stAts Consortium
Providing destinations for Internet wanderers since 2001.

the world wide web » gordeonbleu » the stAts consortium

gears of gordon - artwork by gordon mei, 2005 Welcome to the Stats Consortium, which is just a lavish name for an archive or an almanac of somewhat random data and statistics, hence the name Stats Consortium. The reserved name for this section was originally going to be Cerebral Central Consortium. That was a mouthful. But after some consideration, I came up with a conclusion: "Nah." So I stuck with Stats Consortium. There are just a few more sentences of rambling left to read. Hang in there. I'm thinking of building upon this information database. So if you have any ideas or extra stats to share with everyone else who visits this site, which, I'm afraid, isn't very many, please feel free to do so.
- Gordon, 2001 -

The original 2001 page has been archived, in case the updated look doesn't appeal to you. You are currently looking at the November 2005 design. Click the "out" text link to exit this section.

»Powers of Ten and Factorials
»Table of Trigonometric Ratios
»Periodic Table of Elements
»State Postal Abbreviations
»USA Latitudes/Longitudes
»World Latitudes/Longitudes
»California City Populations
»Music Theory
»Nature Records
»Human Records
»Tallest Buildings and Structures
»Flags of the World
»Flags of the U.S. States
»American Presidents
»Nuclear Disasters
»Aircraft Disasters
»Rail Disasters
»Ship Disasters
»Inventions and Discoveries
»Ancient World
»The Seven Wonders (Ancient)

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© 2001. 2005. Design by Gordon Mei of GordeonBleu. Content by dead geniuses.
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