dreamworld, ch. 3
t h e   s e c o n d   c h a p t e r

The first page was getting full. So welcome to page two, the second chapter, the second chronicle.

alpha | beta | delta | gamma | epsilon | zeta | eta | theta | iota | kappa | lambda
mu | nu | xi | omicron | pi | rho | sigma | tau | upsilon | phi | chi | psi | omega
aquarius | pegasus | orion | andromeda | dorado | centaurus | auriga | gemini |
taurus | leo | big dipper | little dipper | virgo | scorpius | polaris

:: Chapter 1 :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 :: Home ::

june 21, 2003 (alpha)
I was given a homework assignment that required me to play a piano piece and record it for a college professor. I was in a room with an entry way with no door. The walls and floor were made of white marble with a pattern of gray swirls. Beside the doorway and wall corners were small semi-columns that served no real purpose other than appearance. The hallways had the same look. In fact, now that I think of it, it had a similar look to the hallway of the post office in Oakland. Diagonally across the hall was another doorless opening to another room, in which the professor sat at a desk in darkness, save the dim desklamp. Focusing back into the room I was in, I began to think about my assignment, and then I decided to learn a song. I have no memory of how I chose a song, but it was one of which I had never heard. The title at the top of the sheet music was something "Leary", as in Macon Leary from The Accidental Tourist. The first word must have been "Vonnegut" as in Kurt Vonnegut. So if what I remember about the title is correct, the title was likely somewhere along the lines of "Vonnegut Leary", as strange as it seems. It doesn't surprise me though, given that I had been reading these works of literature recently. Although I don't recall how I chose this piece, I do remember looking up the name in the library in a music book. So I played the piece while recording my audio performance, and I turned in the assignment. Then I was suddenly on a slightly sloping grassy field at night. The moon was out and shining brightly, and there was a bonfire around which a bunch of kids my age (around seventeen/eighteen, more or less) were sitting. The orange glow of the fire illuminated the faces of all the kids around me. We were all college kids, and somehow I knew that we were at Cal, although I don't remember ever seeing such a large grassy field on the campus before. I doubt that one that size even exists. So perhaps we weren't on campus, but instead in the woods. I wasn't a part of the bonfire gathering, however. I was only watching. I wasn't sure if I had a feeling of sorrow or disappointment. I suddenly found myself back inside one of the college buildings with marble walls and floors. I was not in Chem 1A, and I realized that I was late. The class started at 2 pm, but regardless of my not knowing what time it was, I still knew that I was late. A feeling of failure rushed me. And the dream ended.

up, up, and away!

june 22, 2003 (beta)
I was in a room below ground level in a stone castle. Even though the room was below ground level, the wilderness grounds immediately outside the room was at the same level as the room's floor level. It was a doorless entry, or whatever you would call those. There was a seemingly abandoned or unused canopy bed with a skeleton nearby. It might have been on the bed. The skeleton didn't stand out in the environment of the room. It was gray colored, almost camouflaged with the bland color of the sheets. The room itself held a bland look, and the fact that it was not a well lit room did not help either. Suddenly, I noticed a light saber with a golden handle on the stairway. The stairway was made of cold, dark concrete with no handrails. The light saber was off, so it was merely a dirty gold colored handle with no light beam, and the saber lay on the square platform between the perpendicular flights of steps. I picked up the light saber, rotated the handle until I found the power switch, and turned it on. Was it a light bluish white or a light red? I honestly don't remember the color of the blade. I think it was red, which in the movies meant aggression. And that's all I remember.

up, up, and away!

july 2, 2003 (delta)
I had just hung out with Tommy. I believe that we had just watched a movie, and we were waiting outside on a wide sidewalk beside a huge, grand train station, waiting for Tommy's ride to pick him up. Beside the sidewalk was a wide major road with many lanes. An early 1990's white economy car passed by, and for a moment I thought I thought it was Tommy's parents in the car, but in a brief slow motion mode as the car passed right next to me, I realized that they weren't them. A second car followed right behind, about ten or fifteen feet behind, and it was a brand new sparkling silver luxury car. I think it was a Mercedes. Inside was Tommy's parents in the front, and Daniella and Michael in the back. The car stopped by the sidewalk, and Tommy entered the back on the right side. The car then pulled away. The entire car scene has just happened in slow motion. Afterwards, a huge crowd of pedestrians began crossing the road in both directions across the pedestrian crossing zone. It was a lot like the largest crowd you'd find in a large downtown area like Manhattan. People walked by me, around me, or into my shoulder and continued on. Everywhere I looked in the crowd, there was someone I knew...friends, schoolmates, friends of friends, Karen and her friends (busy walking and talking to each other and absorbed in their own conversations)...who I knew walking in the opposite direction towards me and by me. Once in a while, one of these friends and I would establish eye contact for a fraction of a second and continue walking by me almost immediately without disrupting their own pedestrian movement. There were more like quick glances without any thought or feeling. But almost everybody ignored me as they walked by in the opposite direction. The crowd moving in my direction continued to sift through the crowd moving towards us. When I reached the sidewalk at the other side of the road, I looked at an escalator that disappeared from view, below the ground and into the subway station. Above the escalator was a ceiling sign reading something street station. The crowd of people in the subway station area on the ground was still as dense as the crowd crossing the street. I turned my head to look behind me, back at the train station. It was just as busy there. I turned around and began crossing the street to head back to the train station side. Suddenly, I heard Karen's voice above all other sounds. It was loud and clear. She called my name, "Gordon, Gordon, Gordon...". Then I woke up from my dream, and I found my mom calling my name to answer the phone.

up, up, and away!

july 3, 2003 (gamma)
I should've written this dream down immediately after waking up because i've forgotten most of the details. I was sitting among civil engineers, or at least a committee of city planners. In a part of the room, very likely the center, there was a huge model of a city and its neighboring hill and rivers. As the city planners (all male, as I recall) chattered away at the other side of the room, one guy crouched with his back to a wall at my side of the room. He looked down at the floor and looked at me when I looked at him. The guy looked like Nedjo. He had the same smirk that was a futile attempt at a smile, if it was even an attempt. He gave a look and an impression that he was above everyone else, that his way of thinking was far beyond that of anyone else. So he sat alone in the corner and isolated himself. I turned my head and looked at the model, and Nedjo was still within my peripheral vision. Upon my seeing the mountain, a river appeared at the summit of the mountain and split into two large rivers, each flowing down the slope symmetrically. The event caught the attention of all in the room. And then Nedjo took credit for the miracle, although looking back, I don't know why the appearing river was such a brilliant idea. Nobody even seemed to be bothered by the miracle of appearing water on a model.

up, up, and away!

july 6, night of july 5, 2003 (epsilon)
There was a sauna where a bunch of guys my age were. My jean shorts were loose and therefore hung low, showing some underwear. Suddenly for unknown reasons, I was wearing a simone cheerleading outfit, green, or at least the shirt part. On our way out of the locker room, attached to the sauna room, some football guys came in and started speaking aggressively to the guys i was with. Then they overheard that Simone was here, and they perked up, saying that they wanted to see her, wanted to see her tits. And they laughed. I was hiding behind my friends. someone had mistaken me for a hot girl just because of the green cheerleading outfit I was wearing with Simone written across it. But when they finally saw me, they were disgusted and started getting ready to beat people.

dream 2

Bri was running away. I didn't see it. I dreamt it. (dream within a dream) In my dream, there were images of her vehicle (I think a Jeep sort of vehicle) packed with luggage. It rode down the highway right after a bridge crossing and towards a downtown area (with no skyscrapers). There was no mention of why she was running away...just some faint words by her in the dream about the experiences of different kinds of people roaming within in the city by themselves. Tourists "rotated". Locals/others had something to do with a one-time thing? Those words made sense within the dream, at least. Within the downtown area, where the highway ended and became a broad major road (but with hardly any traffic at all), nighttime came. In that area there was no longer any image of the vehicle, and there was a beautifully lit museum. The museum looked yellowish on the outside because of the night lighting, but it was obvious that in daylight it was white stone. Its exterior design was based on that of the US Supreme Court, columns and all. The museum was on the right side of the main road, and there was a large lawn before the entrance of the museum. Bright lights, the same kind at night games at stadiums, lit up the lawn. So Bri disappeared, and the dream ended. So I used the information from the dream and found the area where the museum was. She was nowhere in sight. There was a saddening feeling. Then I saw an Asian girl walking onto the lit lawn of the museum. She did not see me. She walked up onto the platform on the lawn, sat down on a chair, and opened an instrument case. It was either a string instrument or a wind instrument. I walked onto the lawn, with her still not seeing me. Now I was facing her on the platform from afar as an audience. She was standing up behind a podium, and she began to play a little music. But the music faded out, and when I looked again, she was calling out and talking loudly as though there was a large, responsive audience. I began to cheer and scream as any enthusiastic audience would, and she then noticed me and responded to my response by smiling and screaming some more words. It was a lot like a spirit rally. I responded two more times, the third time with an attempt to do a high-pitched female scream that's often heard in an audience. My voice didn't crack, but the scream was weak and inaudible over a decent distance. Afterwards, we were in a conversation. I told her about Bri's running away and my trying to find her based on a dream. She offered her own response to the situation. I don't remember what she said, but it was comforting to be able to talk about it with someone. As night was getting ready to turn into a sun-dominated morning, we got ready to part and head our own ways. We walked around the outside of the museum, and suddenly I saw Bri, who didn't see either of us, walk right in front of us and into a large museum garage. We opened the upward sliding door, and there she was, hunched over and crouching in the back of the room. She looked very tired.

Tania drove us back in her white minivan. Although the interior, for unknown reasons, was that of a sedan. Anyway, I sat in the backseat. I don't remember where anyone else sat. Bri was still quiet and tired-looking. Tania commented on what Bri must have gone through. I queried about what the response at home from her parents would be. Tania said that they were still asleep. So they wouldn't have to know. There was a choice. We drove onward.

And then I woke up to Mommy calling my name.

up, up, and away!

july 9, 2003, night of july 8, 2003 (zeta)
This part of the dream was very vague. All I remember is a possible a lecture, and then a large model of a planet with sprouting crystals that glowed green in the radius where I slammed my hand. And then the next dream...

I was in the bedroom hallway of a house. There was some commotion happening in the master bedroom. I'm guessing that it was an argument. Worried friends of the arguers were in the hallway, trying to mend the problem. I walked into another room. Karen was in there. So was Tania. She was relaxing and staring up at the ceiling on the higher bed of beds of different levels. They weren't bunks. The lower bunk was empty. For some reason, I knew that the lower bed of the two belonged to Bri. I queried where she was. I don't remember the answer. Suddenly I was in a different room, although I hadn't actually walked outside the room I was just in. Bri was there. It seemed that we spoke very little, but agreed to go somewhere. Suddenly, I was walking outside on dry grass area between people's backyards. There were a few people walking with me, and one of them was probably Bri. Karen might have been there too. But as we walked, everyone who was walking with me seemed to fade away without anybody noticing. I walked by a fence, and behind that fence were the highest seats of the California Memorial Stadium. A person in a smiling Cal bear suit in mostly yellow looked at me. A Cal football game was in play, and there were school spirit colors of (mostly) yellow and blue. Brass wind instruments were blaring out with joy. Distant cheers could be heard. They were distant because the upper seats were not entirely filled, so nobody near me was cheering. I continued my walk. Suddenly I found myself in what looked like the front of some grand hotel where the cars pull in. It had a parking garage feel, and there was a marquee above us covering the entire area from direct sunlight. A white lady who I found sort of attractive was in a black showgirl/Vegas costume greeting high-profile guests as they exited their black Cadillacs or black limos. Observing all of this from the other side of the road was me. I stood next to a glass elevator within an indoor area surrounded by glass windows. In that indoor area, inside of which I was not, was a metallic, carpeted boardwalk/walkway. It was angled slightly upsloping and turned after ten to fifteen feet at almost a right angle. There was a podium with a control panel at the first fork of the walkway. One walkway probably led to the Cal football game, although the entire hotel feel sure did not help me make that conclusion. The other walkway probably led to a pool surrounded by fake tropical trees on a level below ground level. When I turned around, the lady in the costume somehow got me to do her a favor by dressing up in her costume (even though I'm a guy) to give her a break. (Hey, now I'm possibly an involuntary cross-dresser. Yay...) Some people glanced at me with looks that gave a feeling of humiliation. But surprisingly, most people minded their own business. I found a poster showing the lady in the outfit. I told her I couldn't do this, and that she looked much better in the outfit. She refused. So I was stuck with the outfit. Upon seeing my reflection in a glass window, I saw that the outfit was now a blue outfit that Whistler's mother would wear, or maybe instead something from the late 1800's. (And I forgot the next segment of the dream.)

up, up, and away!

Night of Aug 6, 2003, Aug 7, 2003 (eta)

The first image I saw was the inside of a high gray cave. No sunlight reached the inside, and there was no sunlight. There was word about several T-Rex's heading our way. I suddenly found myself in a room, or a single level house. It seemed like a condo because the front door led to a public hallway with lines of other doors like ours. Our front door was aligned at the top of the T-intersection of perpendicular hallways. In the hallways, people were panicking and running up and down the hallways trying to pack things and to prepare to leave. Most people seemed to have found no way out of the condo complex, and they were desperately finding hiding areas. We locked our condo door, which was made of shiny bulletproof glass. The glass was immune to the weight of any prying T-Rex, and the locked door would promise our security as long as it was locked. Dad was the one who designed and built the door. It was an ingenious design, and looking out through the glass, we could see people in the hallway fleeing aimlessly. Inside in our dining room, Mom was calmly reading a book while sitting at the dining table. People outside in the hallway were now screaming. The several T-Rex's had arrived somewhere in the condo complex. We felt safe. Several people in the hallway, seeing through our glass door that we were safe behind our secure door, tried to charge through our door and into our condo by dashing down the hallway and slamming unsuccessfully onto the glass door surface. A few people persistently kept trying this. Suddenly, the door was loose. Actually, the door would not lock. Dad tried to fix it quickly. Meanwhile, more and more people were running around screaming in our hallway. Dad continued trying to fix the door. In the wild pushing and shoving in the hallway, Dad found himself pushed into the hallway, right when I managed to shut, but not lock, the door. Dad made a dash towards the glass at the door and slammed into it. He made a second dash and made it through the glass without shattering it, as if the glass was some force field that was momentarily switched off. Two boys sat on the top of the door, totally disrupting Dad's attempt. Then the crowd in the hallway, gazing in one direction, was silent. There was at least one T-Rex right outside our door. It was not moving, but it was ready to attack and examining its prey selection. I knew that we were no longer safe, with the door lock rendered useless. A person, probably the leader of the crowd, simply walked right into our condo now that there was no preventing of unwanted entry. My family and I felt utter defeat. We backed into our living room and into the dining room where Mom was. The crowd seemed angered that we had selfishly decided to save ourselves with our security technology. As for the T-Rex, everyone had seemed to have forgotten about the whole screaming and running deal. Apparently, the T-Rex seemed to have silently disappeared in the background while the crowd of people, who were our neighbors and companions, slowly surrounded my family and forced them to sit down at our dining table. I managed to sneak back into the kitchen unnoticed. From where I was in the kitchen, I could see my family at the dining table, and they could see me. Nobody else could see me. I entered the garage, and through hand gestures, I motioned for them to make a dash towards our parked car on my cue. After seeing the keys on the dashboard, I planned to back the car and drive it hurriedly away. Then the dream ended.

Computer Drawing

up, up, and away!

Night of Aug 7, 2003, Aug 8, 2003 (theta)
A wide, futuristic jet, in which I presume I was in, was speeding across a violent sea of lava and away from a tailing tidal wave of firery lava. The jet must have picked up speed because we finally lost the chasing orange wave. Our jet approached a tropical island with a stretch of towns in ruins. The intense heat from the lava engulfing the island had taken a heavy toll upon the buildings and plant life on the island. Charred halves of walls of structures remained, thus giving the town areas a desolate splash of gray, tan, and black. Few palm trees remained alive and standing, and only scattered clusters of them remained. Sunken boats stuck partly above the water off the coast. We were returning to our home island, and it was a heartbreaking sight to see our once-flourishing island heading towards its messy end. The jet slowly hovered near a large building at the summit of a still-green hill. The building was my home. The intense heat of from the lava surrounding the island was melting parts of the house. Creaking sounds throughout the estate reminded us that the building had very little time before the walls would cave in and cause the structure to collapse. The building might have been made of a material other than wood, for there were no fires starting in the house. I suddenly found myself stuck inside my bedroom when the lava flowed either under our level or under the foundation itself. Regardless of which one it was, the floor became extremely hot, and orange showed wherever there were cracks on the floor. In panic, a friend/family member and I stood on the desk chair and the desk surface itself. We suddenly remembered that the desk was made of wood. The desk began to melt, and we began to climb onto the desk's bookshelf. The end.

up, up, and away!

Night of Aug 8, 2003, Aug 9, 2003 (iota)
I descended up the wide white-marble stairs and turned right to see a large lobby-looking area with a large opening in the center. The opening in the floor showed the level below, and a continuous handrail surrounded the perimeter of the opening. The room I was in was made in a retro architectural style. It seemed very 1920's or 1940's. White marble seemed to dominate the features of the room, and so did the black old-style telephones. The booths had gold tinted iron cages through which the customer communicated with the teller or sales rep. With the phones rining and the papers rustling and the people in 40's office suits walking around, I was figuring out that this place was a large, open office. I crossed over to the other side of the room by going along the handrails. A large office, probably the largest, lay at this side of the lobby-office room. I opened the heavy black door and walked in. An old white man with white hairs wherever he hadn't begun balding was sitting behind the desk. He gave an impression of being an instantly respectable father-like figure, and he reminded me of my high school chaplain Dr. Woudenbourg. Two chairs were right in front of his desk. As I sat in the chair on the right, and my mother on the chair on my left, he examined my resume or my transcript or some type of papers that showed my academic and work progress. I tensely watched. He removed his spectacles (Dr. Woudenbourg doesn't wear those), placed the papers down on the table, and folded his hands while looking at me in the eyes. He told me that there were many qualified applicants, and he seemed to imply that I was not one of them. I felt a terrible sinking feeling. The end.

Computer Drawing

up, up, and away!

Night of December 20, 2003, December 21, 2003 (kappa)
I was an independent kid, wandering the canals of the city in my long, slim boat, which looked a lot like an old gondola worn down over the years. The appearance of the city from the river was grim with an overall tone of grayish brown. As I pulled my gondola towards the land on one side of the canal, I stepped off onto the raised cement platform and onto the city street. Later in one of the stories of a several-story office building by the canal, I waited in a wide hallway with many anxious job interviewees waiting for their turn. The hallway was perpendicular to a second short hallway that led into the office room of the boss, who was interviewing. We could see the inside of the office through the hallway windows and the boss's office windows. On one side, the hallway continued into another hallway, and on the other, the hallway led directly into an open area with waiting chairs and a counter. When I was called, I entered and began the job interview. The boss wasn't interested, and I became desperate. I suddenly activated superpowers I did not know I had, and I began scaring the boss with a show of dangerously quick reflexes and great destructive ability. I suddenly found myself wearing Wolverine's yellow suit, and I impressed the boss with the release of some claws out of my hands. He asked if I could retract them, so I did. Suddenly, I found myself walking in a garden-like environment between white columns toward a white car that looked like an old model of a Volkswagen Golf car. When I opened the right-side backdoor, I was greeted by the parents in the front seats. They apologized for the tight space in the back seats. Two blonde girls in white Sunday (church or picnic) dresses were sitting on the left and middle back seats. It WAS tight in the back, and I uncomfortably entered the car. Later, the car stopped, and the girls exited the car. I didn't see where they went, but I exited the car and suddenly found myself on a platform, supported by white columns, that was high above the ground. An old lady saw me frightenedly looking down at the ground below. "This is what civil engineers do," she said, as I looked towards her. I don't remember what happened after that.

up, up, and away!

Night of December 26, technically December 27 (lambda)
I sneaked between two stone walls outside a castle. I could hear footsteps and distant commands coming from elsewhere in the castle. Then I dashed out across the castle garden, across the grass and over the little bridge over the stream. At the corner of the garden, I reached a dead end. When I turned around to look behind me, I saw a king in red robes with white where his buttons and collar were. Behind him were some royal guards and troops. My escape seemed hopeless as they marched slowly towards me. Suddenly, I was sitting on a folding chair among other folding chairs, and I watched a television screen with some other people I didn't know. I have no recollection of what happened after that.

up, up, and away!

Night of January 23, 2004, technically January 24, 2004 (mu)
Dad was taking the family (I only actually remember seeing my dad and myself) to an obsure place in Europe with beautiful ice-capped mountains. When I asked him about where we were, I had trouble understanding what he said. He said something about Orlando (and an image of a map of Orlando, Florida popped up before my eyes (or in my head). So I began thinking of this dotted lined diamond slope land within a small nation-state that was square shaped. I kept mentioning well-known countries like Switzerland, France, and Monaco (to my dad?, or to myself?) to figure out where we were. Suddenly, I was seeing this projected image of San Francisco on the wall, and Dad and I were standing before it. The image of San Francisco, however was just a creation of San Francisco in the game SimCity 3000, with a viewing mode where we could only see landmarks and special buildings (no zoned buildings). But there were some random zoned buildings that weren't hidden here and there, such as high-rise apartments. I asked about Nob Hill on the map, and Dad pointed to it. Among the buildings shown on the SimCity 3000 creation of S.F. was Coit Tower.

up, up, and away!

Night of Jan 26, technically Jan 27 (nu)
Last night, I dreamt that I was on Wheel of Fortune, and then I was playing in a band with a haven't-played-for-awhile Alice Cooper. I have NO idea why Alice Cooper. I don't even listen to his music. The mind works in strange ways.

up, up, and away!

Night of Jan 27, technically Jan 28 (xi)
Three assassins broke into three different windows in a tiny room while a woman protecting a guy victim by a wall of mirror got ready to fight and defend the guy. Throwing knives and a few bullets flew all over the place. I couldn't tell if I was either the victim or an invisible viewer, but it didn't matter because i sort of felt every knife that pierced anyone. Oh, and there was this banquet beforehand where someone quietly asked someone else to leave the room.

up, up, and away!

Night of Jan 30, technically Jan 31 (omicron)
My Gung Gung was in the process of moving out of the condo. It was nearly empty, and whatever was still left inside were boxes. He has lost his will to live. I was also asked to take a photo for him from a bird's eye view of a little area of tiny trees on a tiny landscape (a model of a real landscape, I suppose). Explanation: A comment the evening before that the movie Lost In Translation dampened one's will to live; thoughts afterwards about Gung Gung.

up, up, and away!

Night of Feb 9, 2004, technically Feb 10, 2004 (pi)
There was a volcano that was about to erupt at the edge of the city I was in. We were all in danger of the "heat convection", which is a very odd way of putting it. It turned out that I was the only one who planned to evacuate my several story condo or apartment. I suddenly remembered this fact (this is not a true fact, seeing that this was a dream), that if I saw deer running away, that meant that an eruption was near. And then, surprise...I saw a deer running away from the volcano towards the hill. I packed, and I still felt awkward about the fact that nobody else was packing. I never saw the volcano erupt. Suddenly, I was in a boarding school dorm hallway that looked a lot like that of Day Hall. I walked across the second story towards an old door to a familiar room upstairs. It was around a quad. Suddenly, I found myself outside the dorm on a grassy field. It was a reunion party on a picnic field. There were plenty of people doing the usual outdoor food-picnic-on-the-grass thing.

up, up, and away!

Feb 12, 2004; Noon (rho)
My granddad drove me down the SF penimsula to a rehab. hospital. There, I visited an older relative or family member. I don't remember which. Then came this event inside or outside near the hospital, and I vaguely remember what happened. Suddenly, I found myself charged with assault from that event that I didn't remember very well. I was in the hallway perpendicular to the hallway of my relative's room, and it was close to where the elevators were. A security guard with a large build in a dark navy uniform spoke to me. He did not seem intimidating at all. In fact, he seemed very friendly, and he showed great concern for my charge. He assured me that people faced these situations once every three years (which isn't true, of course, but this was a dream). I also found out around this time that I was near Monterey. After some comforting words about what was involved with the charge, a clock tower bell rang in the distance. I looked towards setting sun out the window, and there was the Berkeley campus, although it looked more touched up and Spanish-mission-y / Rivendale (Elvish land) to me. I turned back to look at the police officer, but he was gone. And I realized that I was no longer south of the SF peninsula, but instead back on the Berkeley campus within a campus housing facility.

up, up, and away!

Night of Feb 15, 2004, technically Feb 16, 2004 (sigma)
There was a man in a seminar room behind a podium. He held an empty wet martini glass and a fencing foil in one hand. With his other hand, he gestured at the audience and back towards his other hand. He pointed to a metallic object on the left rear side of the room (from the perspective of the audience). The object might have been a silver metallic chair of futuristic design. I can't remember. Next to the metallic chair was another large object, which was a hollow metallic object, as far as I recall. Beside these two objects was a rectangular window with a greater height than width. The presenter then somehow made a ringing sound with the objects in his hand, and this ringing sound's frequency had the same, or a close, frequency as the metallic objects. We observed the effects of resonance on the objects. Then the presenter adjusted the frequency of the sounds he made with the foil and the martini glass, and the two metallic objects in the back of the room vibrated and rippled violently. Suddenly, the window began rattling, and a crack in the center of the window formed and immediately spread outward in a circle for a second. And then it stopped. Everyone in the audience gasped. "Haha," the presenter said. And he held his fencing foil vertically with the tip upward. "I have a foil." Right after this moment, several people scattered among the audience stood up one by one with fencing foils in their hands too, and they also faced their tips upward with the foils before their own faces. These were people who happened to be part of a theater group ready for some event after this seminar. "I challenge you!" the presenter exclaimed, and the people in the audience who had foils approached him one at a time to challenge him.

up, up, and away!

Night of March 26, 2004, technically March 27, 2004 (tau)
I'm in this plaza or square that reminds me of Trafalgar Square. The sky is overcast, and almost everywhere I look, it's gray or white. There's a lake or canal (can't remember which) and the cement plaza borders it in a straight line. There's also a gray stone column, medium height, near me in the plaza. There are people here and there in the background, and pigeons are scattered across the plaza. I'm walking with Christine up the steps, and we're waiting for Griffin to come out of an old gray library, with columns along the sides, bordering the plaza. Suddenly it's night time. I've just fallen off the pier into harbor, but I'm inside a big styrofoam cup that extends from the surface of the water (where the rim sticks out of the water and doesn't let water in) into water and towards the seafloor. I'm panicking, and I fear drowning. There's a crack that goes straight down the cup that I'm in, and I know that it can easily open. If it does open, water would rush in and drown me in no time. Then a girl's voice (likely my sister's) yells down to me and tells me to simply use the two flaps coming out of the crack (think of the crack as a crease) to climb out...comma, stupid, she adds at the end. So I do, and she helps me out.

up, up, and away!

Night of March 27, 2004, technically March 28, 2004 (upsilon)
It was night time, and I stood on a road by a three-story building complex on the slope of a hill. It was a wooden building with wooden columns. In fact, it looked like a three-story, zig-zagging version of Talbott Hall in Stevenson School. At the base of the slope was a valley, which was bordered on both sides by slopes. Down in the valley, a battle was occurring, and as I walked down the outside hall at the edge of the building complex, I approached the edge of the flat top part of the hill before the start of the downhill slope. At this edge, I approached a small group of troops in uniforms that looked black and gold in the night. I had approached them with their backs to me, and as I drew near, they all slowly turned to face me. The group of troops was led by Emily Su, who had more gold color on her uniform than the rest of the troops. They all had swords on their belts, and they all seemed ready to head down the slope and join the battle in the valley. Emily Su said some wise words and gave me one of her swords. Then away they went, likely down the hill. I wandered down the outside walkways of the building complex and looked inside the empty classrooms as I walked by. Then I approached a few rooms with lights on. Inside one of these rooms were a few students sitting at the desks, which were lined up along the walls and facing inward. There were bags here and there, and the bags seemed large enough to serve as overnight bags. The majority of the students in the room were asleep, and the rest lay very still. I had been in that room earlier, and I was sitting at the desk at the center of the wall opposite the windows. I walked on. Suddenly, I was in the valley, but I was outside the edge of the battle. Poon was in a uniform that looked somewhat like that of a samurai. However, he held a foil for fencing. A small group of people stood behind us, and they must've been ready to join the battle as well. Then Poon and I began walking briskly while swordfighting slightly for practice as we walked (him with his foil and me with my sword). Then we broke into a charge, made a battle cry, and accelerated towards the battle scene. People to the side of us (on our slope) watched as we charged. We charged and charged, and the dream ended there.

up, up, and away!

Night of March 31, 2004, technically April 1, 2004 (phi)
From a house on a slope at the edge of a city, I suddenly saw a strange cloud begin to form from the horizon. Within seconds, the cloud formed a mushroom shape cloud, and my fear of nuclear bombs took over me. I lost control and panicked, and into the house I ran. I uselessly ran from room to room, trying to avoid further exposure to radiation while finding some necessities to pack for the trip away from the blast. The blast was far away enough so that no damage was brought upon this part of the city, aside from the radiation.

up, up, and away!

Night of June 23, 2004, technically June 24, 2004 (chi)
Oh, and I had various dreams again, but I suppose I'll finally spare one from eternal oblivion. (Think of the newest Peter Pan movie, not the cartoon version.) Young Peter Pan departed his cottage and began battling large frogs (or were they toads?) the size of full grown humans. After a series of frog fights, he encountered a large lazy frog with a smooth chin (or whatever that part is called on a frog). Both Peter and the frog stood facing each other, but at a distance. They were both waist-deep in water (pretend that frogs have waists). Faded out / or Gordon's memory failure. It's night time, and suddenly, Peter was stopping and rolling under a series of large incandescent-lit theater curtains with the American flag printed on them. But he was rolling as if those curtains were a line of rising and falling axes. After a few of these rising and falling "axes", Peter bumped into Wendy. As usual, she had brown hair and a blue dress, but she was a cartoon drawn in Super Mario 1985 style (no white in the eyes and all...almost like Bambi eyes though). Peter seemed surprised, and Wendy pushed Peter backwards until he fell off a cliff...to save his life? End of dream. (Nice going, Wendy. Jeez.)

up, up, and away!

Some Night Between June 7, 2004 and June 17, 2004 (psi)
Nobody remembered me when I entered through the front entrance of my high school cafeteria (RLS cafeteria). Nikko and Bryan Weimer remembered though. I ate churros from a churros machine placed where the salad bar used to be. One by one, I took and ate a churro until the staff finally wheeled the churros machine away from me. I walked behind the fireplace where the two single-person bathrooms used to be. Instead of the familiar wall and bathroom doors, however, I came before a large and long hallway with tiny rectangular windows across the top of the wall to my right. Sunlight came in through those windows, and I continued down the hall until I could make a left. At this left turn lay a restroom/changing room designed for locker rooms by any swimming pool. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, and I did a lousy job of hiding myself and turned around. (End of dream).

up, up, and away!

Night of June 17, 2004, technically June 18, 2004 (omega)
I was walking with Griffin towards some large building housing an acting organization/school. We had some place in there in mind that we wanted to visit, but instead we were both distracted by a glimpse of a large group of silent actors (not mimes) looking as though they were doing interpretive dances on the auditorium stage. I approached the large red curtain (stage right of the stage) and gently parted a sliver between the heavy curtains to take a look. Then Griffin began joking about how he'd really like to see me acting, and he nudged me. As I began falling between the curtain opening, I wildly tried to put both of my feet back on the ground, and by the time I did, I found myself several feet away from the curtain and on the stage. The acting instructor, whose watch over her students I had interrupted, turned and looked at me. She made me perform a two-minute act, freestyle, at the corner by the stage and the curtain, slightly away from her other students, who were still busily performing quiet dances/stretches independently of each other. So I pretended to be an archer, but doing that for two minutes proved to look extremely stupid to me, and long before my two minutes were over, the instructor's gaze had already fallen away from me from a lack of interest. After my two minutes were over, I told her I was an archer, and she impatiently replied saying, "Yes, yes. I know. Plenty of people have done that one." I walked away ashamed and incompetent, but I rejoined Griffin and felt better again.

up, up, and away!

Night of June 25, 2004, technically June 26, 2004 (aquarius)
An man with evil intent had gone into the lower level of some tiny petrol/chemical plant (about the size of two to four large lifeguard towers together) upon the top of one of the green, grassy mountain tops in Austria. A girl was trying to stop this man, and it soon became apparent that she was Maria from The Sound of Music, especially when she gave up on trying to stop the man and began frolicking and singing over every hilltop in the mountain range valley below (also green and grassy). Suddenly, Maria was in Germany. I simply knew that it was Germany. There was no proof. The town's name started with a T and had "j" as the third letter. In this town, she came upon a man (probably in his 20's), and it turned out that he and Maria had known each other since their early childhoods. They both boarded a train to Austria and climbed back to the tiny isolated chemical plant atop that green, grassy hill overlooking the valley in the mountain range. There, Maria, now with a companion, once again challenged the evil man upon the hill. The evil man upon the hill seemed well-dressed and intelligent...in fact...he was...Captain Von Trapp! (End of story.)

up, up, and away!

Night of June 30, 2004, technically July 1, 2004 (pegasus)
I dreamt about shining a flashlight in Casper the Friendly Ghost's face, along with the faces of all his other friends circling overhead. I also dreamt about a war between Lego people in Lego fortresses (colorful ones, I might add).

up, up, and away!

Night of July 2, 2004, technically July 3, 2004 (orion)
karen and i were somewhere in india on a green grassy field (with a line of higher grassy ground stretching before me by my left). there were people scattered all over the field and having picnics or flying kites or playing soccer. suddenly, as i looked into the air, volleyballs of all sorts of colors were being kicked high into the air at random intervals from random parts of the park. i watched each volleyball lingering high in the air and watched fearfully as each volleyball came down to crush me. either the volleyballs were truly of deadly weight, or i was merely thinking it. still, i dodged each falling volleyball as they slammed into the grass all around me and elsewhere across the park. then, i took out my camera and asked karen to stand on the higher ground. i told her to get ready to catch the volleyball i was going to throw high into the air, presumably so that i could take a photo of the ball before she caught it. but i kept missing. the ball went to far. too close. too low. towards my feet. the volleyballs were extremely heavy. it felt as though i was trying to get bowling balls airborne.

up, up, and away!

Night of July 6, 2004, technically July 7, 2004 (andromeda)
i approached a big guy (large build, black hair) who was a friend of mine (reminds me of Bo) in the locker room. we began talking about something that seemed to be about one of my current problems. then he told me to try on his green XXL fleece and began to put over my shoulders. i refused, but finally gave in. afterwards, i gave him a hug (he was much taller than me at this point). and then i walked into some gym (or maybe it was still part of the locker room) that had a narrow walkway area by a line of windows. sun beams gently fell through the windows, and from the view from these windows, i could tell that i was on the 2nd or 3rd story. suddenly, i was outside at the start of a gradual downsloping dirt field. the sky was bleakly dark with dark gray clouds, and i stood near the end of a line of (presumably) soldiers facing the enemy's line of (presumably) soldiers. the other side was supposedly evil, or at least that's the impression people felt from their appearance. lines of rails (similar to those for trains) ran between and perpendicular to both lines of armies. because we were slightly uphill, we had an advantage, and i found myself launching the first cart of hidden explosives down the rail and down the slope. the enemies at the other side (about 100 to 200 feet away) were grunting defiantly as the cart rolled towards them. when the cart neared them, it ignited. and other carts began to follow down the hill on other rails from our side. suddenly, i was in a girl's dorm. she had black hair; she seemed to be asian. somehow, i realized that i was in stanford (i've never actually seen much of stanford, but the dream seems to told me that it was indeed that place). i couldn't tell if it was a single room or double room, because i thought i saw a second bed in my peripheral vision, but i wasn't entirely sure. by one wall stood the bed (not large enough to be a queen sized, but definitely larger than a single bed), and by the other wall stood the desk. a lamp on the desk was lit, but it was still daytime. there were some plastic organizer drawer thingers by her bed (right side, if you're facing the bed from the desk side). and she had lots of belongings in the room, but they were neatly organized against the wall by her bed (in organizers and the night stand) or under her bed. the door was on the left (on the desk side) when facing the bed from the desk side. and that door led to a hallway. opposite the wall with the door was a window that some daylight into the room, but most of the daylight was blocked by Venetian blinds. yet, the room had soothing soft lighting by her lamps, and her room had a comfy feel to it. so we spoke, and i ended up discovering that she was my cousin. but i'd never seen her before. it also turned out that she had gone to the same high school as me too, for a very short while anyway, and i had never known. she withdrew from the school early in her first year there because she was having some trouble with being mistreated there. somewhere in her room, i spotted a photo of a small grassy hill/field with a profile going up and down and up down and evenly scattered cross country runners wearing my high school's green uniform running across the field (right to left in the photo). a girl passing by in the hallway glanced at both of us and gave me a disapproving glare and walked on. then i found out that she was from my mom's side of the family. and then there was speculation that perhaps she was not a cousin, but a quasi-sister from some second family that i didn't know about. ooo...what drama. then i bid her farewell and walked through the hallways of (supposedly) stanford. (i saw ms. meranze in the hallway. she ended up working here after leaving my high school, in this dream anyway.) the lighting of all the rooms made everything look golden. there seemed to be a lot of beautiful spanish style architecture around, and there was this round room with a golden-color design on the floor, with a marble table (one leg in the center) with large plate of fruits on the tabletop. hallways branched out from this circular room, and to my left, through a hallway branching out from this room (and across a perpendicular hallway), i saw another room with prep-school-looking boys dressed very nicely with a mix of formal and casual. they seemed to be enjoying themselves on a couch in another golden-color lit room. i exited onto the steps leaving the whole building complex. i found myself in a desert urban environment that reminded me of some of the large empty sand lots with surrounding white bldgs in khobar. two white taxis by the steps were entered by two separate customers, and both taxis departed. i looked toward the large empty avenue on my right. there seemed to be a few palm trees lining a small section of the avenue, about fifty feet away from me. then a voice that sounded like my dad's told me that it was better to wait for taxis by those trees on the avenue. so i began walking towards that area. halfway there, i heard gunfire, and i realized that i was being shot at. so i began running (still in the same direction towards the trees), and i was hit a couple times. i slowed down and slowed down...

up, up, and away!

Night of July 12, 2004, technically July 13, 2004 (dorado)
A substitute teacher fired rounds into the classroom's ceiling (the kind with white-beige styrofoam tiles with little holes in them) every time after asking each student a question. He was actually trying to fire at the students, or at least make it look like he was, but he was missing by quite a bit.

People were trying to hunt and capture an intellectual Big Brother Bear, and a female bear adversary was being led by two male humans in this hunt for the male bear. The second male human followed behind the other. The hunt moved on further into the forest, and the male bear hid behind a log, and they slowly closed in.

It was a dark night, and there was a grassy field by the road. There was a resistance to people who wanted to make kitchen products out of us people.

In a kitchen, by a refrigerator, a lady told me that she was made of salt and pepper shaker tops that were made of the tops of my and my sister's heads. I said, "Whatever", or something that showed that I no longer cared.

up, up, and away!

Night of July 13, 2004, technically July 14, 2004 (centaurus)
Ms. Grogan called me for photography. I found myself on a C.C.S. rooftop, but it was a brick-red roof of Mediterranean style, and the building had Dhahran-style creamy beige walls. I could see the crowd below in the courtyard, and then I walked into a booth hidden on the roof. Griffin was there, and the place suddenly seemed like a radio station booth.

In my head, I was comparing the black Canon Powershot G5 with a silver Nikon Coolpix 4300. I had a strong preference toward the Canon because of instant shots and the sleek black look. (And in reality (outside the dream), I didn't actually know much about the Canon Powershot G5.)

up, up, and away!

Night of September 4, 2004; technically September 5, 2004 (auriga)
I was in my old house in Oakland, except that the layout of the rooms and stairs inside the house was different. There were large windows by the stairs (the stairs being in the top-half/bottom-half opposite-direction layout). Through those windows, I could see our lawn, and the remaining scattered grass was dry and grayish green. From the dirt I saw all over the uneven lawn, I could see that people had been doing some digging with the dirt, as though they were going to replace the grass. Suddenly, I saw Professor Harley, a civil engineering professor, and I can't remember if I spoke to him on the stairs about the digging/landscaping project on our lawn. I don't think that the digging was authorized. As the sky grew darker as sunset approached, I kept wanting to follow all the people who left my house to the nearby fast food place because it was going to close at 8 pm. But I was continuously held back in my house by civil engineering people. At 8 pm, I was finally able to leave the house and head quickly over to the food place. But by the time I entered the fast food place, it was closed. So I wandered around the edge of the adjacent suburb community. Someone joined me in my wandering, but I can't remember who.

up, up, and away!

Night of September 5, 2004, technically September 6, 2004 (gemini)
I was downstairs in my old house (next to the laundry machines), and, in a hurry to join my family outside the garage to move somewhere else, I stuffed socks in my old baby Fisher Price plastic dresser.

up, up, and away!

Night of September 11, 2004, technically September 12, 2004 (taurus)
I was biking up a hill with Karen. We were on a trail on the edge of a cliff over the rocky beach below and to the right of us, and we could see the completely orange/red sunset sky all around us as we biked up the trail. Over the top of the trail and in the distance over the horizon of the ocean, we could see the setting sun about two thumbnails away from the horizon. When I was almost at the top, I saw a large house directly to the left of me. It was bordering the trail. The house had large glass windows that provided a great panoramic view of the water, and the splash of orange and red colors from the sunset sky reflected a little off the windows. Then I noticed Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey in the house. It sounded like they just had a light argument. Jessica was changing, and she was nude. Then another woman in the household appeared in my view, and when Nick came out, suddenly the three began arguing over something. After a while, Jessica was trying to fend off two pairs of female leather boots in midair trying to kick her to death. She screamed and thrashed her arms to keep the kicking boots away. She kept backing and backing up until she was stuck in either a changing room or a bathroom stall. She tried holding the door shut as the boots were trying to kick their way in. The boots seemed to be able to only hover and move at the same height - about the neck level.

up, up, and away!

Night of October 7, 2004, technically October 8, 2004 (leo)
I came out of an E77 discussion in an underground classroom with fluorescent lighting, and rose to the ground level, where I found myself in a dreamy blurred quiet suburb environment with narrow asphalt roads lined by foliage-abundant trees that seemed to form a canopy over the narrow road from both sides of that road. Light, refreshing droplets from a light rain shower, more like condensation instead of a shower, were slowly and quietly blurring the calm environment as though everything from the trees to the road were merely a splash of colors on a canvas. And then I lightly ran/skipped across the cool, moist road in bare feet.

up, up, and away!

October 12, 2004, Late Morning (Right Before Noon) (big dipper)
I was in my house in Oakland, and there was this SF Chronicle subscription letter that I turned down. The next day, that subscription ad became a physical entity that haunted me by following me everywhere like some huge burden and threatening my life as I walked outside between classrooms on a grassy field. Later that night, I tried in vain to escape and get rid of that subscription ghost, which was still trying to take my life. It finally followed me down the stairs and out the door into the backyard, where I slammed the door and shut it outside.

up, up, and away!

Night of October 17, 2004, technically October 18, 2004 (little dipper)
Setting: Downstairs in my old house in Oakland, near the open doorway of the bedroom (near the living room), with a wall and a short hallway where the bedroom closet would normally be.
A team of men in their 20s to 30s stood around, scattered and waiting for something or someone. Many of the men had dark facial hair, but the short kind that has only been given one day to grow. A man with a similar facial appearance description returned to the team from somewhere else, and he furiously complained to the rest of the team about his recent discovery that they were not being paid for their mission. This quickly turned into an argument among the most powerful few people in the group, to the point where the leader drew a handgun and pointed it at the second-in-command man. Other handguns were immediately drawn by the others at each other, and the arguments grew louder and tenser until the leader fired the first shot. Shots were exchanged, and the head doctor on the team, who was with the other doctors in the hallway, pulled out a handgun unexpectedly and began firing at his companions in the hallway.
Suddenly, I was in a completely white mall with snowy winter sunlight falling through the large glass windows on the ceiling. The entire mall gave me the feeling of an ice theme. Instead of escalators, there were grooved, black moving walkways slanted at angles upwards, and these walkways had low ice ceilings (from walkways directly overhead). On one of the floors, tall, thin windows let some light in on the marble walls and marble floors. In the center of the large open area stood a line of nervous female and male senators dressed up in business suits. A couple of men walked down the line of senators and picked numerous of them from the line. They were being picked to involuntarily test some sort of fruit juices (especially orange juice) that were known to do terrible things to a person. Somehow, Karen and I ended up involuntarily testing the juices too. We were all strapped to dentist chairs, where each of us writhed as we were fed the juices. After only a few minutes, I somehow came out of my chair, went to the sales counter, and told them that I wanted to leave. The lady behind the counter agreed, but she immediately demanded a 15 dollar payment for leaving early. Later outside, I joined Karen, who came out later than me. When I asked her if she had been charged 15 dollars too, she said that she had been charged too. Seemingly out of nowhere, Julie Wu and her brother appeared, and we walked with them up a moving walkway as I talked about what the horrible juice testing that I had just experienced. They said that they had done the testing before too, and they agreed about the experience being horrible. Suddenly, I found myself walking into the front entrance of the mall from outside the mall. There were large, tall glass windows amidst white frames. Then there was a second wall, also white, where that led into the mall, and I entered.

up, up, and away!

Night of October 22, 2004, technically October 23, 2004 (virgo)
I was either the driver or the passenger of a tour bus speeding across a long empty bridge in dark stormy weather. With every flash of lightning, the entire dark gray cloud-filled sky lit into view. And upon every flash of lightning, I could take a one-second glimpse of the towers of the suspension bridge, which otherwise looked merely like a black silouette. The suspension bridge had at least four towers, but it probably had a number closer to ten. Each tower had several thin vertical cyclindrical beams ending just a short height above the road section at each tower. Something was chasing us, and my vehicle was making surprisingly great speed as it made sports car engine sounds instead of the usual tour bus engine sounds. At the end of the bridge where the road finally connected to land, I suddenly found myself outside of the bus and being walked into someone's car. I was captured. (And then I don't remember what happened here.) Suddenly, I found myself in a food line for the needy, and once my turn in line came, the lady asked me for my identification to prove that I was of the needy. I wasn't, and I consequently didn't have identification.

up, up, and away!

Night of October 24, 2004, technically October 25, 2004 (scorpius)
I forgot most of my dream, but it involved a setting of beige-cream colored european buildings (French or Dutch perhaps?) with outdoor tables and people playing cards...sections of sunlit areas in the narrow areas between buildings...a conversation within one of the houses, and this house was a modest-looking one indoors...and then another setting of a cold, seemingly overcast sky over a skyscraper-height diving board over a large empty pool below...and someone stood still at the top, looking down, pondering.

up, up, and away!

Night of November 9, 2004, technically November 10, 2004 (polaris)
I was in a room for three, and it looked like the type of small living quarters you'd see in a submarine, with a very metallic look to everything in the room. I shared the room with two other people, one of them being Christine. I left the room for a moment and briefly went to another room down the hall, and when I came back, there were all these FBI-like agents scattered all over the room and using devices to sniff and detect who-knows-what in the room. The head agent spoke to me to explain what was going on. I don't remember what he said. Suddenly, they began flooding the room from the floor upward, with everyone still standing inside. Water slowly rose upward, and then they stopped after about 1 feet deep of water because they realized that "it might cause water damage to the equipment and desk items in the room". I figured that all my clothes in my bed drawers were water-damaged already. And then I suddenly found myself in what looked like a department store, although I had a strong feeling that the original room had merely magically expanded and turned into some nice clothing section with warm, soft lighting. They were giving out clothes in a pile on the floor, and the clothes seemed to be from the "lost and found". They actually looked stolen to me. I found my Dhahran gym shorts in that pile. Some of the nicer "lost and found" clothes were being sold on clothes racks with hangers, and all my closet clothes (which were not for sale, and which they weren't selling) were hanging on a clothes rack among these clothes racks. Not surprisingly, customers started looking at my not-for-sale clothes, which looked much nicer than the lost and found clothes on the adjacent clothes racks. So I stood desperately by that clothes rack to prevent any customers from making that mistake. I tried to wave to someone at the other side of the room to help me out, since I didn't want to leave the clothes rack. When a department store staff member finally came, I turned around to point out the problem, but all the clothes racks were gone. Instead, the entire department store had been rearranged. I could only see new products. And I awoke.

up, up, and away!

:: Chapter 1 :: Chapter 2 :: Chapter 3 :: Chapter 4 :: Home ::

©2000 - . Dreamworld. GordeonBleu. Gordon Mei. Swiss Cheese. The 5th Amendment. Pink Donkeys. Richard Nixon. Pixie Dust. Velvet Monkeys.
(any reproductions of this content go through the pixie at the front desk...and me.)

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