[23/24 September 2005 Night] .alexandrite.

A woman who looked like Kate Beckinsale stood over the bathtub as it filled. The low-pitched splashes reverberated as the only sounds in the quiet, desolate-sounding apartment. But a deceptively faint sound from outside the bathroom changed that. She cautiously muted the splashes by turning the flow down, and stood waiting with her hand still on the faucet and her head facing away towards the door. She remained posed like this, motionless. Then she carefully wrapped herself in a towel, trying not to make any noise. And she slowly approached the door to listen to sounds from the other side of the door. She pushed the button lock on the brass door knob and pressed herself against the door, as though the door locks alone wouldn't hold the door back against an intruder from the other side. At the other side of the door was the rest of her apartment, with the bedroom just outside the door. The faint shuffle of feet sounded again, this time right outside the bathroom door. She held the door in place more firmly. Then the door knob began to violently shake and turn back and forth in incomplete circles, and the rattling door lock sounded as though it could give any moment. She pushed herself against the door the entire time to keep the door in place. And right when the door locks finally began to fail, the shaking stopped. Silence, from the other side. Then came even more aggressive shaking of the door knob from the other side, as well as the first words from the intruder through the door. It was a male, and he revealed that he desperately wanted her. Wanted everything. Wanted what was underneath that towel. By this time, the attempts to enter had been completely replaced by his yearnful plea. Kate backed away from the door to the other end of the sink counter. She had both hands grasping her towel tightly around her chest, and she continued to stare at the door. But at some point soon afterwards, she was able to open the door slightly to peek out into her bedroom where the intruder stood. There he was, poorly dressed, with unkempt black hair, and the nighttime city lights through the bedroom window behind him. By now, the intruder stood defeated by the bed and made no attempt to charge towards her. Then he moaned in agony and pleasured himself.

[14 October 2005 Evening] .agate.

I don't remember where I started, but I found myself wandering in tiny circles on the paved ground near The Campanile. Others waited there too, although they were clustered directly beside the tower. A girl stood out among them. Dirty blond locks. Eyes, hazel or brown, it seemed. A light-colored striped tee. But then I found myself seated in a wide open air amphibious craft much like a hovercraft in appearance, except that it was probably four times in area. Unlike a hovercraft, it was capable of flight and had an open top like a convertible. This seemingly bulky vehicle sped across the air directly beside the moving blur of the cables of the Golden Gate Bridge. The craft descended into the water immediately before reaching the shores of the green Marin Headlands. A glass cover emerged just in time to seal the open top from the water. The craft entered a narrow underwater cave just wide enough for the craft to tightly fit. Throughout the journey in the pathways of the cave, the craft underwent a series of technologically impressive transformations occurring at smoothly-transitioned, precisely-timed intervals. At the end, the craft opened up its top in a ballroom, still underwater, except that I could breathe in the heavily bubbled water. The sounds of clubbing music filled the grand halls. And I joined the dance floor.

[13/14 November 2005 night/actual] .amber.

A girl facing away from me was on the pay phone. She talked rapidly and enthusiastically, making wild facial expressions towards nobody into empty space. Then... she turned to me, with her still being on the phone. She began to look directly at me while continuing her uninterrupted talking and facial expressions. She THEN began to squeeze my jaw and cheeks playfully with her free hand, all while still talking ecstatically. In a blink, she was gone, but a written phone number remained. Soon afterward, I spotted a man sitting alone on a public indoor backless bench while trying to recite a poem I wrote, but stuttering.

[20/21 December 2005 night/actual] .amethyst.

I rode a motorbike on a highway, while following a line of men on motorcycles in rush hour traffic. But then my motorbike fell over and my belongings scattered across the shoulder of the highway. Among these items was a black rubbery balloon, in the shape of a whoopie cushion. It had some text printed at the center of the balloon, but the black text was difficult to read on the black background. By the time I had gotten back onto my feet, traffic had moved, and the line of men on motorcycles had disappeared. So I joined a passing line of girls (mainly middle schoolers and high schoolers) on motorcycles, with the leading motorcycle in pink. Later in a building, I entered an elevator with all of them, but the elevator lost power before reaching the desired floor. Nobody panicked. I looked at the emergency buttons, and I pressed to button designed to continue one level to the next floor. It didn't work. I pressed another button to stop the elevator. We were already stopped, so that obviously didn't work either. I decided against using any more buttons, not that there were many buttons remaining to try, and one of us pried open the elevator doors. The elevator car happened to be nearly aligned with that current level's floor. I spoke with oldest of the group, who happened to be the leader. I stepped outside of the car and began helping girls across and out of elevator. The leader then came out of elevator, and I walked back into the elevator to switch places with her. We both began helping girls quickly across the door opening and out of the elevator, all while not knowing whether the elevator might begin moving again. When everyone had been taken out of the elevator car, I helped bring belongings (bags, papers,...) outside too.

I made one final trip into the car to gather any missed belongings. It was still very dark inside, with the only light source being whatever sunlight could trickle through the elevator door opening. Still, I found things in the hidden pockets of the elevator walls, including a white pencil, a tiny black purse (trapezoidal, rigid strap, glossy surface), and some various other small items. I made a second "final" trip back into the car, and I happened to find three sets of gold-color-wrapped chocolate (looked like miniature plates of gold bars) in the largest pockets of the elevator walls.

I moved back out into the sunlit level, and with the elevator off my mind, I noticed that we had entered a museum with white marble floors enhanced by white lighting from the sunlight filtered through the frosted ceiling windows. At the center of the floor stood three vases, each approximately four feet tall, with a marble texture (or possibly granite). Each had a distinct color - dark red, dark orange, and dark green. Then Uncle Ed passed by. He probably had some authority over this museum, or if not the museum, at least those three artifacts.

[21/22 December 2005 night/actual] .aquamarine.

I don't remember how it started, but people were being zapped by white rays from above the cloud cover, which could only be seen when patches of the cloud blanket became momentarily visible from a flash of bright light in the black overcast night sky. The cloud cover obscured everything above it, but whatever it was that fired these rays of energy, it was airborne. I observed this event from aboard a yacht-sized boat (not a yacht though) a great distance away in the middle of the harbor. A cyborg who looked a lot like the Terminator character "Sarah O'Connor", blonde hair and all the same details, sat facing me with a stern facial expression. I didn't trust her. After all, she wasn't human, and neither were the attackers from the sky. We sat on cushions on the ground, with a table very low above the ground between us. I stepped away for a while, and once I had stepped away from sight, she began studying my sensitive information papers. She also tweaked the electronic chips in the toys I had sitting on the table. At that point, I lost all my trust in her, but when the invaders released electric signals that turned the chip-powered toys worldwide against their human owners (except mine, which she had fixed), I regained her trust.

Suddenly, I found myself in daylight on the deck of a ship overlooking some narrow, floating walkway platforms beside the gray, metallic hull of a large ship. Some people were walking along the platforms to reach my side, when suddenly several sharks began circling around the platforms in anticipation of getting a bite of anyone who might slip into the water. The stranded people began to reveal panic in their voices as they desperately tried to extend their arms to balance on the rocking platforms. But that didn't matter because an enormous eyeless worm (that looked like one of those toys that easily slip out of your hands because they're filled with gel) thrashed out of the water and swallowed everyone on the platform.

Then I found myself indoors in a home that seemed to be my own. All the lights upstairs had been switched off to evade some form of secret police or humanoid invaders. We were also trying to avoid any attention from our neighbors, who, like everyone else in the world, was a potential spy. Since the beginning of the invasion, nobody could trust anyone because both humans and invaders in the form of humans had been reporting people to the invading authorities. At a makeshift table setup downstairs by the washer and dryer, three or four people sat along one of the long sides of the table. All of them looked like men from The Lord of the Rings films, with one distinctly looking like the character Boromir and the leader looking like Aragorn. They all held their swords up and stared intensely at the blades. The blades gave them imagery of their immediate futures. All of theirs ended with imminent death, except for that of the leader. The other two or three looked towards their leader, who was just beginning to break his gaze away from his sword blade. The followers asked their leaders what they should do. He said something I can't remember, and then he took an elevator to another level. Meanwhile, I looked into the downstairs den and looked at the dim lights at the house across the street, and I wondered if we had been discovered.

Suddenly, I stood in a dormitory hallway (that I had seen in a previous unrelated dream, by the way), and I entered a perpendicular hallway forming a "T" with the original hallway. I turned into the first room on my right, and I discovered a gray-walled cafeteria with no food being served. Almost immediately after I had entered the room, a man in a dark police officer uniform entered. He told everyone that he would take the freshmen outside with him, and that everyone else was to remain where they stood. I somehow interpreted this as the routine words preceding a slaughter of everyone in the room, and I made an unnoticed slip through the door past the cop. When I reached the "T" of the intersection, I hesitated in my sprint and looked both ways to check which side to use as an exit. A nonhuman invader that looked like character Agent Smith from "The Matrix" spotted me from the opposite side of the hallway on my right. At the same time, we both broke into a sprint towards the exit doors of the hallway at my left. I slammed the doors open and nearly tripped on my way down the few concrete steps. I soon reached a teal mid-90's Ford Mercury in a parking lot and took the car with three other people my age. We burned tire marks on the asphalt as we rapidly backed, turned, and floored the gas pedal while swerving the car around incoming traffic. Eventually, we felt that we had lost the agent in the chase, and we pulled the car over on a street near my actual home called Chadbourne Avenue, except that it was labeled as Crestmont Avenue. But the second we stopped the car, the man unexpectedly appeared and ordered everyone except the driver to leave the car. This included me, as I was no longer the driver. The three of us stepped out of the car and closed the doors behind us, while the man dragged the driver by the neck out of the vehicle.

[22/23 December 2005 night/actual] .aventurine.

I was running among a scattered group of people in medieval garb (colors of earth brown and dirty orange), and from the anxious looks on their faces and the distant approaching sound of hooves, I somehow deduced that we were being chased by a relatively small, elite army consisting mostly of people on horseback. I could not see them though, but I guessed that they weren't far behind the right-turning bend we had just taken on this narrow, sand-colored dirt road. (The dirt road seemed to have been carved out from the steep slope of the rocky hill.) Right after making the turn around the bend, the entire scattered group of people simultaneously banked left, off the road and immediately down the steep lush-green, grassy slopes below. Someone running behind me with a high-toned voice (possibly a child's) queried our sudden collective decision to flee down the hill slopes. Without establishing eye contact, an older man, running at my right side, replied that we were hoping the trees (about ten feet from each next one) would provide us some cover. The chasing group began pouring down the slope behind us, and I hid in an eroded bowl-like lower section of the leaf-blanketed ground by the exposed roots of a tree. A few hooded people abruptly stopped on their way downhill and lay behind some boulders. They began to fire at us with what I thought were short arrows. The hiding place quickly turned chaotic as everyone tried to move away from the line of sight of those firing at us. I made a vain attempt to pull an arrow out of a neighboring person, but then the firing seemed to stop. Or I simply stopped noticing it. I saw the gaze of one of the red-hooded people, and it was a girl with beautiful brown eyes and brown hair. She looked directly back at me, and her facial expression almost suggested defeat or sadness. I wasn't sure. She then pulled back, along with the others who were attacking us moments earlier. We took this opportunity to run away from the advancing knights. We ran up the hill, but away from sight. At the place where the top of the slope met the dirt road stood a cave within a house-sized boulder. We slipped along this other side of the boulder unnoticed, and then they all fled down the dirt road in the full sights of the army. Yet the army did not run after them. I reached the dirt road last, and by that time, I could not catch up with the carriages and carts of my fleeing people. So I turned around and walked into a spot not very deep in the cave, and I looked up at a hole in the limestone ceiling. By doing this, I exposed myself to lightning, somehow of the magical kind, and I fell unconscious on the wet limestone cave floor.

(At some point, I discovered that the short arrows were HB pencils whose lead broke easily on impact.)

Click here for a hastily done drawing using an optical mouse.

[25/26 December 2005 night/actual] .bloodstone.

I walked down the one street of a town tucked in narrow, high-altitude valley between two peaks of a high mountain range. The street was empty, and the dry earth-colored valley walls only augmented this feel. My eyes followed the buildings lined along the right side of this settlement's one road. I turned towards a doorless entry of a building and walked in. On the second floor, I entered a gray-carpeted room about the size of two average-sized classrooms. It was officially a gym room, but it looked like a giant classroom that could be divided by a slideable plastic screen. There were chairs with attached desks and chrome legs aligned in a grid in the forward facing direction. A few seats were occupied at scattered locations by waiting students who fixated their gaze on any inanimate object to pass the time before the hour. More and more students trickled into the room, and when the room was full, they began busily bubbling in the letters of their names on PSAT exam booklets with their pencils. Mrs. Gingery was present in the room, proctoring the students and strolling down each aisle. Somehow, I deduced that she had respect for me. But then I realized that I had forgotten to pay for the exam. I discussed my issue with the proctor, but there was nothing she could do. I can't remember what happened during the rest of that session. All I knew was that I would have class in that same room later that day. At some point later in the day, I walked uphill to an isolated plateau that rose so high above the surrounding elevation that it seemed to rise out of a bottomless pit. The main part of the plateau was a nearly circular area higher in elevation than the town from which I had just traveled. In this circular area stood an apartment in which Ryan R. and his roommates lived. I told roommate Trent that I came looking for someone named "Christine". He returned to his bedroom to ask one of his roommates if they knew about her whereabouts. Meanwhile, I wandered around the kitchen island counter separating the living room with the rest of the kitchen. I glanced at the refrigerator, and then out the window, where I saw the plateau's steep cliff and the desolate rocky desert formations below. Trent returned from the room to tell me that they didn't have an answer for me. Suddenly, I found myself at a house across the street from my own. Miranda was there too. The end.

[28/29 December 2005 night/actual] .carnelian.

There was a well-decorated Christmas tree standing about five to six feet tall near the corner of the room. A pile of blue jeans lay all over the base of the tree, and kids jumped and thrashed around for the very bluest pairs of jeans. I stood near the window by the tree, opposite the side of the tree facing the room corner. I thought that I had no gifts, but then I received a pair of jeans, gift wrapped, but very obviously jeans nevertheless. A velvet blue gift card attached to the wrapping read, "S O P H I A T E P E R" in fading/appearing engraving. I then found a half-a-fist-sized wrapped box, in rich velvet blue, from Tania. I opened it and saw a diamond ring. The end.

I suddenly found myself with Eddie right outside a room, and we were peaking into this small press room, much like the one in The White House, with presidential candidates dressed in orange, lavender, and red button-up shirts, and contrasting ties to match.

[9/10 January 2006 night/actual] .citrine.

Down the street I ran, barely getting enough air as my sister tried to keep up as she was tugged along with her hand tightly gripped within my own. A huge shadow at least several blocks wide loomed overhead, and while it lagged about two blocks behind us, it cast a long, offset shadow ahead of itself over where we ran. Being able to see only the head of its shadow at a speed matching our own only added panic to my already stressful state. Fleeing crowds of people scattered evenly left and right at the moment the shadow hit their point of the block, but I continued to run in a straight line, as did the airborne shadow-casting object. A quick glance over my left shoulder revealed to me that it was a large metallic saucer-shaped aircraft, about half the size of the city, speeding at a seemingly incredible speed, even though it was only covering about half a block every two seconds - faster than the dispersing crowd, but only fast enough to keep up with my sister and me. (This implies that I too was fleeing at half a block every two seconds.) After about half a mile of running (quickly but with slow, long graceful strides) with the shadow neither gaining on us or falling behind, I banked sharply right and continued at full speed and long strides along an Alaskan-like oil pipeline down the very gradual grassy slope of the lush green fields. The craft continued in its straight direction instead of following us, but I maintained my graceful, long-strided sprint across the undulate curves of the field, even with the sudden uphill slopes and steep downhill slopes. At the other side of the large grass field, I stopped at a campfire around which many people stood. I could only spot moments of glimpses of their fire-lit faces among the dark silhouettes because dusk was quickly settling all around us. A man near the outdoor fire brought out a sheet of thick, oxidizing paper with ripped edges, and he asked me to sign my name and some other names as he stretched the sheet before himself. Almost immediately afterwards, I deeply regretted it, and the man began stalking us. An unknown amount of time later, I found myself on the edge of a plateau cliff overlooking a valley and the silouhettes of a few dark skyscrapers far in the distance. The tip of the obelisk-shaped skyscraper beamed a ray of yellow light into the otherwise entirely dark gray sky. My mother's voice told me from behind me that none of us [humans] had been able to shut off anything in the city since they [the robots] took over. Suddenly, I found myself accusing a sheet of seaweed in high court. The sheet of seaweed looked like a hybrid between sushi wrappings and live, wet seaweed. Nobody else in the court believed that the seaweed was guilty of the alleged violent act, and one of the officials in court suggested that I try to imagine if this seaweed could possibly be anything but peaceful and harmless. I closed my eyes and had a widescreen image of a landscape similar to the dark valley with the distant city, along with the seaweed to the side, but this image quickly faded into a post-sunset panorama of purples and oranges and the whites of the glimmering evening city lights.

[11/12 January 2006 night/actual] .diamond.

I stood on an indoor train station platform sandwiched between two tracks, one on each side. Each track was multidirectional because both tracks ended at this station. As I tilted my head towards the ceiling and upper wall areas, I noticed they had a translucent yellowish papyrus-paper-like texture with ebony wood trims on the ceiling and every light fixture, including a large bowl shaped ceiling light and a large dark spiral coil ceiling light. I was about to take a train to embark on a new life, but I missed the first train. For some reason involving Pinnochio (the details of which I can't recall), the grandfather I had been expecting to arrive had missed the train. Yet I boarded the second train anyway and gazed back towards the station platform, with the hope that maybe he would appear at the last second. He did not. As the train moved out from under the station roof and onto the elevated tracks towards the next city, I watched the passing lights of buildings, seemingly fighting for my attention among the nighttime darkness and the reflection of the indoor train lights on my window. I soon met two circus folks on the train. I soon discovered that there was an entire circus aboard this train. As the train began to curve with the track around a tall building and a parking structure, I was told that we were in Las Vegas, and that there was a trick involving the airport about accessing something. It was never clear to me what that "something" was. Later, I was in a casino, on a floor other than the ground level. I walked into a small hallway connecting to the restrooms, but I instead walked to an end of the hallway right before the entrance of an empty employee lunch area, and I approached a snack/ice vending machine. The end.

[14/15 January 2006 night/actual] .emerald.

I stood inside a large building-like tent in a camp in Iraq, presumably associated with the military based on the brown, khaki, and earth green colors in the tent canvas. At least a couple people were standing beside me in the tent, and I somehow knew that we were in The South Camp, which was populated by San Franciscans. Opposite this camp was The North Camp, which consisted of people from the Carolinas, and possibly from other areas from the East Coast. The tents of The South Camp, including the one in which I stood, had square "windows" made out of thick transparent plastic attached to the rest of the tent canvas. The tents of The North Camp had square openings like those of The South Camp, but they were not covered with anything. Inside the tent in which I stood, I noticed that the wall by the bed was covered by 4 in. x 6 in. photos.

[15/16 January 2006 night/actual] .garnet.

I awoke in my bedroom and pulled the curtains aside to view the San Francisco Bay, but I was immediately drawn to the sight of a wizard, with his back facing me, standing on a grayish white cloud in the sky, about halfway between the ground and the lowest cloud cover. The wizard had his arms outstretched like a Christ figure, and his white-bearded aging appearance and gray cloak gave him the look that he was struggling to keep his arms extended. (He looked somewhat like Gandalf the Gray, minus the hat and with a larger beard.) I can't remember if he had a staff in his hands, but I knew that he was using dark magic to bring forth the end of the world. The sky was completely red, and the dark clouds were being summoned to clump together by the wizard. The sun disappeared for the last time in eternity behind the clouds and probably below the horizon. I hurriedly scampered down the stairs to a basement (which doesn't exist in my real house) and discovered a girl model with dark black hair apathetically thumbing away at a video game controller and fixating her gaze on the television set. I continued to look at her sitting on the couch and ignoring me. After a few seconds, I figured that I wasn't going to get any eye contact from her, so I continued running into the next room. The end.

Later, in an unrelated time and event, I was standing in a line against the wall of a ballroom, or a room as ornate as one. I somehow knew that we were in The Mirage, and I, and the other twenty-something CCS students in this line, faced a CCS teacher, possibly Mr. Tom. The teacher was dressed up in formal attire, just as we were, and either he or another CCS staff member drew a row of box frames on a wide chunk of white cardboard, and then proceeded to sketch each person in line in the same sequence as the boxes.

[20/21 January 2006 night/actual] .jade.

Two dirty bombs (small nuclear bombs) had detonated in an unidentifiable city with tall office buildings. Two tall but small mushroom clouds of uneven sizes ascended from the heart of the city towards the sky. I had prior knowledge about these bombs near the last hour, and I had pushed my family to move and drive us as far away as possible before the blasts. When the mushroom clouds rose above the city, I was watching them from the rear window of our car out of blast range, far outside the limits of the city. At that moment, I was seated in a dark green all-wheel-drive station wagon on a dirt road to a forest visitor lodge. Earthquakes followed the blast, and a wise supernatural man showed me what the tremors had done to the underground world. The ground had split open and revealed blue soil marking the underground world. The size of the split allowed me room to see the cross section of this underground world. It looked like a blue dirt version of the submerged part of an iceberg, and bottom of tip continued as a part of the next submerged "iceberg", only that the next section would be upside down relative to the last. Angry-looking (maybe because of the quake) creatures dwelled in the cracks of these dirt structures, and they too were various shades of blue, but possibly only because of the blue lighting underground, especially when considering that I saw a white sugar-cube textured creature shaped like a two-dimensional horse. Meanwhile, an assistant to the wise man chanted for a reason I cannot remember. Someone (who I can't remember) and I rode a dark purple flying dragon out of the underground cave system and into the sky.
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