Peat Pots & Growth Mediums

By Abigal Gordon




Peat Pots
  • Peat Pots are a favorite biodegradable way to start seeds indoors. When it's time to transplant, set pot and all into the soil, the roots will grow right through the peatpot walls, permitting replanting without removing the pot. No shock or setback is suffered, so faster, heavier growth takes occurs. Peat Pots are made of peat , wood fiber and soluble fertilizer. The perfect choice for most seedlings.
  • Shop for Peat Pots at
  • Peat Pellets expand when watered, creating a natural seedling pot made of peat. The pellets also contain a minor fertilizer charge plus lime to balance the acidity of peat moss


  • Gardening indoors with Rockwool gives all new information in easy-to-understand format. It is a step-by-step guide to achieving 20 to 50% higher yields with rockwool; how to make your own rockwool hydroponic garden; how to make plants grow faster and more lushly; how to grow the absolute biggest flowers and how to monitor pH and EC of the rockwool nutrients

2x2x1.5'' Rockwool Cube - Case of 1500: G

Shop for Rockwool at

Rockwool is an  Inert, soilless growth medium made of woven, thin strand-like fibers made from molten volcanic rock and limestone, which is heated to over 2900 degrees F, spun into fibers, much like cotton candy is, then formed into slabs, cubes and blocks. Rockwool is one of the worlds most versatile growth mediums, and favored for use in Hydroponic Gardening.

Rockwool holds a large amount of water giving you a buffer
against power outages and other equipment failures. 

Rockwool retains at least 18 % air at all times (unless it is sitting directly in water), which supplies the root zone with plenty of oxygen. This means that it is practically impossible to over-water rockwool.

From 1" cubes designed for use in propagation, to 3"x12"x36" slabs capable of holding the root systems of huge plants, rockwool comes in dozens of shapes and sizes making it a versatile growing medium. Rockwool also comes "Loose" so you can fill pots or containers of any size.



Coconut Husk Chips provide an excellent aeration system, while also holding moisture for the plant. It aids in rapid growth for many varieties of plants in hydroponics as well as conventional gardening as well as any other plant that benefits from a bark medium.

Vermiculite   is a natural mineral which expands with the application of heat. Vermiculite is formed by hydration of certain basaltic minerals, and is often found in association with asbestos. Vermiclite comes in lightweight, spongelike granules useful for conditioning potting and container soils that must hold both water and air.


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How to grow Potatoes

How to grow Pumpkin

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How to grow Tomatoes

Home Hydroponics

Companion planting




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