GordeonBleu by Gordon Mei
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Entries From Current Guestbook Account

Saturday 04/05/2003 11:52:25pm
Name or Alias: BiRD
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: i... forgot my homepage url...
Homepage URL: http://helium.subprofile.com/v.php?id=23741&nick=jinkiebirdie
What you'll do next: Take off my shoes and quack like a duck
Location: pB
Gender: Female
What's the last thing you ate? i forgot also.
Extra Rambling: actually i think it's a piece of sour apple candy.
i'm currently stuck on chp12ex6, got a lil tired of it so i started browsing people'z homepages. u're such a customizing freak. yea me too... i got that customizing syndrome, prolly not as severe as u are. wellz. nice colors. why don't u try contrastin colors? like red and green? so u can annoy the crap outa ur visitors? juz a thought. keep updating. nicely done. u're the man GO-DUNG.

Friday 11/01/2002 9:31:19pm
Name or Alias: The Jumping Pez Dispenser
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
What you'll do next: Take off my shoes and quack like a duck
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA
Gender: Female
Extra Rambling: O----k----a----y... I see you are still at this whole thing and i do applaud you for it... I don't have that kind of patience. Just though a Canuck should say a few words... Leave a touch of Canada behind on these pages... Well, have fun my west coast pal... We are finally seniors! I love the website still. See you in Saudi and talk to me sometime will ya? You have like, disappeared from my world or something!

Friday 09/20/200 21:16:54pm
Name or Alias: Kevin Kim
Homepage Title: Gordonbleu
Homepage URL:
What you'll do next: Stick a banana in each ear and squeeze my nose
Location: Gordo land
Gender: Let me check
Extra Rambling: blah blah blah, he's got a banana in his ear, so he can't hear me!!!! hahahahahahaha.........ha...Truly, this is Kevin Kim (No, gordon didn't sign himself in his OWN guestbook), I'm just pulling his....banana...out of his ear, so he can HEAR ME!!!! (actually, he's right next to me right now, eating a BANANA!!!) Nice homepage ya got there, man!=o) keep it up, Gordo!!!!!

- Kev^^

Saturday 09/14/2002 8:29:07pm
Name or Alias: Drew
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://www.ChangingLINKS.com
What you'll do next: Slam the door and scream 'Cow Pie!'
Location: _
Gender: Male
Extra Rambling:

Saturday 09/14/2002 2:28:22pm
Name or Alias: your site is cool
E-mail: Cip
Homepage Title: [email protected]
Homepage URL: http://www.congo.com
What you'll do next: Slam the door and scream 'Cow Pie!'
Gender: Male
Extra Rambling:

Monday 08/12/2002 8:55:58pm
Name or Alias: Antzs
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
What you'll do next: Decline to answer
Location: Cali
Gender: Male
Extra Rambling: hey this site it pritty nice site, dude i havent seen u in a long long time. hope too see u again. laterz

Sunday 06/23/2002 5:50:57pm
Name or Alias: brilee
E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: total irrelevance
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/jellocraze
What you'll do next: Stick a banana in each ear and squeeze my nose
Location: your mom
Gender: Decline to answer
Extra Rambling: hey there...nice to see what you've done with this site :) and you dedicated this all to me? ::special beams::
ok gotta go man, nice job...later gator.

Wednesday 05/08/2002 8:55:46am

This is a private entry.

If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry.

Wednesday 04/10/2002 2:44:03pm
Name or Alias: Ecmslee
Homepage Title: Ecmslee's Site
Homepage URL: http://geocities.com/ecmslee
What you'll do next: Decline to answer
Location: Hayward, CA
Gender: Male
Extra Rambling: Hey, Gordon, it's been a while hasn't it? Anyway, I dropped by and just wanted to say keep up the good work!

Sunday 10/21/2001 4:47:58pm
Name: bri
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: madeyoulook
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/jellocraze
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: land of procrastination
Comments: hey arent WE popular, with all these people signing your guestbook! =P Just popping in to say hi...hi...oh, I should email you shouldn't i? Surely =)

Anyvague, see you later =)

Tuesday 10/16/2001 4:48:32pm
Name: Matt
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: alexandria, va
Comments: heya Gordon. found this sight. See you this winter. Email me.

Saturday 09/29/2001 8:22:37pm

This is a private entry.

If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry.

Wednesday 05/02/2001 4:50:29pm
Name: ~*~Christi
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: The Page de Christi
Homepage URL: http://geocities.com/whiterose622
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Mars... or Venus... you pick
Comments: Hey this site rocks!! Keep up the great work. WOW! :) I feel so ammature (if I could spell that right it would work better..) compared to you and I've had my page for quite a while! lol. Anyways, kudos! Great job! Excellent site! Peace, ~Christi^_~

Sunday 04/29/2001 5:50:55am
Name: stephen d. long
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: deathbecomesme
Homepage URL: http://deathbecomesyou
Referred By: Friend
Location: somewhere
Comments: yeah i signed this to show you i have been here all the people here right now have decided to sign your guestbook so i wont stop the smoothness and not do it i know kim and scott and kevin and leah and that is why we are here now they told us it was kool

Sunday 04/29/2001 5:46:37am
Name: Scott Davis
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Philly

Sunday 04/29/2001 5:45:08am
Name: Kimberly Browning
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Comments: A bunch of us were just talking to a friend who knew you and thought is would be fun to check this place out. Just thought I would mention that your friends are referring this to us.

Thursday 04/19/2001 5:25:08pm
Name: bri
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: made you look
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/jellocraze
Referred By: Friend
Location: inside a pillar of salt
Comments: Yo Gordon...my, arent we popular! I look at the guestbook entries and I see a bunch of people whom I do not know. Special, arent we? Well lah-di-dah, I haven't been updating my website lately. No time, no motivation, I've got loads of crap to do, no doubt so do you. Oh oh oh another game you oughta add to your list is Black and White, I'll email you the details, it sounds pretty cool. Anyvague though, see you, email me! Or wait, I think I owe you..eh, close enough. Ciao.

Wednesday 03/14/2001 9:11:25pm
Name: Charmaine Birdie
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Astronomy Unbound
Homepage URL: http://library.thinkquest.org/C006574
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Atwood 107, Stevenson
Comments: <font size="-1" color="mediumslateblue" face="arial">hola luis, como estas? nice job here, fascinating! keep up the good work and cu around at school. adios!</font>

Saturday 01/27/2001 7:56:24am
Name: kevin meehan
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: my best friend sent me
Homepage URL: http://idonthaveone
Referred By: Friend
Location: philadelphia
Comments: gordo
my best friend sent me to check out your site when i was chatting to her on aim. cool site man. nice to find websites from her friends so i can see what kind of people they are. leah and i looked around and just enjoyed the site.


Saturday 01/27/2001 7:49:09am
Name: Leah Carlson
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: To A Former Aramcon Brat; From One
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Austria, EUROPE
Comments: Well Gordon,
The last thing I expected to do today was fall upon a website the you made... Didn't expect it but I took my time, and looked around and it is a pretty cool website... Looks like you worked pretty hard... Keep up the good work, and next time, tell me that you have a website... I know thanx to your Mysterious Twin. "Thank you" to him. :) LUV YA!


Saturday 11/25/2000 6:31:01pm
Name: Ecmslee
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: ecmslee's website
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/ecmslee
Referred By: From a Friend
Location: California
Comments: Whoa! I never even knew that you had a web site in the first place, Nodrog! Nice job!

Sunday 09/24/2000 11:08:35pm
Name: Gordo of Yordo in Cordo
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Gordon's Little Divine Shrine Online, Mine! Mine! Mine!
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/gordeon
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: Yordo in Cordo in a galaxy that Earthlings call the Milky Way (probably because of how white and milky the night sky looks)

Oh, I think it's YOU that is delusional. See, it's very complex. The shadows of the light from three dimensions break up the light that hits me, so from your vision, you make out that I seem shorter than you when really...

I AM TALLER THAN YOU!!! (by a few millimeters) BUT TALLER THAN YOU!!!YOU SHALL BE IN MY SHADOW FOREVER! MWA-HA-HA-HA! Time for your sedatives, Gordon.

Saturday 09/02/2000 5:12:31am
Name: Bri
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Take a wild guess
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/duckiqueen
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: the magical place in my head
Comments: You are NOT taller than me. You were hallucinating. Your poor pathetic mind is trying to shield you from the unbearable truth. Sorry.

Friday 08/11/2000 9:54:16am
Name: smew of the darkness (whatever)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Best Website in Existence on the Entire World Wide Web
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/gordeon
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: I just came from that sorry, little, congested compartment my parents call a "room" upstairs.
Comments: Tommy, er, Paco...it's ZERT. Z-E-R-T. What kind of devilish spelling is ZIRT???

Bri, er, Icky-Feet-who-is-STILL-14...go stick a banana in your ear. :)

Wednesday 08/09/2000 6:20:33am
Name: Queen Gloobenfarg
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: my page
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/duckiqueen
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: cloisterham
Comments: Yo Gordon. Seven days, man. Seven days till I turn fifteen.

..and then I can get some serious ass-kicking in order..


-bri :)

Tuesday 07/18/2000 8:41:52pm
Name: Mysterious Twin
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Nada
Homepage URL: http://don'tgotawebsite.com
Referred By: From a Friend
Location: Here, There, Everywhere, & Tejas
Comments: You are the dancing queen!
Young and sweet,
only seventeen!

[You know who I'm talking to :) ]
Hallo Gordon............
Zirt says, "Hi".

Thursday 06/29/2000 0:40:35am
Name: BRi
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/duckiqueen
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: ...the bathroom...but you dont need to know that
Comments: HEY MAN! Been a while since I posted on yer guestbook, eh? So how's it goin. Nice new layout! Beautiful! Superb! Fantastique! Maravelloso!


Monday 06/05/2000 4:43:18pm
Name: Lady Emerald(Jane)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Jane's Humble Haven
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/janehung
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: Ont, Canada
Comments: Hiya!

I think that you're site is really nice! ;)

I would like to invite you to join the Rumbles, which is an online web competition.Goto "http://www.therumbles.net" to find out more about it.

Meanwhile, keep up the wonderful job that you're doing on your site! :)

Smiles, Lady Emerald :)
aka Jane

Wednesday 05/24/2000 4:40:24am
Name: Molly
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: the view from here
Homepage URL: http://molleigh.cjb.net
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: Arkansas
Comments: Yellow.

Preeeeeetty nice. . . I liked the dreams best of all. Your poll, quiz and about-you form don't work.

Anyvague. I'd rate it 2/5.

Tuesday 04/25/2000 9:49:59am
Name: gordo!
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Dinoworld
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/gordeon
Referred By: Geocities
Location: Earth.Welcome.
Comments: Okay, fine. I admit it. I've been hypocritical lately. So sue me. (Actually, don't.)

Monday 04/24/2000 4:03:23am
Name: bri
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Total Irrelevance
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/duckiqueen
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Location: The seedlings between my teeth
Comments: Ha - we both detest plagiarism? Then why do you keep copying me?


Tuesday 02/08/2000 0:04:09am
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/duckiqueen
Referred By: AOL


Thursday 02/03/2000 7:14:45am
Name: dinosore
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Dinosore's Homepage
Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/dinosore2
Referred By: From a Friend
Location: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Comments: Hello everybody! Welcome to the new guestbook! I've archived the old messages here. And please tell your friends about this site. I enjoy visitors of any kind. And by the way, if you copy me, I will call my duckiqueen to help me maim you. We both destest of plagiarism. Well, enjoy the site!

Entries From Previous Guestbook Account

Entry 8

Name: Bri
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ew, quit hitting on me
Time: 1999-08-28 19:45:45
Comments: Not bad....not bad at all. Amazing how you find the patience to actually do this. Wells...now I've gotta go...why are you so interested in All Star all of a sudden? I find it extremely queer...and suspicious... Whatever. -bRi
Entry 7
Name: Dinosore
Website: Dinoworld, duh!You're in it right now!!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sorry, that's classified.
Time: 1999-08-28 13:06:08
Comments: Hi everybody! I'm Dinosore!!!!I was admiring my guestbook and then thought... HEY!I didn't sign it yet!!!Anyway, go to http://members.tripod.com/dinosore2/, ok?A firewall is blocking me from doing any further editing or viewing of my own site so I can't make the modifications I wanted.Well, go to the link and see what the new look for Dinoworld was going to be.OK?Well, bye.And don't forget that the comments part of this guestbook is HTML compatible!

Entry 6
Name: peachie
Website: Boogie Woogie Town
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Boogie Woogie Town
Time: 1999-08-10 05:30:25
Comments: yo dinosore your page rocks i love it hey...are you still dating live tyler? talk to you later!!! buhbye!
Entry 5
Name: StEfoNi zhU
Website: i HaVe nOne..JEeZ
Referred by: From a Friend
From: aMeLicA!!
Time: 1999-08-07 05:44:22
Comments: hI GorDaN.. uM okaY cOo wEbPaGe. TiTe. EhEh wOw..uR bAckgRouNd mUsiC.. iSh cOo okAy uM DaSS bOuT iT.. EHehHEHahAHahAH kAe BiE BIE goOd jOB ~~StEfoNi {pPmP giRL}
Entry 4
Name: Cathalina aka Cat
Website: gots none
Referred by: From a Friend
From: KaLi!!!!!!!~ yah!!!
Time: 1999-08-07 05:43:59
Comments: hey gordon, how u doing??? life great? hope so see ya!!
Entry 3
Name: Jared
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Valencia ,California
Time: 1999-06-08 05:42:14
Comments: I like you Sim City Stuff interesting site
Entry 2
Name: Karrotcake
Website: i said i have none!
Referred by: From a Friend
From: guess
Time: 1999-03-13 17:36:25
Comments: hey gordon! you suck!
Entry 1
Name: Sparticus
Website: DuCkiQuEeN'S page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: i am from the planet Gorgenspleen
Time: 1999-01-19 10:12:23
Comments: Hey Gordon!! Great page..(especially since i'm involved! haha) Anywayz it's hecka tight, and keep it up, man!! BTW, thanks for the dedication on the storycorner page!! it's so neato!! allrighteys, i'mma gonna go now, adios! -bRi :) :)
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©1998 - . GordeonBleu Guestbooks. Gordon Mei.

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