Voyager Ship & Crew

Ship- USS Voyager NCC-74656

The USS Voyager was launched about stardate 48545 under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway. She was an Intrepid-class starship that was meant to be in space for only a few weeks or months until returning to port. The Galaxy- Class was the opposite and could stay in space for at least five years at a time. In 2371, she left port to chase after a Maquis ship that had headed into the Badlands a few weeks before. When they arrived in the badlands they were thrown into the Delta Quadrant.

Janeway had to hold the fort down and was the best to do it. She did much research before even beaming onto Voyager only to be thrown 30 years away from Earth. The Delta Quadrant was full of many more anomalies and alienated races to be known about. Janeway went into Nebulae and found a way to enhance their shields and use special gases to use as engine fuel. The ship went into battle with many other ships such as the Kazon-Olga, the Hirogen, and even a group of renegade holograms!

The chef did cooking instead of using replicator so the limited power wasn't wasted. Voyager was equipped with 2 holodecks. They had to be shared among the crew whenever someone got homesick. Voyager shared technology with other cultures to. They shared there holograms with the Hirogen so that they could use them to practice hunting. I guess you could call them the Klingons of the Delta Quadrant. The holograms went renegade and attacked Voyager and a Hirogen ship. The doctor got them down pat, though. The ship called USS Voyager was not just a ship, but a home for all Janeway's officers stuck in the Delta Quadrant.

Crew- USS Voyager NCC-74656

Kathryn Janeway is both the mother of the Starship Voyager and her crew. When they were thrown out into the Delta Quadrant, Janeway wasn't a Captain, but the mother of the ship, USS Voyager NCC-74656 and her crew. Janeway and the senior officers worked together to keep everyone alive in the land of savages, the Delta Quadrant. Janeway makes all of the top decisions for the ship. Their are some good and some bad decisions that she made. One of the bad one was to lend technology to the Hirogen, they abuse the matter by abusing the technology.

The decision was hers to make when they asked the Maquis crew of Chakotay and the rest to join Voyager. That added to the glammor of USS Voyager. Since the trip out from the Alpha quadrant caused the death of the Voyager's first officer and the Main Engineer, she asked the commander, Chakotay, to become the 1st officer and B'Ellana Torres, the Maquis ship's Main Engineer, became the same on Voyager. They also found someone native to the Delta Quadrant, named Kes who showed interest in Voyager. She was an ocampan that has about a nine year life-span. She and Neelix began dating and she trained with the doctor top become a top nurse.

Neelix was of the Talaxian race and soon became integrated into the Voyager crew as the chef at the Galley. Voyager was ready for joined quarters for marriage for they would be in the Delta Quadrant for many years at best. This came of importance because the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Torres married Lieutenant Paris. They also are going to have a child together. So, the Voyager crew had some good and bad times but learned to integrate each other into their own life and become a family.

In the series finale, the elder captain Janeway, 26 years older than the actual Captain Janeway, came back to the past to guide Voyager back home an unnatural way. After all, it took her over 3 decades to do it the natural way. The USS Voyager, in the normal timeline, entered a nebula that was full of borg, but immediately turned back. Then, in the nick of time, Admiral Janeway comes from the future with a plan to save USS Voyager. The crew hooked Voyager up with the necessary equipment from the future and entered the wormhole. They had no problems with the Borg ships for the new transphasic torpedoes really helped.

One thing the admiral didn't tell the captain until she found out herself was that there was a Borg hub inside the nebula. Seven said that there were only 5 in the known galaxy. The admiral ordered ahead and the captain ordered to go back. They followed captain Janeway's orders. After a long discussion outside the nebula with the admiral and the senior crew, Janeway devised a strict plan to go back into the nebula and use the transwarp hub to go back to Earth and destroy it so the Borg don't cause anymore damage.

Admiral Janeway had herself taken hostage by the Borg Queen (Alice Krige). She had a Borg-damaging poison in her bloodstream that when she was assimilated, it would destroy the collective. But, one of the Borg ships could still read the Queen's thoughts and proceeded after Janeway into the hub. The captain shot a torpedo toward the hub soon after entering it causing it to blow up. The borg ship took Voyager into their shuttlebay. On Earth, a fleet of warships were waiting for the Borg sphere. When it came out, they fired but all attempts were futile. Somehow the ship blew up from inside the bay and out flew the USS Voyager flew out.  So it did indeed turn out that the crew of the Starship Voyager would return home to the Alpha Quadrant!

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