dreamworld, ch. 3
t h e   t h i r d   c h a p t e r

acacia | alyssum | anemone | aspen | aurora | basil | birch | camellia | cedar | coral | coralbell | daffodil | dahlia | daisy
fern | ginger | hyacinth | iris | ivy | jacinta | jasmine | laurel | lavender | lily | lotus | magnolia | maple
marigold | oak | petunia | poppy | saffron | sage | sequoia | spruce | tulip | voila | willow | yucca

:: Chapter I :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 :: Home ::

Night of November 19, 2004, technically November 20, 2004 (acacia)
I was in a tub having a bath, and suddenly one girl my age joined me on the other side of the tub. But she seemed to do so without making eye contact, and she entered the water slowly and without uttering a word to me. Even after she was entirely in the water, she did not establish eye contact with me, and she instead had her head tilted slight downward in a seemingly sad or modest way. And then another two girls joined in, but I don't remember actually seeing that part, probably because I was so distracted and curious about that first girl's behavior. I just somehow knew that they came. It seemed physically impossible for four people to be in one bath tub, but somehow it worked.

I was in Hearst Field Annex on the left side (to the student's perspective) of a lab room, with a layout like that of D33 or D37. I was sitting at a table by the window, and Sharon was sitting beside me. We were in a CS class, and the class was reviewing recursion. (As far as I know, Sharon doesn't take CS. Or even if she does, I haven't taken a CS class with her before.)

I was in a lecture room that had a layout very similar to LeConte's lecture rooms. I was a bit late for some sort of review for a Physics 7 course. In the fourth or fifth to the last of the rows from the top, I sat with Karen and her roommates from Cal. (Karen and her roommates either aren't in Physics 7, or haven't taken it yet.)

up, up, and away!

Night of November 20, 2004, technically November 21, 2004 (alyssum)
Daddy, Mommy, Karen, and I were told to step aside at the customs/security area in an airport somewhere in the United Kingdom (either one of the airports in London or Scotland). A second family had been brought aside too, and both that family and our family had our bags checked. The staff was quickly done checking through our bags, but by some strange rule or law, we were forced to wait where we were until the second family's bags had been completely checked. (And they had four or five times as much luggage as us.) So we waited and waited and waited.

The airport terminal had a feeling of dark marble and dark stone to it. It seemed to have a rather nice, new design, the kind you'd see in a museum.

Suddenly, I found myself in a bedroom. Sharon was sitting on the bed by the wall, and I sat beside her and rested my head on her shoulder.

up, up, and away!

November 23, 2004 Late Morning (anemone)
Daddy, Mommy, Karen, and I were driving to a BART station in one of the Bay Area cities further from the East Bay, and we drove in some industrial-looking area with railroad crossings. Apparently, we were driving to a farther station, instead of a local one, because of some sort of advantage for the bay ferry we wanted to board, (or was it a cable car?).

I entered a classroom for my Physics 7B discussion, but the classroom was one from C.C.S. It had the wall of windows on one side and the chalkboard on the opposite side, while a third wall also had a chalkboard. The session had not begun yet, and I was one of the first several people to trickle into the classroom in the few minutes before the start of class. I did not recognize either the students or the T.A. I left the room before the session started, and I immediately saw my actual Physics 7B discussion T.A. walking from around the corner (from the right-side corner in my perspective) and down the hallway toward me. In another room nearby, we discussed the learning of Physics through homeworks, labs, and worksheets.

up, up, and away!

December 9, 2004 (Late Morning) (aspen)
I saw the view from inside a moving car at night. The car's headlights lit up every next thing in front of it as it drove through dark roads in the more sparse residential areas of the tree-dense hills. Suddenly, I was seeing a boy, maybe in his late teens, skateboarding in a lit room (still at nighttime). He skateboarded indoors from room to room, hallway to hallway, and always seeming to almost start a dangerous trick (but choosing not to every time). At this point where the room turned into a narrow hallway, he finally decided to do a skateboard trick. But during the part of the trick where he tried to push the bottom of the skateboard against the wall in mid-air, he suddenly lost balance in mid-air and slammed his leg and knee into the wall before immediately bouncing back and down to the ground. The boy screamed in pain as the skateboard still rattled on the ground from the fall. A younger boy, likely a brother, watched from several feet away while giving him this look that seemed to say, "I told you so."

up, up, and away!

Night of December 10, 2004, technically December 11, 2004 (aurora)
I was sitting on a sleek, smooth black couch beside this girl about my age. She had lovely red hair and fair skin, and she had this look on her face that made me feel very comfortable and sad at the same time, as though some wonderful memory coming back to me from the past was causing pain. Although nothing really happened in this dream, the thing that really captured my attention was the feel, the theme,...the mood of the place - the room, the girl softly speaking soothing words to me... The room itself had a very soft, soothing feel. It had only whites and blacks and dark, dark browns inside. The walls were white, the couch was black, and the frames along the walls were black. The couch lay against the wall, and on that portion of the wall above the couch was a wide, narrow rectangular window that let soft white sunlight into the room (emphasis on white, not yellowish, sunlight). Fifteen to twenty-five feet away from the couch (in the direction that the couch was facing) was an indoor balcony (about eight to ten feet above the solid floor). The balcony was mostly black, and like everything else in the room, there was no obvious texture to the material. Then again, the entire room was not brightly lit by sunlight. A late, late afternoon type of sunlight was coming through the windows, and everywhere else in the room - the corners, the other walls far from the sunlight - were in shadows. Around the balcony area were at least a couple bookshelves with seemingly old books with dark colors (dark red, dark yellow, dark brown...even darker because they were in shadows too). That gave the balcony area (and only the balcony area...not the rest of the room below) an old, rare books library section kind of feel. Back down in the rest of the room below, there were some black stairs (just stairs and support, no rails, no walls, almost nothing underneath the stairs) leading down along the wall (the one with the window) to a point several feet away from the side of the couch.

Oh, and I think that the girl with red hair might have been someone I know, but now I can't remember for sure who.

Microsoft Paint drawing of room

Edit: Eddie pointed out something very important that I overlooked. The white sunlight I saw in the dream would actually be more accurately described by mid-morning sunlight. The large contrast between the shadowy areas of the room and the brightly lit areas of the room, however, remains.

up, up, and away!

Night of December 12, 2004, technically December 13, 2004 (basil)
Daddy and Karen relaxed on either a futon or a very contemporary couch with very tilted backing. It was either lime-colored or orange-colored, and beside the love seat portion of the couch set was a glossy white half-egg-shaped chair that you would think came from the 1970's. (Think of the top third of the "egg shell" as cut off, and then one side of the "egg shell" looks as though it has been sliced from the top center at an angle (with concave up curvature) to the bottom of that one side. Below the egg portion of the chair was a metallic-looking pole with a short, wide cone (also metallic-looking) as the base.) This egg chair and the love seat portion of the couch set were perpendicular to the long part of the couch on which Daddy and Karen were sitting. A low contemporary coffee table of translucent white color and rectangular tabletop dimensions stood inside the L shape that the couches and egg chair created. To the right of the L shape (when looking at the L from above such that the L is upright), there was a counter that was part of a rectangular opening in the white wall. I think that the room on the other side of this opening in the wall was a kitchen, also of contemporary design.

Microsoft Paint drawing of furniture

up, up, and away!

Night of December 18, 2004, technically December 19, 2004 (birch)
Large horse-drawn carriages (but without the horses) were scattered across the city. A yellowish light came from the four large windows of each of these twenty-people, four-wheeled things. Each of these carriages was arc-shaped on the tops, and they had a rather lavish European carving style on the body. The front and back looked the same because they were horizontally symmetrical. The one I remember the most was the one disappearing over the start of the downsloping paved asphalt road, just before passing under the yellow light of a street lamp. It was a quiet night, and these carriages were the only things on the empty streets. This seemed to be a residential community. And it seemed as though these carriages were rushing and competing against each other to find something. A treasure hunt, perhaps? Then I found myself by a wall on a railroad station platform. A train was passing by the platform, but it was moving extremely slowly. At the same time, metallic non-humanoid robots (on the platform) were firing heavy iron pellets, bullets, and artillery shells at the passing armored passenger train cars, especially the last car. I could see three of these robots/machines around me (two were on my right, and one was in front of me between the train and me). In front of me to my left was a girl, who stood closer to the wall. She was also in the same dilemma as me - confused about being caught in the crossfire. Of the two robots on my right, one looked like some type of artillery vehicle with a long, narrow, cylindrical gun sticking out at an angle in the direction of its target, and the other looked partially humanoid (in that it had two legs, but no clearly defined separation between the head and torso). This second one had arms too, and with those arms, it held a strange looking rifle that looked like two black metallic bars connected at a joint in the center (no trigger). One of these bars had uniformly spread out holes the size of a half-dollar coin by design. Suddenly, another robot identical to this second partially humanoid robot began malfunctioning and started firing counterclockwise from the train to me. Bits of wall debris flew off the wall as holes were made on the wall at points increasingly closer to me. The girl saved me from these bullets right before they reached me, but I can't remember how. I grabbed one of these strange weapons from one of the partially humanoid robots, and I aimed at a window on the last car of the train. From where I stood (maybe twenty feet away from the side of the train), I could see two male adult military scientists through the windows of the last car. I aimed through the second to the last window, and fired a pellet through the window. It hit one of the men's chest (but didn't penetrate anything), and he fell backwards onto the floor and out of view from the window. The other man immediately hid from the windows. The girl then picked up one of the rifles too. That's all I remember.

up, up, and away!

Night of December 30, 2004, technically December 31, 2004 (camellia)
I was looking over a city constructed entirely out of Lego pieces, and this city was built on a square shaped area. At the edge of one side, there was just enough empty space for a second main road to parallel the existing main road (also parallel to that edge). Someone told me to build that second road and turn it into a boulevard. I then tried to fit an arc over the road, but it was too low for any cars to pass underneath. Then I spent an unnecessarily long time trying to make the street lamps symmetrically placed while being spaced out evenly.

All the U.S. state flags stood in a line before me, but then I noticed that all the flags were solid tan colored with no designs or patterns. Then someone beside me told me that one of the flags was not solid tan, but instead was in its original form, and that was Nevada's.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 5, 2005, technically January 6, 2005 (cedar)
I was skiing on the ocean water surface, and I was heading towards a large closely-packed group of tall glaciers jutting high out of the water. Beside me were a few other fellow skiers, and we were all skiing rapidly towards the glaciers and away from a large wave (or an abnormally high swell) about 100 feet high. By the time I was skiing between the glaciers, the swell had reached us, and the water level had risen to 100 feet high. That height was about the same height as the top of the glaciers, and my fellow skiers and I ended up stopping on the top of the glaciers. The water then retreated back to its original levels, so we were all stranded on the top of the 100 feet high glaciers. Because the glaciers' sides sloped very steeply down, there was no way to safely get down to the bottom of the glacier, unless I didn't mind plummeting 100 feet into the water. One of my fellow skiers told me that it was okay, and that I had nothing to worry about. Suddenly I was in a classroom where many other skiers (but in regular everyday clothes) were preparing to present their ski-loop-track projects. It was a lot like the rollercoaster version for skiers. Upon realizing that I didn't have a project ready to present, I panicked.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 6, 2005, technically January 7, 2005 (coral) [possible recurring dream]
As I was returning from a large grassy sports field on a forest hill trail overlooking that field behind me, I passed by the Stevenson cross-country team in their green warm-up uniforms. Some were standing around and stretching, and the others were running in the direction opposite to me. I established eye contact with some of the stretching runners as I passed by, and the look in their eyes seemed to suggest that maybe I was no longer welcome.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 8, 2005, technically January 9, 2005 (coralbell)
There was a tall leafless tree trunk that suddenly opened two bark lids to reveal orange-colored eyes that looked as though they were made of sap. The eyes hinted a mix of anger and impatience. Then the camera/view zoomed out and upward into the air, with the tree's eyes still fixed on the camera.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 9, 2005, technically January 10, 2005 (daffodil)
The entire island nation had been taken over devil spirits, although the only form in which we could see this happening was through the military. Everyone stayed indoors as though the entire civilian population was under house arrest. Military convoy trucks and jeeps were parked on the streets, including my own street downsloping to the beach. From probably a third or fourth story window, I could see down this street and all the way to the shore. I suddenly found myself in a scene where I was on that beach at the end of my street, and everyone was fleeing in various directions as the military seemed to chase these people, including me. The beach had aloe-vera-like plants bordering the sand and the green plants inland. Suddenly, I found myself as viewer, but not a participant, overlooking a young woman hiding on a high support beam near the ceiling. It must've been at least thirty feet above the floor. Below was a dark red carpet and walls in the style of a medieval castle. The door opened, and something evil entered, and the woman on the beam threw a wooden something at that evil entity. I don't remember what the evil entity looked like, or whether there was even something visible. I then found myself, still as only a viewer, heading through those doors and through the hallways and hallway steps, where I passed many people murmuring.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 18, 2005, technically January 19, 2005 (dahlia)
I could see Alcatraz and Yerba Buena Island under the bright, but overcast, sky as I stood near the Oakland landing of the Bay Bridge's east span. The place where I was standing looked like an open area with scattered crates among port warehouses. A crowd of light-skinned Chicanos (if that's an okay term to use) stood scattered evenly across this open area, and they all faced me while standing with their feet apart and their arms rigidly stretched downward at angles to their sides. It seemed as though they were in a pose for getting ready to fight. And then they began dancing in sync, as though it was some sort of musical or music video. And they danced very well, with intense facial expressions to match their dance. Suddenly, I found myself running after one of these young men because he apparently had taken something that belonged to me. We were no longer in the warehouse area near the ports in Oakland. Instead, I was running up the stairs from an underground subway station, through a greenish-blue glass-tube that stuck out of the ground and served as a connection between the sidewalk at the ground level and the underground station. I ran after him down the sidewalk by a row of stores. He ran into a store and hid, and (because I didn't record this dream until a month and a half later) I only remember something about soccer, a box of board games, and rain for the rest of the dream.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 19, 2005, technically January 20, 2005 (daisy)
I was with my family travelling in a modern high speed train. The train stopped in a highly modern train station with a curvy metallic design, and through our train door windows, I could see a subway tube (with evenly-spaced glass windows) across the narrow platform. In that tube, I saw the tail of the last car of a subway-like train disappearing from my view. Then our train began to move away from the platform, but from inside the train, it was the train station that appeared to slowly move in the reverse direction and speed up. Later, as our train ascended at an angle from the underground subway tubes to an elevated track, I could see an elevated highway, some medium-rise buildings, and the top of an out-of-place Sather Tower sticking out from behind the buildings. The view of all of this was tilted when I saw this through the train window because the train tracks were still at an angle to gradually reach the full height of the elevated tracks. Later on, my family and I rode by train from one place to another, and then to another, as though every place at which we arrived was not the place we intended to reach. We were attempting to go somewhere that met certain conditions, but I didn't know what those conditions were. Each next location we reached did not fit these conditions, and this move from one location to the next reached the point where the train stopped in a snow-covered landscape with the starless, dark blue, late evening sky overhead. White smoke continued to rise gradually and gracefully from the stack on the front of the train, and this gave the appearance that the train had been abruptly stopped in the snowy landscape. The headlights on the train continued to shine brightly across the evening darkness and onto the tiny, scattered snowflakes that fell into the headlight rays. Light of warm yellow color shined from each of the passenger windows on the side of the train cars. Outside and a distance away from the halted train were two men speaking to each other while standing almost knee-deep in snow. They argued about where we were headed. Meanwhile, I gazed from the right side of the train towards the distant snow-blanketed hills against the dark, dark blue sky.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 28, 2005, technically January 29, 2005 (fern)
One afternoon, we suddenly found a black Porsche and a beige BMW station wagon in our backyard. I don't know how someone managed to get them there because the only two access points to the backyard were too narrow for any vehicles to pass through. A delivery man stood on the driveway at the front of the house, and he was busily looking down at his clipboard and ready to leave, now that his work was completed. We approached him for an explanation of why these cars were here.

I heard a TV announcer advertise a new "Oz" movie remake, and he emphasized that it was in color in order to maintain the younger generation's interest in "The Wizard of Oz" legacy. He spoke of this as though the original movie was made entirely in black and white, (and it was certainly not).

On a 2-dimensional grid of spheres (on a plane much like a sheet of paper standing straight up on a surface) stood various tiny, sphere-sized people, who were all trying to build up these spheres like some sort of puzzle or game. To us, these spheres were half our size, but the dreamer's view of the whole event was as though these spheres and people were fingernail-sized. At the bottom of the 2D grid was red lava with plenty of movement. As one of the people on the life-sized puzzle, I did my part to try to solve the sphere puzzle. Suddenly, the lava became very unstable, and it burst upwards to engulf all the people and spheres. I dashed upwards and brought one person with me as I did.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 29, 2005, technically January 30, 2005 (ginger)
In a large room full of college students and a college dean, I donned a two-person chicken suit with one of my friends and danced across the room towards the dean. The dean became furious, and he said that, by university rules, I had to spend a little over a week of my current term travelling in East Asia to meet each of the three instructors who would lecture me on what a bad thing I had done. The three locations were Hong Kong, (maybe) Singapore, and (maybe) Korea. I can't remember the second two for sure. I felt tortured about the idea of missing the crucial week of school near final exams, but more importantly, I felt terrible about the idea of having to foot the travel expenses for this punishment imposed on me by the dean. And I had a feeling that I wouldn't have any time to stop and do some vacationing at any of these places since I was likely required to arrive, meet the respective instructor, and immediately depart.

up, up, and away!

Night of February 4, 2005, technically February 5, 2005 (hyacinth)
I walked sleepily, but quietly, out the door of a rectangularly long and narrow bedroom. Presumably, it was a room in which I had been sleeping because I walked out in pajamas. Although the dresser mirror lights from the bathroom down the hall were the only source of light at this early hour of the morning, the scattered moonlight coming into the bedroom reflected off the dormant faces of the other people asleep in the room. At this point, my view switched from first person to third person (viewing myself walk). I continued my quiet walk down the hall and turned left into an open area with a dresser with lights over the mirror. There was no wall or door separating this area from the hallway. Rather, it seemed more like a perpendicular extension of the hallway. Then my view of myself switched to my backside. I could see that I had long, straight, wet, silky-looking black hair. My long hair reached the center of my back, and at the end of my hair at this point was not cut in a straight line. Instead, the ends of the hair had been cut in a U-shape/smiley-mouth-shape. My hair also looked very thick, but it could've been a light effect in conjunction with the wetness of the hair.

up, up, and away!

Night of February 6, 2005, technically February 7, 2005 (iris)
I was in front of a building whose entrance looked like that of a museum with stone columns and classical architecture. Outside in the front courtyard were two elders who stood at the top of one of two grand stone stairways. A young female adult stood halfway up the stairs. The stairway had been donated by the girl's parents, who seemed to be admiring the stairway from the top of one of the stairways.

Later in the museum, a girl (not necessarily the same as the last one) and I in black mission outfits while suspended by cables from the museum ceiling. About five to ten feet below the ceiling was a glass layer that seemed to act as another ceiling below the main stone ceiling above. Below and through the glass, I could see the main entrance area (perhaps a lobby) of the museum. In the center of the marble floor stood a pedestal-like table, also made of marble. There was also a guard wandering by the pedestal-like table. The girl and I both held and moved devices around just above the surface of the glass below us, as though we were trying to find a suitable place to aim these weapons. These devices could cause a fire or an small explosion below the glass ceiling without harming the glass at all.

Suddenly, I was on the ground of this lobby, and was running further indoors into an another room that looked like a bank teller counter. The person behind the counter looked up and saw me, and he looked back down to phone security. Guards immediately came out from behind the counters, and I immediately ran the other direction and into a vault. The guards pinned me down just as I entered the vault, and I crashed down the ground.

Later, I sat inside a wooden lodge, and a woman sitting next to me whispered a warning about how the country had become a police state where people's rights no longer existed. Just moments after I had exited the lodge and walked a distance from the front door, I saw a government official in a suit walking up the few wooden stairs leading to the front door of the lodge. It was the same door through which I had just exited. The official's back faced me, so he didn't see me among the evergreen trees. As for the woman indoors, I had no idea whether she was still in there.

Suddenly, I found myself being chased up the hill by men in gray suits. I ran uphill to the left of the front face of the lodge, and I turned left into a parking lot further up the slope. When I looked downhill, I could see that the men were approaching me from lower on the slope. I entered a parked car, and as I did this, so did several other henchmen/agents...in sync. When I closed my car's door, so did they...in sync. It was as though they were waiting for my next move. Maybe they saw that I was trapped. I backed the car quickly out, with the tail turning right. The officials began backing their cars to turn in my direction to face me. As they continued to back their cars, I floored the gas petal and sped towards them, but right before nearing them, I swerved the car to the left so that the car spun 180 degrees and faced the opposite direction. I floored the gas petal again and made a sudden left turn at the other end of the parking lot. I turned into another aisle of the parking lot and swerved into a perfect parking position in an open parking spot. The cars behind me accidentally passed by me, with the men not expecting me to suddenly turn and park into the parking spot.

I don't remember what happens afterwards.

up, up, and away!

Night of February 16, 2005, technically February 17, 2005 (ivy)
"Don't you have Spanish class?" a college colleague asked me. At that moment, I realized that I had enrolled in a college Spanish class in the first week, forgotten that I had done so, and subsequently did not attend for these first five weeks. Later, I found myself outside on the Stevenson School campus, but it wasn't anything like the actual campus of today. The entire campus landscape was now entirely flat and paved, and the woods around the campus were now replaced with an urban environment. The buildings of the campus were all at least ten stories high, and they were all seemingly new buildings of classic European style. In fact, I stood in an inner part of the campus that looked like a narrow black street in a European town. In front of me, there was a large open area (probably a square or plaza) that allowed me to clearly see the edge of the campus, which bordered a car road and the rest of the city. To my far left lay a soccer field that looked more like the type of soccer fields I had seen in Dhahran. A little to the right of the soccer field was a multiple-story building, also of European style. It stood awkwardly close to the soccer field. Across the square/plaza and to my right were three buildings, each being multiple-story buildings of European style. From where I stood, two of the buildings stood in full view, while the third and tallest rose out from behind these two buildings. This third building had a very dark gray color, and the building looked somewhat like the Shell building in Amsterdam. Then I looked behind me, and I saw Tessa. Her hair was done very nicely (I don't know how to describe it, but I it's a mix of straight and wavy hair?). She saw me too and gave me a friendly smile. Then she commented that the red jacket I wore was the one I wore as a freshman, but she said it a friendly, inoffensive tone. I somehow knew that it was genuinely friendly and innocent. (I was never attended Stevenson as a freshman, and I never had a red jacket while I was attending Stevenson.)

up, up, and away!

Night of February 19, 2005, Morning of February 20, 2005 (jacinta)
I was among a group of friends sitting around some wooden picnic benches when Glendan asked Christine out to the dance. She said that she would accompany him to the dance.

I found myself in Antarctica, just a bit inland from the coast across the straight from South America's southern tip. I was with my parents, and we had been taking an around-the-world trip. However, at this point, we stood outside in the mild snowstorm in our thick Arctic outfits, discussing our shortage of supplies at this point in the trip, as well as how I would return to the Caribbean. I would either take the Pacific route to San Francisco and take a following rail trip across the United States towards the Gulf of Mexico, or the Atlantic route to New York and somehow take a trip south to the Caribbean. For some unknown reason, I could not directly sail to the Caribbean.

up, up, and away!

February 27, 2005 Night, February 28, 2005 Morning (jasmine)
A handsome Indian man, on a sidewalk in an urban part of India, was trying to reach this Indian girl with whom he was in love. But then she disappeared, and the man suddenly found himself trapped inside a torch-lit, golden-walled room with a dark-facial-feature brunette giving him an intense can't-stop-me facial expression as she blocked him from leaving the closed room.

up, up, and away!

February 28, 2005 Night, March 1, 2005 Morning (laurel)
It was night time, and I was in a car that was pulling into the driveway of Miranda's house, just down the street from our house. Suddenly, a flash lit the entire night sky, and I couldn't see the source of the flash because the houses were blocking the view of the bay. I soon discovered from the TV news broadcasts back in my own home that there had been a nuclear bomb set off in presumably San Francisco, and when I looked out the window at the bay, I saw that there were no lights coming from most of San Francisco and downtown Oakland. I don't remember seeing any flames whatsoever though. I felt sick at the idea that my favorite city had been wiped out. I began worrying about how the radiation was affecting me as I stood here. I then saw a map, perhaps on TV, showing the precise location of the blast, and the map showed a highlighted building on the southeastern part of the Berkeley campus. That meant that even more people I knew had probably died from the blast. And then I awoke, and I was glad that it was merely a dream. I then checked the online news, and it reported that there had been a nuclear blast that had wiped out large portions of the Bay Area, and that the weapon had been planted by terrorists, not another nation. I freaked out when I saw that it wasn't really a dream. And then I truly awoke.

up, up, and away!

March 16, 2005 Night, March 17, 2005 Morning (lavender)
A lone pirate, the kind we see in movies and books, maneuvered between narrow passages between bookshelves in what was either a library or a bookstore. The person chasing after him wasn't running, and there wasn't any animosity between the chaser and the pirate. In fact, the pirate seemed to be avoiding the chaser out of annoyance rather than fleeing out of fear. In an open area of the library, a group of adults were attempting to play the roles of people I know (future adult versions), and this group included a male whose job was to play the role of future adult Trent. A conversation began between one couple, and in that couple, the role of someone I know was being played. (But I don't remember who it was.) Then the conversation moved to the woman playing the role of Trent's future girlfriend, and then the guy playing future adult Trent began talking. He greatly exaggerated what he thought to be an accurate imitation of Trent's voice, but it sounded more like a mixture Marlon Brando and current Trent.

up, up, and away!

March 17, 2005 Night, March 18, 2005 Morning (lily)
From the lobby of a tall office building, I entered an elevator with two other people, possibly Karen and my mom. However, I split from their group and stopped at the sixth floor to check out what looked like a maintenance room, full of storage boxes, ladders, mops, and buckets. The room was lit with white fluorescent lighting, and there wasn't a single person in the room. So I stepped back into the elevator (this time, an elevator car empty and different from the one that I arrived in earlier), and I began ascending to one of the highest floors in the building. But the elevator unexpectedly stopped, and the buttons and light indicators showed that I had stopped on the 17th floor, on the way to the higher floor. I held a thick closed magazine (with a gold bar behind the title, and probably a style magazine) up to my face to prevent myself from being recognized. Four young adult girls entered the elevator, and although I didn't know them, I still feared that my face from the past would spark suspicion among these girls in the future. (This moment somehow proved that I was in the future, even though nobody had said anything and no clues showed that this was true.) The elevator doors opened at the highest floor of this skyscraper, which happened to be a sky lounge that served as a luxury waiting lounge at an airport. The lounge looked very spacious because of the large, open spaces of only carpet between the couches, seats, and seat end tables. The wall with elevator doors had two sets of elevator doors, surrounded by shiny wall with a chrome look. By one of the doors sat a large indoor plant that might have been a large fern. All the other walls were basically a large panoramic window with nearly no wall on each "wall". Through each panoramic window, I could see numerous passenger jets, some parked and some taxiing to and from the runway. The airport seemed to be located by a large body of water, and at the outskirts of a large city. This large city seemed to be New York, but this future airport didn't seem to be in the right location to match La Guardia. I somehow realized that there was one man who owned this entire sky lounge, which by the way looked as though it was at ground level with the rest of the airport (even though I had taken an elevator many floors up from another ground level). I never actually saw this man, but apparently, he had become a powerful figure in London and had made the entire island an unpleasant place to live in (even though the weather was sunny and everything looked clean and modern). Then I suddenly found myself on a highway curving gradually rightward into the Chunnel, in the direction bound for France. However, I don't know if the Chunnel is really like this. This highway road led into a tunnel that began above the ground and either went into a mountain or underground. There were no cars on the highway though. Instead, there was a scattered crowd of people jogging France-bound into the tunnel. (It was nice and sunny with some scattered clouds, by the way.) Then some not-intimidating-looking police officers in beige uniforms (possibly on bicycles) came and tried stopping the people who hadn't yet entered the tunnel. Some of these people heading permanently for France were going on rollerblades, and others were wearing hats with rotor blades. One guy had a light brown fro. Further down the route to France, there was a bridge (that looked like a simpler, smaller version of the east span of the Bay Bridge) that spanned over a narrow river among an oak forest. Only pedestrians seemed to be crossing this bridge, and a drill sergeant was harassing anyone 80 years old or older. One man mentioned something about 60 years and the military.

up, up, and away!

March 20, 2005 Night, March 21, 2005 Morning (lotus)
A girl (most likely Karen) and I arrived in a coastal nation among a multitude of tiny coastal nations on the coast of a much larger continental island. We met up with a girl who headed this peninsula nation, and I think I already knew her. She alerted me that there had been attacks somewhere along the coastal route I was taking. She pointed out as suspects the archipelago nation from which I had just come, as well as the peninsula nation to which I would head next. However, she pointed out to the opposite side of the continental island, where a massive dormant volcano hosted a massive nation. This was the home of the continent's central government, which no other tiny nation would dare resist. Then came word that a group of government officials were closing in on me, so I hid in a master bedroom bathroom, exactly like the one in my parents' room. I shut the door and crouched on the floor to watch the slit under the door. I held a somewhat transclucent yellow plastic disk against the area directly above the slit between the door and the floor, and the yellow disk emitted a certain gas to trick the officials into thinking that this bathroom had become too toxic for anyone to be hiding in here. Then the government officials reached the other side of the door. They didn't bother trying to open the door, even though I didn't think it would take very long for them to bypass the lock. Instead, I saw the shadows of the hands of at least three officials through the now somewhat transclucent sunlit door. I saw these shadows at the bottom of the door, of course, because that was all I could see at this face level. To my surprise, the government officials held translucent blue plastic disks (exactly the same shape and size as mine) to the area of the door directly above the slit under the door. I feared for my life now because I knew that these disks were meant for overcoming the smell of the supposedly toxic gas I was trying to use to trick their detectors. As they moved their blue disks from side to side to try to sense any signs of living beings in the bathroom, I followed my yellow disk to try to overpower their sensors.

Suddenly, I found myself being chased by a man and many of his agents inside a complex of beige buildings that looked like belonged in a sunny, arid region. The agents were scattered across the complex, but the man who led this group found me and chased me up the outdoor stairs. The stairs led us to the top of one of the buildings, where there stood an entrance to a rollercoaster ride. I stopped my running short at a long table, where an employee sold tickets. It was a two-step process, and as I walked to the end of the table to wait for step 2, the man chasing me reached the beginning of the long table to wait for step 1. At this point, the employee excused himself and said that he'd be right back with more of the needed supplies to sell tickets. So there I stood by one end of the table, anxiously looking at the man by the other end of the table. He looked just as anxious to resume the chase. His hands pressed against the table, and his legs looked restless. He made a very short dash and stopped abruptly when I moved the same distance around to the opposite side of the short end of the table. He then made a short burst around to the other side of his short end of the table, and I reversed the same distance back to the other side of my short end of the table. Then he sprinted towards my side of the table at full speed, and I fled the table area and headed towards the waiting line of the rollercoaster ride.

Suddenly, I found myself running up a slope of an enormous pile of either garbage or junkyard junk. I stopped when I found that the man chasing me had been severely injured somehow. He lay upon the slope of the enormous pile, and while he still looked like he wanted to hurt me if he wasn't so distracted by his ill condition, he seemed to be wanting my help. When I approached him, he held up a set of diagrams and charts that displayed some supposedly medical information about his condition, but it looked more like a beige blueprint of a house with each room being a bar graph. I admitted that I didn't understand the "chart", and a passerby overheard me and offered to help decipher the map. She said that the chart showed that some parts of his body's bone structure were fine, but that most of the crucial areas had been broken. He would die soon. And soon after she mentioned that, the man lying down on the slope tried to do or say something, but he died before he could complete the task.

I found myself in a line in front of a table for an internship. The lady at the table reminded everyone to turn in a transcript.

up, up, and away!

June 8, 2005 Night, June 9, 2005 Morning (magnolia)
Two or three middle-aged white men were sitting in deep holes in our backyard lawn as though the lawn were a huge jacuzzi (elbows rested on the sides, drinks resting on the sides). A woman, also middle-aged as I recall, also sat in a deep in hole, located at the center of the lawn. She seemed to be the alpha male of the group. I think that I approached her, but I don't remember whether either of us initiated a conversation.

up, up, and away!

June 15, 2005 Night, June 16, 2005 Morning (maple)
The dream involved me sitting in a city jail for something no reason other than to keep me from something, as a form of torture, or so I was told by this older man. I no longer remember what got me into that city jail, but I do remember that it was most likely not an official city jail, but more like a privately owned and built cell as part of this man's estate. There was also a scene where I sat in a conference room with lighting such that it looked like only source of light was the bright concentration of lights of an overhead projector, except that there was not a projector. At the conference room table sat many men in their twenties, all wearing white shirts and dark ties as part of their business attire. Meanwhile, I was the only one at the table too casually dressed. I was also the only one not absorbed in their loud conversation, and I was seated at the side of the table that faced one of the room's side walls, as opposed to the wall onto which the projection was displayed. There was a lot more to that dream, but I forgot most of it by the time I started eating breakfast.

up, up, and away!

June 25, 2005 Night, June 26, 2005 Morning (marigold)
A lovely black-haired, dark-skinned girl was speaking with an older white man with graying hair that added to his distinguished look. I discovered that the girl's name was Otto through her conversations with her colleagues. And the man was a dear mentor of Otto's. He was someone she looked up to and loved as a father. They were both officers of a large futuristic police force, and the headquarters in which they currently stood had the look of a grand train terminal. There was also a lovely blonde girl, also an officer of the futuristic police force, but I knew nothing about her.

Then I was airborne with a team that included Otto and her mentor (a senior officer). The aircraft interior was a lot like that of a modern helicopter with both doors wide open for parachuting from the cabin, except that the cabin was wider than a helicopter's. The aircraft's body was a large, flat rectangular prism, with the flat sides being the upward and downward faces. In other words, it was shaped much like a book with its covers facing upward and downward, except that the aircraft was much more streamlined. In a row directly behind the two open side doors were two jump seats, with me strapped to the left seat and Otto strapped to the right seat.

Two senior officers, one being the dear mentor of Otto, used one high-tension metallic rope to lower themselves hundreds of feet down towards the city grounds below. Judging by the little (cumulus?) clouds that rapidly passed by beside our aircraft, we were a significant distance above the city.

The two senior officers were still lowering themselves far below when the rope's attachment to the helicopter-like ceiling began to crack off and break. The attachment was on my side of the ceiling, but I was so slow to react that I didn't have time to start reaching for the attachment. Otto began to plunge for the rope, screaming "no!" And the rope broke off before my eyes. Looking out my window, I saw the two men plummet to their deaths. And all I could remember from this point was that Otto was extremely upset.

At night on the ground, next to what was probably the headquarters of the police, I saw the blonde girl with an older man who seemed to be her long-lost father. She walked closely beside him, affectionately leaning on his shoulder for comfort as she walked. Otto spotted them, and she look very surprised to see her, as though she thought the blonde girl was supposed to be long dead. Otto secretly followed her. I secretly followed Otto. We walked down a wide carpeted hallway of the living quarters, which was basically a hallway of spacious bedrooms.

Otto disappeared into either another room or another hallway. I couldn't tell, but it was certainly a different direction than the blonde girl's. I found this fairly strange, considering that I thought Otto intended to follow the blonde girl. The blonde girl's father was nowhere in sight when I looked back towards the blonde girl's path. I followed the blonde girl into her room. She didn't look surprised to see me. She stood leaning on the wall near the area behind the door. My hand bumped into my belt as I walked around the open door, and she then said, "Just to let you know, I'm gay.". I then wondered if she timed her statement that way because she misinterpreted my touching my belt, which was completely innocent. Then she began to tell me what was bothering her, but I can't remember what she said because the dream ended.

Tablet PC drawing of scenes

up, up, and away!

July 2, 2005 Night, July 3, 2005 Morning (oak)
An enraged man pointed his shotgun at a male deer whose hind leg had been broken. This was happening in our backyard, but this backyard was wider, and the deck had been replaced with a tiny wooden platform at the top of a concrete terrace. The female deer fled from the buck's side and headed up the terrace and leftward to a dead end. The doe panicked at the dead end and turned around to face the man with the shotgun. Standing about ten to fifteen feet away, the man tossed a heavy honey-colored glass ball that resembled a mini bowling ball. I no longer remember what it did, but it was supposed to bring pain (but not the sharp kind).

up, up, and away!

July 3, 2005 Night, July 4, 2005 Morning (petunia)
The man sitting beside me at this bar table was growing suspicious of my behavior in such proximity to him. I had to cover up my notes every time he came within reading distance, and it was slowing my reconaissance of him. There was no bartender on the other side of this long bar table. There was only a wall adjacent to the bar table. The bartended bar table was on the other side of the cafe, next to the open door. There, three young women laughed and conversed behind the cashier, but they did establish eye contact with me subtly for a fraction of a second. They too were checking things out in this place, most likely with me. The subject I was checking out came within reading distance, and I fumbled with my papers to cover up my notes of observations about him. I mistakenly used my list of informants' names as a cover sheet. He stopped over my left shoulder, spoke with me casually about what I was doing, and lowered his head closer to the page with the list of informants. It was a list of Dr. So-and-So's and Dr. What's-His-Face's, but the only name I remember is a Dr. Ambrose. I couldn't tell whether the man behind me knew what he was looking at, and I hoped it would remain that way. He abruptly excused himself after perusing my names list and disappeared into a room behind this wall. I used this time to walk outside the cafe and check out the name of this place. Noah's Bagels, except that it was spelled Noah's Baghels. A-ha! But hey, that didn't mean anything. It looked more like a bar on the inside. I stepped back inside.

up, up, and away!

July 15, 2005 Night; July 16, 2005 Morning (poppy)
A father scolded an elementary school daughter for failing something. It was something written, it seemed. Then he turned to his pre-teen boy, who stabbed a teenaged boy in the upper left cheek with a pencil. Unlike the last person this pre-teen boy had stabbed earlier, the teenaged boy did not scream or make any large movements. He instead he slowly touched his face's wound, which looked like a dark black circle with a red ring tightly around it. But just like the last person the pre-teen boy had stabbed earlier, the teenaged boy began seeing a headless horse standing on his hind legs such that it looked like a headless cooked chicken. The headless horse faced the teenaged boy at an uncomfortably close distance, and then it turned into various other things every other second, like a woman with curly blonde hair and a man. The teenaged boy began to freak out from this phenomenon, almost to the degree of the first stabbed victim. There was an older third son who was supposed to be reprimanded by the father too, but he seemed to escape his because of the unexpected new stabbing by the pre-teen boy. This oldest third son might have been the teenaged boy, but I don't know that for sure.

up, up, and away!

July 18, 2005 Night, July 19, 2005 Morning (saffron)
A crowd of vampires spilled out from a single underground source, most likely a subway system of some sort. I fled ahead and in the same direction as these scattering, but unidirectional, vampires. This entire part of the city was empty of any vehicles and people, save the vampires. Right before an intersection at this broad road was a cafe, where I stopped momentarily now that I was a good distance ahead of the scattering crowd. Besides, the crowd had split up by now and were disseminating into every street of the city. They didn't have any typical Halloween vampire kind of look. Rather, they looked and sounded just like any healthy human being. At the cafe, I witnessed an unaware man become the victim of a male vampire with dark features (black hair and slightly unshaven). He was dressed like a Spanish? dancer and wore tight-fitting clothes. This man slowly approached the back of the victim's neck without the victim even realizing that the vampire was there. And then he bit. The entire cafe grew hysterical upon noticing what was happening. Much of my own apprehension came from the uncertainty of who could potentially bite me next, especially with the difficulty of distinguishing between vampires and those who were not. As I recall, someone then tried to bite me in the back of the neck. I somehow prevented this someone from following through with the act, and then I darted out onto the sidewalk of the street intersecting the original broad road. A vampire-hunting police girl in a blue dress who looked like Jennifer Love Hewitt (maybe she was) called me from behind to wait. She hurried clumsily on her heels and ran straight into a street lamp. The end.

up, up, and away!

July 25, 2005 Night, July 26, 2005 Morning (sage)
I stood in our living room, with the afternoon sunlight reflecting off the creamy-colored hardwood floor. Amy and Renee were there, and there was a dartboard on the north wall at the opposite side of the room, where the crystals and glassware were stored. Then I stood at the top of the stairs.

up, up, and away!

August 3, 2005 Night; August 4, 2005 Morning (sequoia)
I saw the presentation that Amy and Renee had created for the street acceptance project, and I felt disappointed that they had removed the logo I had designed and placed the photos in a scattered manner on every slide.

Everyone of us students were cadets in a prep military school. Suddenly, I found myself in an armed helicopter pursuing a military truck chasing another across the desert sand. I radioed the second truck and offered to fire at the driver section of the first vehicle. I maneuvered the helicopter close to the first vehicle, and then I don't remember what happened. I only remember a news report mentioning an unidentified helicopter appearing and disappearing over a chase scene.

I sat in a classroom-sized room with rows of folding chairs set up in a semicircle around a slide projector and a person speaking. Beside me on the left was an Arabic-speaking companion of mine who I probably knew through my years in Dhahran. To the left of him was another companion of mine who only spoke English. Suddenly, Samir appeared, and I waved at him and motioned for him to sit with us. He motioned with his hands that he desired to sit where I was sitting - to the right of my Dhahran companion. So I reluctantly stood up and walked over to the left of my English-only-speaking friend and sat beside him.

up, up, and away!

August 5, 2005 Night; August 6, 2005 Morning (spruce)
There was a huge adventure underwater ultimately involving Ariel from The Little Mermaid, but I don't remember this part. Then I returned to my summer work, and as I exited the subway station, a Black youth introduced himself as O.J. 1 and introduced his colleague, a plump Black boy of maybe age ten, O.J. 2. Later, my three workmates and I stood at the garage door entrance of a warehouse to get a drink of water on this hot, windless day. We awaited our turns to drink water from the drinking fountain near the ground, also waiting for every group of several kids to take their turns between each of our own turns. A line of the kids formed into the warehouse, while we waited right outside the warehouse. A large number of kids kept taking their turns as I stood next as the last of us workers waiting to drink. I had no complaints about waiting so long, but another one of my workmates decided to politely interrupt the flow of kids to allow me my turn. My workmates and I later entered an open-air facility with many silver pipes. The facility sat below ground level, and it was a large facility held back by deep concrete retaining walls (although, the word "retaining wall" never came to mind during the dream itself). I was concerned about what the supervisors would think now that I was returning after making an official goodbye. In an office building that I had never seen before, I rode the elevator to the ninth floor and made two immediate rights into a long, white hallway with dim white lighting, perhaps from fluorescent lights or perhaps from sunlight leaking from the various open doors across the hallway. I stepped up to one of the doors down on the right visualizing a brightly-lit waiting room, the kind you'd see in a dentists' place. But my hand paused in midair before reaching the doorknob upon the realization that this somehow wasn't the right room. I made for the elevator again, and this time, there were two men in the elevator car. I don't know who pressed which buttons, but by the time the elevator car was descending, the buttons for floors nine, seven, five, two, and one were lit. When the doors opened again, we were still on the ninth floor, but the floor looked different. Now it looked like a floor related to bridal-planning. Two women busily spoke to each other among bridal decorations. They slowly disappeared from view as the elevator doors closed. Then the elevator doors opened again, this time for floor seven. Right before the doors opened, one of the men mentioned that I might be interested in their grazing field of grass on that floor, and the word "Andalite" came to mind. The doors closed again, and we descended.

up, up, and away!

August 7, 2005 Night; August 8, 2005 Morning (spruce)
The subject of kissing was brought up, and I admitted to the girl that I had never kissed anyone before. She was sitting on the other side of the dark room, with the light from the windows behind her revealed her silhouette. Through only her eyes, she told me to approach. And we kissed.

There was a mention of a show about beautiful people by a female television show host, and then I saw an image of three people from Stevenson. Then I walked by Melissa Mewborn sitting on an indoor bench, while Andrew Lawrence passed by and walked towards the exit doors.

A boy and a teacher both said that they were Jewish, and then started eating this tree-log-sized cylindrical food floating in the water, just off the rocky waterfront of a city.

Suddenly, there was an aerial view of the eastern part of San Francisco, sans all the buildings, trees, and roads. My dad told me that something was at Hyde Street.

up, up, and away!

August 9, 2005 Night; August 10, 2005 Morning (tulip)
My family and I stood on the southern two lanes of the Bay Bridge's upper deck, while traffic passed around us. We were standing by a large gap in the road where a section of the two most southern lanes were missing, so cars were forced to drive around instead of otherwise hitting us. I tightly gripped a vertical cable as though I was holding on for dear life. As I stood at the edge, two cars and a cell phone gradually fell off the bridge and into the bay, at separate times. Karen told me that she also saw some cars fall off the bridge, and they might not have been the same cars. Later, my family and I were in a vehicle driving towards the East Bay. I suddenly found myself alone in a long, black sedan being chauffeured into a camp in the forest. The entrance immediately forked into a left entrance and a right entrance, both of which led to girl's camps. I walked up the grassy hill of the camp on the right, and I saw girls about my age in leotards and one-piece swimsuits running past me. At least one girl running past me was bare naked, and it seemed that all the girls were former CCS students. At the top of the hill, I saw an older version of Christopher Lee, from elementary school, guiding the running girls with hand motions like a traffic director. Suddenly I found myself in a control room much like one of NASA's. There was an harsh director barking instructions to the staff of the control room. One young, white-button shirt man with dark hair furtively wrote the numbers of the director's ID on a sheet of paper by disguising it as notetaking. Surprisingly, I had trouble reading his pencil numbers upside-down, especially at the beginning numbers of 196...

up, up, and away!

August 16, 2005 Night; August 17, 2005 Morning (voila)
My dad asked me if I wanted to purchase any new shoes as we wandered into the store's section of shoes and video games. I glanced at the wall shelf towards the few remaining products. I wasn't interested. Normally I wouldn't be interested in video games consoles either, but a Super Nintendo three-in-one game caught my attention. I ended up purchasing it. At home, I ran the game and saw that the first of the three games was a Super Mario World game that I'd played many times. This was not the game in which I was interested, and I felt unusually frustrated that I couldn't reach the second two games. I flipped hastily through the instructions manual to find out how to skip to the next two games, the ones in which I was truly interested, but I couldn't find out how. So I continued playing, half hoping that maybe I could play my way into the next game. From time to time, various clips of The Gilmore Girls appeared between the Mario game's segments. I took notes in an Indian language for decoding the second game. For the third game, I had notes in what might have been Arabic, but I can't remember for sure. I can't remember how the second two games went anymore, but they resulted in real things happening to real people. They were not merely games, and I found myself in an underground household level (with a cylindrical glass elevator shaft) while being in the middle of a huge legal fight involving many people in dull-colored suits and a blonde female victim. This woman looked rather unpleasant, but she won whatever it was that was being fought over with the other victims. Suddenly, I found myself with Karen on a moon covered in gray-blue cheese. The moon was somehow a threat to life on a neighboring celestial body, and in order to save lives, Karen and I turned into red pinballs that bounced around wiping out certain threatening substances on the moon surface. Karen ran out of lives before me, making her attempt a real sacrifice for humanity (or whatever species were saving). I continued on with the last of my lives, while I ignored cries from familiar voices from above to stop.

up, up, and away!

August 17, 2005 Night, August 18, 2005 Morning (willow)
In a luxurious underground hotel lobby with shops and yellowish lighting, a large paper advertisement that started with "free submarine" caught my eye. It rotated under the glass (or clear plastic) of a six to eight feet high cylindrical structure that slowly rotated a number of advertisements. I pulled my dad over to show him the ad, but I could no longer find it once we were facing the rotating display of different ads. Not one ad I saw matched the one I saw, as though the ad was gone. Of course, I didn't bother to check all around the cylindrical structure. Then the adult crowd began gathering around an open area of the lobby where one girl and two boys stood. They were somewhere within age nine and twelve, and like most people in this lobby, they dressed in somewhat formal attire and appeared very professional. These kids stood in a row, more or less, preparing for some sort of competition or event. I then somehow discovered the random fact that if the underground lobby flooded, only one trip up on a single elevator could be made to during the flooding to save a small group of people. It turned out that the lobby began to flood, and the three kids were the ones who made it in the elevator. As the closing doors drowned out the screams and roar of rushing water, the kids, or at least the one girl, realized that they would be the only survivors.

There was a dog who disliked oranges and a cat who I can't remember anything about. The only thing I remember is that a woman standing in a kitchen could see them right outside running along the dirt road in the vast, dry grassy field. These animals were competition animals, until very recently anyway.

Three of us kept low among the somewhat rocky desert landscape under the cover of the dark blue evening sky. We made stop-and-run dashes from behind one mound of sand-colored rocks to the next, towards a lone house just ahead of us. During one of our abrupt stops behind a mound, I gazed up at the sky and remarked excitedly that I saw two full moons and two unusually bright stars that looked like daytime suns dimmed down heavily for the evening. I said a never mind when I spotted a fifth celestial body, but I don't remember what it was. One us pushed open the door slowly, and we felt surprised that it wasn't locked. The girl and the third person (don't remember the gender) hid in the living room among the white couches. I, on the other hand, dashed across the entrance of the hallway connecting to the living room to avoid being seen. A voice came from the other end of the hallway, but the person wasn't aware of our presence. I walked into the kitchen, parallel to the hallway, but I made an rapid 180 degree turn when I thought I heard footsteps heading for the kitchen. I made another rapid 180 degree turn from the hallway view when I saw a shadow moving down the hallway towards the living room. I hastily chose the kitchen closet (pantry?) as a hiding place, but I began to panic when I realized that the door wouldn't close all the way. I was making to much noise and decided to hold the door in place the moment I heard her step into the living room. She had discovered the other two in the living room, and they were now conversing with no tone of hostility whatsoever. Still, I remained standing in the closet. A light bulb in the closet was on, and it lit scattered words scribbled in blue and black ballpoint pen ink on the inside of the white closet door. There were names of people, phone numbers, notes... They were all relevant to Dhahran. I opened the door and walked out to join the three in the living room. The woman didn't seem surprised to see me at all. She was an Asian American woman from the Dhahran community. And she spoke to us about our fear of a man stalking us for hostile purposes.

up, up, and away!

August 19, 2005 Night, August 20, 2005 Morning (yucca)
A group of people my age, including Griffin and Christine, played a short song that consisted of a slightly varying group of notes repeated over and over by different joining and exiting real and makeshift instruments. A marching rhythm on the snare drum was handled by Christine. There was a tambourine somewhere towards the end, and in my attempt to join the music, I eyed the tambourine. The song, while having a very limited range of notes probably all within the same octave, had a very easygoing feel to it.

Two students of at least upper high school age stood with beakers in a nuclear lab that somehow looked like an ordinary classroom chemistry lab. The lab was a room within a room, a large portion of the corner sectioned off from the larger classroom with walls covered in closed Venetian blinds. Meanwhile, two distinguished professors spoke to students in the larger, well-lit part of the room. Things were being sent down the drain from the lab straight to Monterey Bay, where a light brown haired boy stood wading in water to his knees. He held the end of a long hose, presumably coming all the way from the lab, with a football-sized yellow sponge blocking the end of the hose for the purpose of filtering. The guy momentarily detached the sponge and took out a tennis ball. Things like this, he explained, were the reason he was doing this. Suddenly at the lab, a hazardous accident was occurring. At that point, I saw a news report showing the pictures of the two distinguished professors and a mention of the names of the twin labs - something along the lines of Skurge and Skyge.

up, up, and away!

:: Chapter I :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 :: Home ::

©2000 - . DreamWorld. GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. I dreamt you had antlers. But they were nice antlers.
(reproduction of my content requires my permission...i have this special photocopying machine, you see.)

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