Not all who wander are lost.

Powers of Ten10

Power of Ten Number Name
102 Hundred
103 Thousand
106 Million
109 Billion
1012 Trillion
1015 Quadrillion
1018 Quintillion
1021 Sextillion
1024 Septillion
1027 Octillion
1030 Nonillion
1033 Decillion
1036 Undecillion
1039 Duodecillion
1042 Tredecillion
1045 Quattuordecillion
1048 Quindecillion
1051 Sexdecillion
1054 Septendecillion
1057 Octodecillion
1060 Novemdecillion
1063 Vigintillion
10100 Googol

FYI: The exponential value beside the
10 also represents the number of zeroes
after the digit 1.


Factorial Numerical Value
0! 1
1! 1
2! 2
3! 6
4! 24
5! 120
6! 720
7! 5,040
8! 40,320
9! 362,880
10! 3,628,800
11! 39,916,800
12! 479,001,600
13! 6,227,020,800
14! 87,178,291,200
15! 1,307,674,368,000

FYI: In case you didn't know...
1! = 1
2! = 1 x 2
3! = 1 x 2 x 3
...and so on

Mathematical Migraines
A girl's relatives come over during New Year's Day and ask her how old she is. She says, "The day before yesterday I was 9 years old, and next year I'll be 12 years old." This was true. Her birthday is December 31. Explain why.
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