It was a nice quiet reception for the wedding of Commander Riker and Counselor Troi.  Upon returning to the Enterprise NCC-1701-E the crew discovered a positronic signal being transmitted from the pre-warp Kolarun star system.  Upon arrival on the hot planet, Captain Picard proceeded to take out the Enterprise's new 4-wheel drive vehicle.  They went down in the Argo's special shuttle and proceed to find several different positronic signatures all over the desert.  They discovered the prototype of Data.  He was scattered in pieces.  They were soon after attacked by the Kolarun's in their own 4- wheel drive vehicles.  They proceeded back to the Enterprise and were give orders to proceed to Romulus while they waited for a peace conference.  They heard of the new Reman praetor named Shinzon.  Who was Shinzon.  A stunning detail about him was soon discovered.  He was Picard's own younger clone.  What was the deal  with praetor Shinzon.  He offers peace, however will he follow through?  Will the Enterprise make it home? in one peace?

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To find out the correct answers- simply highlight the words next to the question.

1. What was the name of the 4-wheel drive vehicle that they used as they traveled on Kolarus III? Argo

2. What is the unique custom that they do on the planet Betazed at a wedding ceremony? they must be naked

3. What Federation starship listed in the fleet to intercept the Romulans was named after a famous early exploration hero of the final frontier?  the USS Archer

4. What genetic disease did the Picard family males have, as well as Shinzon?  Shallaft's Syndrome

5. What was the name of Shinzon's vessel?  the Scimitar

6. What was the name of the main Romulan Warbird of the two that intercepted the Scimitar during battle. the Valdore

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