Home Hydroponics

By Abigal Gordon



Hydroponics gardens are easily maintained, inexpensive to set up, easy to clean, and pesticide free . For these reasons. Hydroponics has become extremely popular. Hydroponics technology today is used to grow healthy vibrant and lush indoor plants ,food and herbs. The basic requirements of most plants can be met without natural sunlight or soil using tried and true Hydroponics methods. Plants are supported in an inert medium and nutrition is provided by  mineral elements that are water soluble.

With the proper use of nutrients and the correct artificial light, today’s' Hydroponics gardener can achieve amazing results all year long. An ideal environment is created as the Hydroponic Gardener determines the environment which would normally be provided by nature. In a completely controlled environmental agricultural system you control: Light, temperature, water, oxygen, pH, and nutrients.

In nature, bacteria break down the soil into the basic elements of nitrogen- phosphorus -potassium as well as trace elements. In hydroponics the nutrient solution is dissolved directly into water, and in an ideal situation the plant receives the perfect nutrition at all times. A proper Hydroponics system takes the required amount of food directly to the root, In nature the plant's root systems must look for it, which in a sense utilizes growth energy that could otherwise be assigned where you want it - the flowers/fruit/vegetable/buds you are cultivating. Hydroponics growing mediums are inert and sterile, free of bacteria and insect/organisms that can be harmful to both the plant and gardener.


Getting Started

When initially becoming involved with hydroponics gardening, there are two routes that can be taken , you can buy a prefabricated hydroponics system or you can build your own hydroponics system. Either route requires some basic research.

  1. Build Your Own.

 For some hobbyists, the construction is part of the fun.  Slap together some buckets and soil, you're doomed to failure. Some preconstruction planning is essential. " How to Hydroponics"  is an excellent reference Source.

 Basic startup hydroponics systems can be built by anyone with the patience, and basic common sense, who is willing to take the time and go through the process.

  Regardless of whether building your own hydroponics system, or purchasing a prefabricated hydroponics system, keep in mind that various hydroponics systems will naturally lend themselves to different types of plants. Keep the growth characteristics of your selected plants in mind when selecting a system. Learn as much as possible about the plants--such as the need for support, potential mature size and the area of the mature root system before starting - plan accordingly.

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Hydroponic Tomatoes for the Home Gardener

Totally Organic Hydroponics



  1. Prefabricated hydroponics systems

 Some systems are suited to different varieties of plants. When specific plants are destined for a hydroponics setup, research their growth characteristics and keep them in mind when selecting a system.

Completely enclosed Turbo Grow Rooms are a simple and affordable alternative to the more expensive grow rooms out on the market today. Many growers use these grow rooms for a quick and easy way to separate their clones or mothers from their flowering plants. They are constructed using a tubular aluminum frame with a 3/4" pressboard ceiling and 1/4" Astro-Foil reflective walls. The front wall is attached using Velcro, making it easy to roll-up when you want to access your plants.



Basic Requirements for Hydroponics Systems


Let there be Light!  Light is the first line of life for all matter, plants are no exception. Light is essential to carry on photosynthesis, without which you could give your plants all the nutrients and moisture money could buy, but you'd still end up with a dead heap of  vegetable mass.  Sunlight is the ideal source of light and contains the Reds and Blues plants require to produce a healthy growth. However in a Hydroponic system Sunlight is not always an option.  Artificial Horticultural lights provide the solution for the hydroponic gardener, they are cost effective assuming you shop carefully.

Oxygen -Nutrient Ratio

Plants can't absorb their nutrients unless Oxygen is present the higher the Oxygen level the quicker the absorption of nutrients . Oxygen maintains a healthy root system and allows the plant to absorb nutrients. Without oxygen circulating around the root system root rot would quickly develop. Man does not live by bread alone, and plants do not live by water alone, ample oxygen must be in the water. it. You do not grow in water in a hydroponic system, the water is a medium through which Nutrients and oxygen are fed to the roots, you need only keep the roots moist - not soaked.

Nutrient Strength 

Nutrients must be solely designed for Hydroponics. Soil fertilizers utilize bacteria to break down more complex elements into useful ones- a ideal hydroponic system has minimal bacteria, if any ,Soil fertilizers are less soluble- Hydroponic systems require solubility as the nutrient delivery system is based upon that factor., Soil fertilizers are generally not pH adjusted, and usually too slow to release the necessary elements to be suitable for Hydroponic Systems.

Growth Mediums

In hydroponic's, the growing medium, not soil, holds moisture and anchors roots . Composed of inert mineral matter, it won't decompose or harbor potential soil-born problems. All the plant's nutritional requirements are filled by the nutrient mixes you add to your garden reservoir. There are two basic growth mediums recommended for Hydroponic Gardeners, Horticultural Rockwool and Geolite Aggregate, I generally use Horticultural Rockwool, as I find it more cost effective.

pH - Alkalinity & Acidity

pH is the level of acidity or alkalinity of the nutrient solution. Most nutrients in common tap water will be within the range of 6 to 6.5 pH. Which is suitable for Hydroponics systems.  The requirements of Soil ph is not the requirements of Hydroponics ph .. do not confuse the two.


Temperature requirements for plants in a hydroponics system are the same as out of a Hydroponic system.


Plants require Carbon Dioxide, it is what they breathe. Poor ventilation will kill plants as surely as a lack of sunlight or water will. Ventilation systems as well as  Carbon Dioxide Enrichment and control Systems are affordable and available. And are recommended for a lush Hydroponics Garden.

Water Quality

In most situations tap water is just fine for hydroponics systems, over extended periods of time you may get some mineral build-up, but this s not a major cause for concern. Excessive salinity or high zinc content could be harmful to your Hydroponics Garden , but generally as a rule of Thumb - if you drink the water yourself it's just fine.

Growing Techniques & Systems

Home Hobbyist Systems   Nutrient Film Technique   Passive Planters    Aeroponics

Flood & Drain   Drip Systems



1. Home Hobbyist Hydroponics Systems

There are a number of popular compact hydroponic kits and systems  most popular with home hobbyists, researchers and teachers. Most systems are aeroponic systems and are scaled down versions of larger commercial systems.

RainForest 318 Powerful hydroponic module. Practically an exact replica of the original Ein Gedi System developed in Israel, the RainForest is designed to maximize the amount of oxygen available to plant roots in a hydroponic Garden. The design is simple and brilliant. Plants are suspended within special ''net pots'' surrounded with Grorox. Below is an air-gap which the roots hang into and below the air-gap is the nutrient. A special motorized vaporizer lifts the nutrient up and sprays it within the air-gap. The result is the highest level of oxygen which can be attained within the root zone. Also See Turbogarden Aeroponic Systems "Automated perpetual growth machines."


  1. Passive Planters in Hydroponics

Probably the most commonly known form of hydroponics. These systems do not require a water or air pump and are therefore called passive systems.

Hydroculture planters utilize a clean, porous growing medium to support plant roots. A nutrient reservoir in the containers base enables the plants to take as much or as little water as necessary. Water level indicators can show when and how much to water. Clean, odorless and non-allergenic,  planters are ideal for most environments.

See Passive Planters



  1. Nutrient Film Technique for Hydroponics

Nutrient Film Technique: The World's First Method of Crop Production Without a Solid Rooting Medium

The  Nutrient Film Technique is the purist form of hydroponics systems is It is also the form of hydroponics most intriguing due to its futuristic aspects.

In this Hydroponic systems, the nutrient is fed directly into tubes which the roots draw from. The excess is gravity drained back to a reservoir. A thin nutrient film allows the root system to have continuous contact with the nutrient and the air layer above simultaneously.

Most Commercial Kits are user-friendly and decent quality, simple by design, relatively easy to assemble. They work by trickling a slow moving film (stream) of oxygen rich nutrient down gently sloped, flat bottomed gullies (channels). Plants love it and thrive in this Hydroponics system. These kits are basically scaled down versions of larger commercial Hydroponic installations.


  1. Aeroponics

Plant roots are suspended in highly oxygenated nutrient solution allowing easy inspection and root pruning . Air pumps, compressors or Oz injectors provide oxygen which is crucial to healthy plant growth. The simplicity and affordability of these very active systems make them popular with home Hydroponic  hobbyists and commercial Hydroponic growers alike. In an Aeroponic system the roots are misted within a chamber. A pump pushes the water with nutrient solution through sprayers, keeping the roots wet while providing a maximum amount of oxygen. Deep Water Culture is another form of aeroponics. The root system of a plant grown in Deep Water Culture is immersed in water with a bubbling aerator keeping the roots oxygenated.

The AEROJET ® is a true aeroponic system, not a deep flow hydro-aeroponic system. Micro Jets spray the roots of the plants allowing for aggressive growth rates from the high levels of oxygen to the root zone.

 provides an effective and automated method to provide your plants optimal levels of water, nutrients, and oxygen for rapid growth rates, higher yields, increased nutritional value. Good for propagating plants or nourishing and watering seedlings - holds a 1020 seeding tray containing 72 - 1.5'' starter plugs or 200 - 3/4'' plugs. Available in 4 different feed methods - ebb and flow, top feed drip, aeroponics, aeroponics clone - choose your preferred hydroponics gardening method.



  1. Flood & Drain Hydroponics Systems

Flood & Drain Hydroponics systems are similar to Nutrient Film Hydroponics systems and are ideal for multiple plant per square foot growing where individual plant inspection is difficult. They are also very popular as propagation tables.

A plastic growing tray is flooded periodically by a submersed pump connected to a digital timer . Medium and root system are soaked, then drained (via gravity back through the pump) at specific intervals.

Various mediums can be used, Horticultural Rockwool and Geolite Aggregate, I generally use Horticultural Rockwool is the most popular with Flood & Drain Hydroponics systems.

  Professional Soilless Grow Substrates are reliable and flexible. Cultilene and Grodan are two leading substrate producers. Both companies have established a good reputation. Where such properties as strength, optimal air-to-water ratio, homogeneity and excellent root zone management are important. Stonewool substrate is made from basalt. Basalt originates from the earth’s interior - brought to the surface as lava . Melted again, the material in its basic form is made by spinning it into a defined structure.

Horticultural Rockwool and Geolite Aggregate, I generally use Horticultural Rockwool Miniblocks are the best choice for rooting cuttings. Can also be used for germinating seeds. We recommend soaking them in pH 5.5 water overnight, and add seeds or cuttings the next day. Keep them under a dome to retain moisture and mist if necessary. From here, you can transplant into any growing medium, soil or Hydroponic.





  1. Drip-Irrigation or Micro-Irrigation in Hydroponics

Greenhouse irrigation systems employ drip or micro-irrigation. It entails macro-moisture efficiency a principle of minimal water consumption and maximized plant benefit.  There are numerous dripping/trickling/macro-moisture efficiency spraying devices on the market today for the grower to choose from.  A submersed pump feeds nutrients solution through header tubes to secondary feed lines connected to drip emitters.

A controlled amount of solution is continuously drip-fed over the medium and root system. Another tube is connected to the lower part of the system to recover unused solution, and it is generally re-circulated.

Plant-Drip Automatic Plant Waterer






L.E.C.A. =  Light Expanded Clay Aggregate. Which is used as a media in all  hydroponic systems including Nutrient Film Technique, Aeroponic, Ebb and flow, and Drip/ Trickle feed systems. it is perfect for growing plants, especially indoor plants in hydroponics, and provides an ideal balance of moisture, food and air to your plants. Root rot is eliminated by the space between the pebbles allowing all-important oxygen to get to the roots.






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How to grow Tomatoes

Home Hydroponics

Companion planting


Hydroponics: Soilless Gardening Explained





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