Introduction to Composting
By Abigal Gordon


The Rodale Book of Composting: Easy Methods for Every Gardener What a great book! Easy to read, lots of information and even gives you idea's on building your compost bins. If you are a gardener and are planning on composting you really should buy it. has a large variety of worm composters, garden composters and aeration composters. Free Shipping over $100.




Starting a Compost Pile

Compost is decomposing organic matter. It is created by biological processes in which soil-inhabiting organisms break down plant and bio matter, biological decomposition of organic wastes by bacteria, fungi, worms, and other organisms occurring under controlled aerobic conditions. When decomposition is complete, the compost has turned to a dark brown, powdery material called humus.

1 .Find a shaded ,well-drained location
2. Begin with an initial layer of brown material, such as leaves., Then add a layer of "green" material, such as grass clippings. Alternate these layers of materials as they are available. Use of Compost activator is highly advisable.


What to Compost / What not to Compost

 Use Yard Wastes such as leaves, grass clippings, trees, plant/shrub trimmings- properly mulched to the correct particle size, wood chips/sawdust- properly mulched to the correct particle size, garden trimmings- properly mulched to the correct particle size, Kitchen Wastes such as  coffee grounds, tea bags, raw vegetable scraps, fruit skins/cores/rinds, corn husks . Basically any vegetable matter from your home or garden . Animal manure, dried - not raw, is beneficial to the compost

Do Not use Meat, Bones, Fats, Grease, Oils, Dairy Products, and Raw manure. These materials do not as readily break down, they emit foul odors and attract unwanted varmints .  Do not compost sawdust or chips from painted, or treated or wood, used kitty litter

 Avoid using plant material from diseased or infested plants, as this may carry on the next generation of the infecting pest/parasite to your next crop. Do not use Plants that have gone to seed or are spread by runners, unless they are thoroughly chipped/mulched to a point that would render the seed or runners impotent.


Keep the pile fairly moist. If you have a thermometer available, you can test the temperature of the pile. When it begins to cool, it is time to turn and water the pile.


Turning the compost pile

Keep the compost pile from settling and allow air to enter. The compost pile should be periodically turned or mixed to incorporate oxygen. Heat is generated by the microbes during the decomposition process. Turning also shifts material from the outer (cooler) part of the pile to the center (hotter). The frequency of turning depends upon the materials being composted, the compost temperature and the moisture conditions, but generally should be done on a weekly basis in warm weather. Turning should definitely be done if the temperature in the center of the pile reaches 140°F or if odors are present.



Temperature is a function of compost pile size, oxygen and moisture content. A pile must should be large enough to provide an insulating effect for the interior of the pile. Temperature is a vital factor affecting biological activity, and composting is dependent on this activity. Each type of organism has an optimum temperature range. Composting is designed to function in the range of 95°F - 160°F. The most effective range for composting seems to be 122°F - 130°F. Higher temperatures of 131°F - 140°F may be desirable to destroy weed seeds or plant pathogens. At temperatures above 149°F many of the organisms involved in composting become inactive or die


Particle Size

Reduction in the particle size will increase the speed of the composting process by increasing the surface area available for microbes to attack. It is therefore a good idea to put small limbs and twigs through a chipper before composting. [ Flowtron LE-900 The Ultimate Mulcher ] Leaves may be processed in a shredder or cut up with a lawn mower, preferably with a mulching attachment. This will break the waxy coating and expose the more easily degraded interior of leaves. Size reduction also reduces the volume of the compost pile, thereby saving space. [ See Mulchers / Shredders ]


Nitrogen Level

Microbial activity is affected by the Carbon to Nitrogen ratio of organic material {C/N = Carbon/Nitrogen}
. Materials high in carbon relative to nitrogen , such as straw and sawdust, will decompose very slowly unless a source of nitrogen is added. Materials with a low C/N ratio are good sources of nitrogen and include manure, inorganic fertilizer, vegetable table scraps and grass clippings. The optimum C/N ratio for rapid composting is about 30/1 or less. The approximate C/N ratio for materials commonly used in backyard composts ranges from about 15 to 600. 


Compost pH

Compost ph is important primarily because you can utiliize it to track the process of decomposition. Compost microorganisms operate best under neutral to acidic conditions, with pH's in the range of 5.5 to 8.
During the initial stages of decomposition, organic acids are formed. The acidic conditions are favorable for growth of fungi and breakdown of lignin and cellulose.

As composting proceeds, the organic acids become neutralized, and mature compost generally has a pH between 6 and 8.

Worm composting


Worm Composting is a method of turning organic waste into a rich, dark, viable compost. Worm composting can be done indoors or outdoors, thus allowing year round composting. Worm compost is made in a container filled with moistened bedding and red worms. Add your food waste for a period of time, and the worms and micro-organisms will eventually convert the entire contents into rich compost

Once you've found a suitable plastic or wood container It will be necessary to provide a damp bedding for the worms to thrive in, and to bury food waste in.

Suitable bedding materials are shredded newspaper , shredded fall leaves, straw , seaweed, sawdust, and aged manure. Try to vary the bedding in the bin to provide more nutrients for the worms, and to create a richer compost. Add a couple of handfuls of sand or soil to provide necessary grit for the worm's digestion .

Moisten the dry bedding materials before putting the worms in your bin, It should be moist NOT saturated. The bin should be about three-quarters full of moistened bedding. Create air spaces to help to eliminate odors, and provide free movement to the worms.

Any worms commonly labeled "Earthworms" will suffice ..however The earthworm best suited to worm composting are the redworms: (a/k/a red wiggler, or manure worm)

Compost food scraps such as fruit and vegetables , tea bags and coffee grounds, and misc. kitchen scraps.. exclude meat and dairy


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