car chasing a man with a car in a mini-canyon in the middle of the desert. The bear had been chasing this man for a long time because he felt that the man was inferior. Why did he feel like the man was inferior? Oddly enough, the bear and the man had been comparing grade point averages, of all things. (Lord help us all.) The man had a lower grade point average than the bear; the man's 3.56 was nowhere close to that of the bear. So THAT was the reason why the bear was after this man. As the bear approached the crevice that the man was hiding in, the man began a pathetic whimper about his 3.56 grade point average. Odd, I tell you. So very odd. But then, I found out that the mini-canyon was actually a disguise placed on one side of a set of glass windows. The mini-canyon was actually part of an entrance to an underground, five-star hotel right below them underground. The moment the bear made contact with the man in its attack, the glass windows beneath them gave way and both fell through those shattered windows and plummeted towards the hotel carpet of one of the hallways. A hotel staff member in a dark red suit turned around to see what just made a crash landing on the floor. This man had shiny black hair, perhaps with the help of hair gel, and he looked very clean and proper, the way you'd expect any staff member in a classy hotel to be. He was carrying a silver tray with a few wine glasses on it. I think that he was delivering them to a room. The bear and the man stared at the hotel staff member. He stared at the man and the bear and all the fragments and bits of glass around them on the dark red and white carpet. That is all I that I remember.

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20. July 11?,2002 - I don't remember exactly which day in July I dreamt this dream, but it was certainly within the 9th/10th/11th week. There wasn't much of a plot. I ran from a hallway into what looked like a large elementary school room, judging from how low the green chalkboard was hanging on the opposite wall. The room was about the size of two or three living rooms placed together. When I ran into the room, there was a teacher. My sister was there too. The teacher told my sister something just barely out of my earshot range, and immediately exited the room through the brown emergency door behind her desk. This was opposite the door I had just entered.

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21. July 12, 2002 - I've traveled back in time. I'm not alone though, but at the moment, I do not seem to know who the other people are. The ground is composed of dry dirt, with very little vegetation growing in the area. The area has such a dull color of dry, light brown that it seems as if someone had thrown hot cocoa powder all over the place. There are no animals or people around. The ground is flat for miles around. I walk to the nearest area of civilization, which happens to be a dusty, dry town that looks as if it had been the set of a Western movie, only that it is not a set. It is a real town. I end up sitting on an old chair, or something that can be sat on, by a gray stone wall. One of the people who has traveled back in time with me is sitting on a dirt-covered, white toilet located outside and right by a wall. I am on his right, sitting on a chair or something that can be sat on. I wasn't really paying much attention to it. To the left of the man on the toilet seat is an old local man, either sitting on the ground and leaning on the wall or sitting on very low stool and leaning on the wall. He's staring forward and at an angle at the ground, unaware of the awkwardness of our modern apparel. He also wears a hat that covers enough of his face so that I cannot see his eyes. As far as I am concerned, he may be dozing off. In front of me, about ten meters away, at least two other people from the group that arrived here with me are moving about a tent. One is coming in and out of it as time passes. I assume that the tent is theirs. It seems dusty and dirty, much like pretty much everything in this town and part of the country, but beneath that dirt on the tent, I can tell that it's made of synthetic material. Still, the locals don't seem to notice that little detail, which does not surprise me at all, considering the fact that we are near or at the edge of whatever town or city this is. Suddenly, I remember my arrival differently. I see images of myself in a white futuristic airplane of some sort, or a spacecraft. It's rather small, being about the size of a minivan. In fact, it looks a lot like a fat, round minivan, fitting a crew of about five to ten. We have traveled through time in this vehicle/aircraft/whatever-it-is by traveling through some type of void space and void time. Hyperspace? Well, if it's called "hyperspace", then this "hyperspace" was white with so much sand swirling all over the place that it looked like a light-colored tornado...from the inside of it, that is. But my little epiphany ends abruptly when the wife of the local old man near me comes over and points out to the old man that the man on the toilet seat and I do not look like locals of the area, much less locals of the time era. She yells at him for not noticing even while being next to the two out-of-towners, but the man seems unstirred. In fact, I doubt that he's even listening. He hasn't moved his head or made any gesture that proved that he was even awake. Suddenly, I know that the town is on alert. How do I know? I'm omniscient for two seconds, and then I return swiftly to being a limited observer. Before the town has time to physically react to our team's presence in their establishment, I also discover that one of our team members has been caught stealing something in the center of the town. The next thing I realize is that our entire crew is dashing back to the aircraft. All of the members except the one stuck in town and me are on the aircraft, and the captain has begun leaving without me. However, the aircraft stops in its vertical liftoff and remains hovering two feet above the air. The co-captain, the only female crew member (minor detail?), has asked the captain to wait for me. As I board, I am suddenly infatuated with the co-captain. The craft begins to leave the area, and while we ascend, I notice that the city or town is separated into two rectangles, side-by-side on the long sides, with tall stone walls at the perimeters of each of the two sectors. The toilet seat man and I weren't sitting next to a wall of a house; we were sitting next to a city wall. One of the segments has an unsettled area on one side, which is the barren place where we landed. The unsettled side of the city segment is the side that borders an ocean or sea, though I must admit that it looks rather unnatural because of the perfectly straight coastline. Outside the city walls, the ground was entirely concrete with large, gray tiles at the surface of the concrete ground. It looked like the entire city was built on a floating stone, concrete barge, but it wasn't actually a barge. It also looked like a huge, flat concrete brick floating in the water. Suddenly, my point of view shifts to the crew member who was abandoned in center of the town. He has escaped the townspeople to the city wall (on the long side of the rectangle and not facing the wall of the other segment). Suddenly, I have the point of view of the people on the aircraft. Something has attacked the aircraft in the sky, and the aircraft is now severely damaged. The end of the craft is fuming dark gray smoke, and the crew no longer has much control over the craft. It makes a huge arc of smoke in the air as it makes a wide, unstable U-turn in the sky away from the city and back. As it returns in the direction of the city, it creates another arc of gray smoke, but the arc is smaller as it is descending. My point of view shifts back to the crew member in the town. He's on a tree or something somewhat high. Well, it was high enough so that he could climb over the wall away from the townspeople trying to pull him back down. As he lands on the ground on the outer side of the wall, he can hear the hordes of feet moving in the opposite direction, probably towards a known exit. He knows that he doesn't have much time to escape the crowd. He heads in the direction away from the ocean and makes a right angle turn to his left. It's like a maze because the entire two segments are surrounded by another stone wall. He is about to enter the narrow area between the two segments' walls, but he decides not to and immediately turns around and heads the other way, retracing his right-angle turn and heading straight for the ocean using the concrete tiles as a guide. He reaches the ocean, and there is a narrow concrete section of the ground jutting out into the ocean, almost like a pier, but it's definitely not a pier. He looks up at the sky, where his crew's spacecraft is preparing to make a mayday crash landing. It's headed straight for him. He backs up several meters and watches in horror as the aircraft bounces on and scrapes the surface of the concrete pier, or whatever it is, and it knocks several pier lights before bouncing back several meters into the air. But the aircraft is heavy, and it only stays in the air after this bounce for a couple seconds before plummeting into the water. Part of the craft still sticks out of the water, but it is sinking rapidly. Somehow, the crew member on the pier knows that his entire crew is dead. He is almost entirely correct, but one person is alive. He sees the captain approaching him on the dock. He can't tell if he's very wet at all, but he's certainly not drenched. The captain slowly continues to walk towards him and then halts once he's within close conversation distance. "They're all dead," the captain said, but he didn't show any sign of grief. Rather, he seemed calm. The captain had done something terribly wrong. The man could feel it. Suddenly, he knew. How he knew, he did not know. It must have been another two-second omniscient point of view. The captain had killed his entire crew deliberately in that crash, and he had survived. The crew member that had escaped the town suddenly felt as though all the blood in his body had turned cold and been drained at the same time. End of the dream. See picture.

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22. July 15, 2002
This dream is the vaguest in my memory now. It's a shame because this was my favorite one, probably because of the imagery and emotions I sensed in the dream. It's going to be difficult to try to show all that imagery and emotion here, but I'll give it my best try in at least describing the plot. There was a planet, and I had good feeling it was Earth. There's never a hint in the dream of what time era it is, and I don't think that there's any importance because the Earth I'm seeing has never had any past involving anything from the past of Earth that we know. There is a female, and she is able to transform into animals and other different creatures not native to Earth. She is calm, quiet, and graceful, and this almost makes her seem rather sad. I've lost many good details here, but I remember that she was kidnapped onto some metallic or stone kingdom in space far from Earth. The kidnapper seemed to be the devil, but I wasn't exactly sure. Again, I lost many details here. I remember a group of people in a spaceship or time travel aircraft on lofty stony plateau on Earth, ready to take off towards the devil's kingdom. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the devil's kingdom was not red hot and burning, and there were no monstrous creatures there either. The devil himself was not ugly at all. He was well-mannered and looked clean and proper. He was the kind of person or creature that a child would be likely to feel comfortable speaking with. He was large though, like the beast in Beauty and the Beast, or at least that's what I think I remember. I don't remember very many details at this point again, but I do remember that the female was in distress. She might have been homesick. She was longing for something that she no longer had. It might have been the beauty of nature. I don't know exactly what it was. The devil tried to comfort her, but he could not. For some reason that I did not know, the devil was frustrated by his inability to transform into an animal as she could. There were both standing in a hallway with large windows on both sides showing space behind each one. Let's see...I remember that the spaceship was about to leave for the kingdom, but one person did not want to go. I think that that person was the female who was kidnapped, so I wasn't sure about the chronological order of events in this dream. Um, that's all I remember. Oh, if only I could remember... That's what happens when I have four dreams in one night. I forget one of them.

I drive an SUV slowly into a parking spot. There are other SUVs all over the parking lot, and there are people in all of them. It's hard to see the people, however, because of the translucent curtains. I immediately realize by the movement in the SUVs that every SUV had a guy and a girl inside, behind those curtains, making love with each other. The guy in the SUV in front of me presses his face near his curtain and glances at me for a moment. I look away immediately. Through my peripheral vision, I see that he has retreated back deep into the inside of his large SUV, and movement of the curtains resumes. I feel awkward being in this parking lot, having to see every SUV around me serving as a love motel room, while I am just waiting for someone or something to pick up. I don't really know what or who I'm waiting for, but I know that I'm supposed to wait in this place of the parking lot.

Tall water tank with enormous tank, with a hint of Star Wars, oddly, bursts on one side Pure golden coins...shiny...pouring out in huge volume onto highway...looks like a highway in the East Bay...perhaps, Oakland? Six lane freeway. Traffic caused. People dashing out of cars to grab their own share of coins. I'm riding with a guy that I guess I'm supposed to know, but I don't really know him. Convertible. Red? Black? I'm in the front passenger seat. Guy stops the car because of the stopped cars. Jumps out of car. Says to stay in car. Runs out to see what's causing trouble. I get out of the car and follow him. We both see the money pouring out and the burst tank on the water tower. We don't seem to be interested in the money at all. We just seem anxious to get to our destination. I suggest to him to find an offramp and take the roads the rest of the way there. He doesn't seem to be listening, or establishing eye contact, but after a hesitated response, we decide to return to the car. I don't know if he has accepted my suggestion, but he seems to have some plan in mind, regardless of whether it's mine or not. As we reach our car, he suddenly realizes that he has dropped his car keys somewhere back there while running towards the car. His keys had a very long string as a keychain, and it must've been caught somewhere back there among the bumper-to-bumper pileup. He shouts out behind his back to me to stay in the car as he returns to the retrieve his keys. Suddenly, the traffic has begun to move again. I can see some mass of black cars and vans, some with white roofs, at the front of the highway. They are some sort of police team. Then, the guy who was the driver our car returns with the keys, running. So much for our plan. The traffic is moving again.

Padme Amidala. She's lying sideways on a bed with a light, white bathrobe, but it's like a long, silk scarf that wrapped loosely around her body, hiding only her private areas. She's very exposed. The front is slightly open, but her breasts aren't revealed. A man that looks like Anakin comes. He looks lustfully at Amidala as he stands next to the bed she lies on. Amidala summons Anakin to approach her. Anakin gets nearer to her, and she slowly removes his garments. He stands there entirely nude, with his muscular body exposed. Suddenly, everything turns into 1950's style color cartoon, and it shows a frame showing Amidala extending her arm and out towards him with her hand reaching out, and her hand happens to cover his private area perfectly in this frame. Then it returns to non-cartoon mode, and Amidala seems to starting to have intercourse with Anakin. But wait, she stops. And Anakin confusedly watches as she continues the intercourse into an animal that seemed to appear from nowhere. It might've been a snake, but I wasn't sure. Amidala seemed to be close to having orgasms through this process, but each one failed, and she continued trying again. Anakin, still just as lustful for Amidala as ever, is confused and angered at this awkwardness of the situation. She seems to be doing this to the animal for a purpose, to carry out a task in a mission. If that's not odd enough for you, listen to this. Suddenly, a third person in the room appears and warns that mother of the creature was coming, and that it would be dangerously furious if it saw what was happening. Oh wait, the animal has never been moving. It's in some inactive state that's characteristic of the early stages of this animal's life. It's not a snake. The dream ends. I'm awaken.

*No, I did not watch Star Wars or any other movies recently. I never try to explain why certain things appear in my dreams. Please do not try to judge me by my dreams. I'm merely telling a story.

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23. July 17, 2002
I was on Rahimah Drive. Where it intersected with Arabian Gulf Road, I was with my sister and a Black girl. The three of us were standing on the sidewalk corner at the intersecting part of the two roads, right underneath the street signs that read Rahimah and Arabian Gulf. The Black girl was the most verbose of all of us, and for no reason at all, her verbosity was irritating me, then infuriating me. When I reached the point where I could no longer tolerate her, I angrily tossed something across the road onto the larger of the two roads. As I saw it tumbling across the street, I saw that it was an enormous, beige computer mouse with a long, dirty cord of the same hue. Immediately, I sprinted far away from the spot and dashed into a cold, white hallway with white ceramic tiles and fluorescent lighting. Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself in an office, hiding in the dark. I could hear distant sirens and the movement of the heavy vans and cars moving towards the area I had just fled. I must have had done something horrible and illegal. I guess that flinging a computer mouse across the road had severe penalties.

In the next dream, I found myself in a small room, approximately 20 meters by 15 meters. There were two rows of people at opposite ends of the room, facing each other. Every person in the room held looks of determination and hostility. Among the people I saw was Jose Fernandez, pumped and ready for anything and ready to sprint. He was at my left, facing the opponents at the opposite side of the room. I realized that this was a dodgeball game, but it didn't look as though the game was going to be for leisure. The room had a dark, gloomy feel and look to it. The walls were cold, rusting metal with black rust and a bit of red rust as well. We all charged at each other at the exact same moment without any voice or whistle telling us to do so. Suddenly, I noticed that everyone was not or no longer a human anymore. Whether they were all humans to begin with or not, I do not know. Everyone was a dark-colored creature of some sort, probably not even real Earth-native ones, each having a special power. Most of the players, however, had powers related to spider abilities. I seemed to be away from the whole event; I was no longer a part of it. I saw a female in the vague form of a huge black widow (or something like it), paralyze an opponent and knock him over off the wall in a mess of spider web. I saw others devouring their opponents. I began to phase out of all of this though. I don't remember any details beyond this point, but I know for sure that it was a brutal game where opponents were tortured painfully throughout the game.

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24. July 19, 2002
I saw myself inside an underground area with stone walls, and then...I don't remember. My memory of this portion of the dream is vague. Afterwards, I was betrayed by a friend close to me because he was in love with the same girl that I was either yearning for or already with. Blur of images and colors... Then, I found myself on a speeding train with no people aboard, the train had been set to speed towards the broken tracks at the steep cliff and crash onto the grounds of the valley below. I moved to the top of the train and leaped onto a nearby building when one passed nearby. I escaped back into the city and found him with the girl he had been pining over at an outdoor cafe table. The cafe or restaurant's outdoor tables looked like ones you'd find in France or Italy. It was sunny, so the beige-pink walls of the outside of the restaurant looked lovely and cheerful. For a second, I was contemplating avenging my friend's betrayal, but I decided not to. After I had said goodbye to both of them and gone elsewhere in the city, the friend betrayed me again, but I do not remember what was done or what happened at all from that point.

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25. July 21, 2002
There had been an accident. Among the victims of the accident were several friends or classmates that I knew and me. The room that we victims were in seemed to be a laundry room of some sort. Some of us were dying; others were already dead. The dying complained whenever any of their friends tried to move their bodies in any way. I had lost my entire body except for my head, it seemed. When I was brought to the hospital, my dead body was replaced with a metallic, electronic robot-skeleton. It attached at my neck and to my knees. (The doctors had discovered that my lower legs were somehow still alive and useable, so those parts did not have to be replaced.) I was able to hide my new metallic body with clothing, even with shorts to my knees, which helped me hide the metallic body when I returned to school in the fall and showed up to the first cross-country practice. My teammates enthusiastically welcomed me back and had high expectations for me after my previous year of outstanding improvement. However, when we began our practice run across the dunes (we usually run along trails through the woods...dunes? odd.), I was unable to catch up with the slowest person on the team. I was panting as I used all of my energy to move myself. I was humiliated, and I decided to show one of my teammates my metallic limbs and body, but it did not seem to disturb the teammate at all. In fact, despite my poor performance during the practice, my teammates still had just as much enthusiasm and held a party that night to celebrate the reunion of the entire team and the start of a new season. On my way to the party, I heard their cheerful shouting and laughing, and I decided not to enter the room and join the party. I don't remember what happened after this point, but another dream began, and I had my normal body again. I had been mistakenly chosen to play on a college basketball team playing against another. These were elite players, and I was both shorter and less skilled than they were. There were high bleachers on the two long sides of the gym, and as they called my name, people watched me descend down the bleachers without ceasing their loud, continued applaud. I joined a circle of basketball players who were going to be my teammates. After the teams' members had been chosen, the basketball players and I sat at the lower bleachers opposite the side I was sitting at when I was still a spectator. A concert had begun on one of the short sides of the gym room, where there was an elevated stage. The concert was going to precede the basketball game, and everyone watched, everyone except me. I had sneaked out into an outside hallway, and walked through one of the entrances along the hallway. I found myself at...the back of the stage! I crawled underneath along the floor of the stage behind the trumpet players and large percussion instruments. I could see part of the audience from where I was, but they probably could not see me because they were not staring at my direction. There was a row of seated people at the back of the stage watching me in confusion as I crawled across the floor. I looked at the back wall of the stage where the row of seated people were sitting against, and I found some exit doors, but none of them worked. I didn't even have to try opening them. Somehow, I just knew that would not work. That's all I remember.

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