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Guidelines for Authors


                Article must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the online Manuscript Tracking System. Regardless of the source of the word-processing tool, only electronic Portable Document Format (.pdf) or Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) files can be submitted email to:. [email protected].

Terms of Submission:

                It must be vital to keep under consideration that the paper you are going to publish in JGPG have not been published somewhere else and are not presently under contemplation by any other publisher. The submitting writer is accountable for ensuring that the manuscript’s publication has been approved by rest of the co writers. It is also the responsibility of author to make sure that the manuscripts originate from a specific institution is submitted with the endorsement of the necessary institution. The manuscript must report new and original research that is expected to have a significant impact on the improvement of agricultural science and forestry. Editorial board establishes the date of receipt. Moreover, e-mail and proof will be sent to writer(s) prior to publication unless otherwise mentioned. The author must allow editing of the article for readability.

Review Articles:

                Only those review articles will be entertained that sum up information in a field in which the text is scattered and/or treat published data or other information so as to give a novel approach or enhance auxiliary research.

Title and Authorship:

                The title must be short, comprehensive, specific but informative. It must identify the contents of the manuscript. A brief version of the title must also be given.


                The names of writers must be written on the line next to the title of the article followed by institution address where the work was performed.

The Contents:

                The contents must be arranged as:

Key words
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Literature cited


                The manuscript’s abstract must be self-contained and citation free and it must not exceed more than 200 words.

Key Words:

                There must be not more than 5 key words. And these key words must be in alphabetical order and must be appropriate for indexing.


                This section must be succinct and limited to the aim of experiment with no subheadings. The review of article must be relevant to the type of work.

Materials and Methods:

                This section must contain enough details so that all the procedures can be performed again. It can have subheadings if more than one method are described. For well known methods there must be citation of reference.

Results and Discussion:

                The results and discussion must preferably be combined to avoid repetition.


                This part must clearly explain the main conclusion of the work highlighting its vitality and relevance.


                All acknowledgements (if any) must be added at the end of the article prior to references and may include supporting grants, presentations and so forth.

Literature Cited:

                Authors are responsible for ensuring that each reference is complete and correct. Reference must be organized in alphabetical order, typed double spaced. Titles of periodicals must be abbreviated in accordance to the world list of scientific Periodicals (1952). In the text, the reference must be cited by giving name(s) of author(s) and year of publication. Use comma between the authors name and year of publication for example (Rashid, 2014). Two or more references at one place in the text must be cited chronologically and are separated by comma for example (Rashid, 2010, Junaid 2011, Bilal, 2012) and use “and” to link the name of two authors in the text and use et al. (Rashid and Shoaib 2014 or Bilal et al, 2014).  Examples of common references are:

Journal Article:

                Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Berthoin S, Thevenet D, Nourry C, Nottin S, Bosquet L (2009) Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. Eur J Appl Physiol 105:731-738.

Whole Book:

                Asana, RD (1976) Physiological Approaches to Breeding of Drought Resistant Crops. ICAR Publication, New Delhi.

Chapter in a Book:

                Sirohi, GS (1965) Studies on growth and development of crop plants in relation to their genetic constitution. In: Asana, RD  and Nanda KK   (eds.), Growth and Development of Plants, Today & Tomorrow’s Book Agency, New Delhi, pp. 121-137.

Authors using EndNote can use the style given here

Botanical Genus and Species names:

                It must be italics. Abbreviations of International standard must be used in the text. Abbreviation other than standards must be explained within brackets when first used in the text. All units and measurements must conform to the international standards system (SI-system). However, non-SI units such as day and year are acceptable. In complex groupings of units, utilize negative index system e.g mol m-2s-I.

Tables and Figures:

                Tables and figures must be on separate sheets. Each table must be illustrated with roman numbers followed by heading starting its contents clearly and concisely. Each table must be mentioned in the text and the places where tables are to be inserted must be indicted.

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