Grey Lynn Plunket   
c/- Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn. Phone 378-4565

Caring for Young Families - Whanau Awhina

Photo Gallery

Here are some Plunket photos.
To see a larger and clearer view of any photo, please click on it.
To read the caption for each photo, hold your mouse over the picture.

Stop horsing around, and show me the baby photos.

Grey Lynn's Plunket Nurse, Marilyn Hemming, welcomes Lauren.
Laughing policeboy Matthew, aged 2, patrols his beat.
Lucy gets measured.
Jessie, aged 4 weeks.
Liam swings.
James, Hannah, & Libby.
Rosa does dinner.
Plunket Nurse Marilyn Hemming weighs Peter, while brother William watches at left.
Realising he is getting weighed, Peter desperately tries to make himself a few grams lighter.
Bruce conducts the orchestra.
Hannah tells it like it is.
Calloway and his dad Patrick.
Pooh's little friend Maggie, at 17 months.
Sean can't wait to be big enough for school!
Alice finds a new den in a Huggies box.
Taisei, a future All-Black according to a prediction.
Thomas, 8 weeks.  What's up Mum?
Joni, 5 months. Look: I can sit up now!
Christopher, 4 months.  Wow, look at that smile!
Libby - I've found your glasses Nannie!
Lucie, 4 months: I love my bath time!
Matthew, 17 months - Easter bunny?
Corbin with his Roly-Poly.
Gemma, 7 months, and Stella, 2 years 11 months: Relaxing with friends!
Eve, 14 weeks: loves her ribbons.
Alice is sun-safe at the beach.
Emma aged 4 days.
Kate is eager to be up and running.
It takes great concentration
to be an artist.

Libby creates a masterpiece.
The most peaceful feeling
is a baby asleep in your arms.

ANSON: Hey Mum, where's the remote?
Caleb (15 months) with his dad Robin at Albany stadium: prediction holds he will be taller than his dad one day - now THAT'S tall!


Jacob enjoys winter in Grey Lynn.

Plunket Nurse Marilyn Hemming greets Lauren and mum Cheryl.
So you're my big noisy sister
Krisztina.  I used to hear you before
I was born!! - Sean.


James & Marteli at the beach.

Madeleine's first day at school!  What fun!
Peter enjoys the summer days.



Can you loan us a photo of your baby to add to this Gallery?
Please mention names of all folks in the photos.

Can you loan us your baby photo to add to the Photo Gallery?
For details of our Clinic hours, click here. Child restraints for cars: click here for a report. And taking care of yourself is important too: click here for suggestions. Toilet training: click here.
See the national Plunket website,

News l Plunket Main Page  l Clinic hours l Recipes l Child safety l Community Centre

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society.

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