Software Reviews


Star Trek : A Final Unity

A Game By : Spectrum Holobyte

Embark On An Adventure Beyond Your Imagination!

This game is absolute heaven for dedicated Trekkies, and not such a bad catch for lovers of great games.

A Final Unity allows you to control the bridge, and the Enterprise. You will guide your crew of dedicated Starfleet officers through dangerous missions, including saving an remote research facility, and rescuing a scientist from the clutches of a ruthless smuggler.

For walk-thru instructions on how to finish the game, click here.

Star Trek : The Captain's Chair

A Game By Imergy and Simon & Schuster

This is an interactive virtual tour of the bridges of the Original Enterprise, the Enterprise-D, the Enterprise-E, the Voyager, and the Defiant.

With fully interactive Quicktime images, this is truly a unique experience. You can control the ship in many ways, for example you can go to warp 9, fire phasers, perform short range scans, authorise shuttle launches, and my favourite, activate the self-destruct (only on the Voyager bridge).

I fully recommend this product for anyone who is a fan of Star Trek. Others may find it a little boring, since they do not know what the whole thing is about.

While I was fiddling around with this particular game, I found a little secret. On the Enterprise-D bridge, go and sit in the Captain's Chair. Change your view so you are looking down to your right, and click on Picard's right-hand side computer panel.

Once the display comes up, click on "access code" on the bottom of the panel. The number "81598" will start flashing. Remember this number.

Now go to the tactical station, directly behind the Captain's chair. Click on the right-most tactical panel. On the left of the panel there will be a keypad saying "Enter Starship ID." Press the buttons to enter the code "81598." Once you have entered the code, the computer will take you to the bridge of a Klingon Bird-of-Prey. You cannot use any of the consoles, but it is really cool just to have a look around. To return to the Enterprise-D, click on the button in the extreme bottom left.



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