My best friends
My best friends
Vina and me (Louvre, Paris Apr '01)
I never knew that we have a same path of life until both of us join Schlumberger. It means that we studied at the same high school, same faculty, were graduated on the same day, and finally work in the same company ! But I'm glad that I have a friend like her; at least we can share our "profesional" stories : what we feel about our work and since we know what we're talking about, it's simpler to share it with her than with other people who don't know our work's details.
Vina works in Aberdeen, Scotland
He's my friend since high school. We knew each other because we wanted to go to the same faculty (though he changed his mind later). Since we weren't accepted to our first choice, there we were : studied Environmental Engineering together !
He works in an oil company in Kalimantan.
A friend to talk heart to heart...:)
He was at the same high school with  me, but I know him better since our first year in university.
We have a similar point of view for some important things; that's why it is so easy to discuss everything with him.

Hasmoni and me (Newark, UK Dec '00)
We met for the first time in Perth, Australia. It was great to see each other again in UK, when we did our technical training. Hasmoni is a good friend; she is very smart and diligent and funny and crazy. We shared the appartement for 6  weeks and we had a great time together !
Now she is assigned in Miri, Malaysia
Billy attended the same junior & senior high school with me; but  I never knew him until we studied at the same faculty (he was at class of 94).
Since then we have a great friendship; looks like he knows all of my "love" stories...:)
Right now he studies in Wageningen, The Netherlands
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Environmental Engineering ITB, Class of 95
The Netherlands
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Tari and me (Gare d'Austerlitz Paris, Oct '01)
Tari works in Tokyo, Japan. She is a sweet and nice and kind friend. I can talk about everything with her, and looks like she knows (and understands) what in my mind is...:)
I met her only twice in Indonesia; our third meeting was held in Paris when she visited Europe and I got my days off (lucky me, he he he...)
I hope we can be able to meet up in Bandung on Dec '01; in addition, I have a plan to visit her in Tokyo on Jan '02.
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