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Utopia Planitia - Picture Gallery - Starships - Movies - Quiz - Web Rings - Software

Amazing cutaway diagrams in "Starships" ...... Learn the workings of a Photon Torpedo in "Utopia Planitia" ...... Browse the range of Star Trek Software ...... Mind-blowing Starship pics in "Picture Gallery" ...... And you call yourself a Trekkie? Check out "Quiz" ...... How does a transporter really work? See "Utopia Planitia" ......

UTOPIA PLANITIA : Indulge yourself in information about everything and anything in the Star Trek Universe.
PICTURE GALLERY : Over 30 different pics from Star Trek movies and series.
STARSHIPS : Our specialty. Detailed info, pics, cutaway diagrams and blueprints of each of the famous Federation starships, plus some more...
MOVIES : A guide to the nine Trek movies. Watch out for pics!
QUIZ : Five questions to test your Trekkieness.
SOFTWARE : Reviews and hints for Star Trek software games.

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Sev Trek - cartoon spoofs of Star Trek. Copyright 1997 by John Cook.

Site created by Hames
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