The Original Series

On stardate 1709.2, Captain Kirk was ordered to do something daring for the federation. He was ordered into Romulan Space, where he was encountered by Klingon type, Romulan Warships. They took Kirk hostage and the main commander talked with Spock. She talked him into commanding the Enterprise. He and Captain Kirk were, of course, acting. Spock went to see the captain and the Captain acted out an unprovoked attack on Spock and Spock did a finger trick and made the Romulans think that he was dead. He went back to the Enterprise and Spock stayed on the Romulan Ship.

Kirk, was thought dead to the crew of the Enterprise. Since there were two Romulan Officers aboard the Enterprise in the brig, the crew stole there uniforms and Kirk wore it. Kirk went into surgery and got Romulan ears and pointy eyes. He beamed aboard the Romulan starship and stole the cloaking device. Spock was alone in the office of the woman commander and since the two contacted each other, they were discovered. During his confession recording, the Enterprise beamed the two officers out, but the Romulan Commander hopped on his back. She was taken hostage by the Federation and Kirk brought the cloaking device back to the Federation. They came back with one other plus- The commander of the Romulan Ship.

Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise went through the good and bad together as they made history. At one time, the Enterprise neared an Ion field and an old friend of the captain's, Ben Finney staged his own death to make Kirk look guilty. He sabotaged the ship's systems to make it look like Kirk panicked and Jettisoned Finney out while he wasn't on full alert status. The Enterprise crew went on leave and the Enterprise was repaired while Kirk stood general court martial, but was proven innocent.

The Enterprise also encountered another interesting thing when they discovered the Botany Bay lost in space with it's crew of tyrants overthrown from the Eugenics War, were still in suspended animation. Lieutenant Marla McGivers, the ship's historian found the leader, Khan fascinating. It was surprising though, that they even survived. Khan, with the help of seventy other genetically engineered tyrants attempted to take command of the Enterprise. Khan tried to kill Kirk once but failed and Khan went down to beat him to death but, once again, failed. Khan and his followers were sentenced to permanent exile on Ceti Alpha Five.

In Vulcan physiology, there is a time where all of the beholders emotions come out. This is the time of mating for a Vulcan, or Pon-Far. Spock underwent Ponn Far on Stardate 3372.2. Spock had a serious temper which he couldn't control. He almost attacked Nurse Chapel. Spock was going through a chemical imbalance. He requested shore leave on Vulcan and Kirk broke orders for him. When they arrived, he was in the Plack- tow stages. He was forced to kill Kirk for his mate chose Kirk over him. In the end, Kirk was dead by simulation and it turned out that Spock's mate preferred a man named Stonn. Spock understood and left her and Pon-Farr.


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